Chapter 453 Are You Threatening Me?

After watching Amanda’s leaving back completely disappear, Boris said seriously, “Miss Momsey, it’s getting late. You should go back. Mr. Winters has already instructed me to have the driver take you.”

“Why should I leave? Eli didn’t tell me to leave when he told her to go. Besides, he’s in such an unstable mood right now, How can I feel at ease leaving?”

Rosie walked toward the elevator, wanting to go up and see how Elias was doing.

But the butler stepped forward and said a few more words, “Miss Momsey, forgive me for speaking out of turn, but Mr. Winters is in a bad mood right now. Even if you go up. I’m afraid you won’t get a good reception. It’s better to go home and talk about it tomorrow.”

Rosie hesitated for a moment. It seemed like he was right, but she couldn’t control herself. She just wanted to go up and see.

And right now, she didn’t want to leave Elias for even a second. Just like last night, all she did was go home to take a shower and change her clothes, but Elias and Amanda ended up kissing. If she completely disappeared, these two might just end up in bed together.

Absolutely not! She absolutely didn’t want to leave Elias again!

“Do you need to meddle in my affairs? Just do your job! Stop bothering me!” Rosie gave Boris a disdainful look and went straight into the elevator.

He watched as the elevator doors slowly closed and shook his head helplessly. “You never know what you have until it’s gone.”

Ding dong. The elevator doors slowly opened.

Rosie eagerly walked out and headed toward Elias’ bedroom. When she reached the door, she found it tightly shut.

She knocked on the door. “Eli, can you please open the door? Have something to eat. You haven’t eaten or drunk anything since you came back all day. Your injuries haven’t healed properly yet. How can you be so


Suddenly, the door was forcefully pulled open, which startled Rosie, who immediately covered her mouth.


looked extremely impatient. “Go back. I want to be alone for a while. If there’s anything, we can talk about

“Eli, listen to me. What Amanda said isn’t true. She has lost her sanity now and desperately needs someone to take the blame. That’s why she’s endlessly slandering me. Our relationship wasn’t that bad before. If it wasn’t for

Elias closed



the closed door helplessly but could only turn around and

didn’t go anywhere else but chose to stay

in Aiden’s place. So, she called him, wanting to talk to her

Ring Ring….

voice came through the phone, ‘Mommy! You finally


a little busy these past few days. Have you had

Lawrence said he’d take me to the kindergarten Tused to attend. Mommy, I

stop thinking about those friends and was worried that he would never see them again.

“Really? That’s great.”

my friends now. I’ll call you after school.

me anytime. I’ll be waiting for you. She thought the call would end there, but unexpectedly, Symeon’s voice came through the phone. “Do you think it’s

“That’s none of your business. You promised me that you’d always pass the phone to Aiden. You can’t regret it now. He’s still young and cant leave me. If you break our contact, it’ll cause him trauma. No one will be able to

“Are you threatening me?”

“Merely stating the facts.”

snorted before hanging up

as she listened to the ending beep. She had to bring Aiden back as soon

couldn’t be triggered further. Now that Elias only trusted Rosie and treated her as the enemy. What could she do to

familiar number

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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