Chapter 444 If You Miss Me at Night

Amanda opened the door, ready to enter her room.

She stopped and turned back to look at Elias behind her. “This is my room. If you miss me ai night, you can come find me”

Then, she entered the room and closed the door

He sneered as he found it ridiculous. Why teowld I mix What is there to most

He then entered his room, which was abutting to hers.

It was a coincidence that their rooms were next to each other.

The moment Amanda entered the room, she shed her disguise. Leaning against the door, she slowly slid down and cried.

The way he looked at her with those unfamiliar eyes pained her, causing her tears to flow incontrollably.

Why did it turn out like this? When will he be able to recover his memory?

Suddenly, her phone rang. Amanda picked up her phone and glanced at it. It was Aiden calling front -Esmos.

She quickly wiped away her tears and calmed herself before answering the call.

“Sweetie, what’swrong? Did you miss me?”

“Mommy, I don’t want to eat that. Mr. Lawrence is forcing me to eat it. I hate it.”

sat on the carpet and smiled. “You need the nutrients, sweetheart. How else will you grow

But don’t want to eat fried eggs. I want to eat pasta. The egg-fried rice you made when we were at Dad house was delicious”

She sighed softly. “Could you pass the phone to Symeon? I need to talk to him.”

“Okay, Mojimy. I’ll pass the phone to him.”

guy is

sound of Aiden running to

sid Symeon, “Mr. Lawrence, Mommy wants to talk to

is really

Amanda heard Symeon’s voice from the phone. “Is he calling to complain


that Aiden doesn’t like the food. You shouldn’t force him to eat

cats? I am his guardian, and I am responsible for his diet and daily life. This is all

do you mean by ‘abandoned him? Are you willing to let me


all Amanda’s anger surged up Why are men so

of sarcasm. If you really love Aiden, you should beg me to

many harsh words she wanted to say, but she held them back. After all. Aiden

afraid that Symeon would think that Aiden was

Aiden after realizing that Aiden was

she hoped that

a tiny bit of guilt toward Aiden, treat him better. He’s just a bit picky about food.

Why would I return my son to you? Dream on.”

giving Amanda a chance

Now that Aiden is with him, why is he so angry! What right does he have to be angry?

She quickly picked it up, thinking it was Aiden

dismay, it

Yacob calling. He was probably getting bored

answered the call, “Yacob”


is it? Have you seen

wake up,

and ask him to save the young boy.” He sounded exted as if

let out a helpless laugh. “But he lost his memories. He

could this be? He doesn’t remember anyone; Not even you? Has he forgotten about me

you think? If he doesn’t remember me and Aiden, will he remember you?

we do? He needs to recover his memory quickly. What should we

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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