Chapter 426 No Signs of Being in a Hurry

Symeon smiled and replied, “Try me.”

After taking her last bite, Amanda took the plate and walked toward the kitchen to wash the dish before going to bed. Nevertheless, she heard the man’s voice coming from behind her. “Just leave it there. Somebody else will take care of it.”

“Oh.” Amanda turned around and walked out of the dining area, ready to return to her room. for a shower before bed.

Meanwhile, Symeon was left alone behind at the dining table, finding Amanda’s response amusing as he chuckled silently. She is an interesting lady, isn’t she? But why does it seem to me that she is not the same lady as she was that night four years ago? Has Amanda really changed? Or is it because my memory failed me after such a long time?


Deep down, Symeon could still remember the lady’s enthusiastic approach and the things she said to him. Nevertheless, he couldn’t hear them clearly because he had been drugged at that moment.

While it seemed to him that Amanda had become a completely different person from the one he met that night four years ago, Symeon believed that was because people changed with time, thinking her role as a mother must have made her a more mature woman than she ever was before. At the same time, he kept convincing himself not to overthink as there was no way he would have captured the wrong person. We ran a DNA paternity test, and Amanda admitted it herself. So, nothing could

go wrong.

Two days later, it was finally time for Amanda to execute her escape plan with her son, but for some reason, she appeared to be restless the whole day. After all, Symeon was supposed to fly off in the evening, but at that moment, he was still seen sitting in the mansion without any signs of being in a hurry. Having moved into Villa No. 5 with Aiden, Amanda was waiting for Symeon to leave so that she could sneak into Villa No. 4 with her son to meet up with Yacob at midnight.

Soon, the nanny, Colette, came over to inform Amanda and Aiden for dinner. “Miss Bailey, it’s time for you and Mr. Aiden to have dinner.”

Amanda desperately asked, “Has Mr. Lawrence left?”

“No, he hasn’t. He is still in the study.”

What’s he doing in the study? It’s almost dinner time. Are you still going to Fliaria for a business trip? “I thought he was going on a business trip. So, why is he still in the study?” Amanda sounded agitated, confusing Colette.



Alre about that. Colette turned around and walked away upon giving a

brief reply.

couch in a panicky manner. If Symeon changes his plan and cancels his business trip tonight, Yacob is going to get caught when he comes later. In fact, the reason Yacob and the others were able to easily infiltrate the place so easily was because the banquet gave them the perfect

later, Colette came again to remind Amanda for dinner. “The food has gotten cold, Miss Bailey. Would you like

“It’s alright. I’m coming.”

the dining room alone, she was surprised to see Symeon sitting there. In fact, the sight of

to see me?” Symeon

chair before keeping a distance between

behind Amanda but didn’t see the child.

he asked.

up. After all, he gets cranky when he doesn’t get

exactly me. He’s truly my son.”

you supposed to go on a business trip? Why are you still here?” She asked while eating without looking Symeon in

and said, “I’ll leave after our

Amanda felt relieved. So that’s what it is. Now, hurry up and leave now, or I’m going to have

you to spend with him



awkward atmosphere, Amanda was too engrossed in observing Symeon’s reaction without realizing that she hadn’t been

finishing his meal. Symeon wiped his mouth with a napkin and slowly stood up. “Alright, I’m leaving now. If there’s anything you

go to. Furthermore, I’ve been prohibited from getting my hands on any form of communication

here are really skilled, and I won’t be able to taste their cooking after leaving this place. So,

to be in a good appetite at all when Symeon

planning to take advantage of the dark surroundings to

spent almost the whole day sleeping without even taking his dinner. Nevertheless, despite Amanda’s effort in waking up her son, Aiden couldn’t seem

but as soon

hot at the same time?” Amanda’s heart skipped a beat as she wondered whether her son had a fever. He had been sleeping all day with barely any appetite. When I fed him earlier, he told me he was already full even though he only took a few bites. At the thought of that, she stuck out her arm to touch Aiden’s forehead. Gosh! He is really having a fever! D*mn it! Of all the times this could have happened, why does it have to



darling! Once we get out of here, I’ll take to the doctor right away.” She responded, wrapping the child with a blanket as she left the room with Aiden in her

of a three-year-old child only added to Amanda’s strenuousness. Apart from that, the fact that Aiden caught a fever left her even more worried and bothered, but even so, there was nothing else she could do besides praying that they both could leave the mansion safely



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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