Chapter 455 Hate

Melissa was so frantic that she didn’t hesitate to shove Amanda away. As a result, Amanda tumbled to the ground as Melissa took the opportunity to flee.

Unfortunately for her, Amanda wasn’t about to allow the woman to get away so easily. So, she

immediately grasped onto Melissa’s skirt. She wanted Melissa to experience the panic she felt because of Melissa’s schemes. She wanted this deplorable woman to learn that not everyone would be happy to be one of her pawns.

Meanwhile, when Elias saw what was happening, he walked over, shouting angrily. “What are you two doing?”

Melissa froze in place the instant she heard his voice. She couldn’t help but assume that Ehas hadn’t really lost his memory and that this was all a trap.

On the other hand, Elias’ anger wasn’t because he saw the two women fighting. It was because he saw Amanda being pushed to the ground. That scene ignited his fury almost instantaneously. It was odd that even he didn’t understand why he would be so angry by such a sight.

Amanda had done unforgivable things against him. She even went as far as cheating on him. Yet, he couldn’t help feeling outraged when he saw that she was being bullied by someone else.

Elias couldn’t help but wonder if something was wrong with his brain. Why would he keep siding with Amanda unconditionally?

Amanda struggled to stand up as the palm of her hands had been scrapped when she fell. So, they stung rather terribly at the moment.

Although he noticed the injury on her palm, he still snarled, “Why did you return? Didn’t I tell you to leave? How dare you show your face here?!”

Melissa originally thought he was talking to her, but when she saw that the man’s gaze was directed at Amanda… She immediately realized that Elias really had lost his memories.

Otherwise, why would he be so harsh toward Amanda? She had seen how Elias treated Amanda in the past. He had always been gentle with her, treating her like a precious gem.

A sly smile appeared on Melissa’s face. Then, she whispered into Amanda’s ear when she helped the woman up. “So, he has truly lost his memories. You were lying to me. You’re quite cunning yourself.”

Amanda was about to explode with anger.

Melissa would have revealed her true colors long ago if it weren’t for this annoying man. Unfortunately, he just had to appear right now, ruining her plans while he was at it.

“Do you think I care about you? I wouldn’t even bother thinking about you if I weren’t so worried that you’d be used for your money and status!”

without looking back. Sure, her actions were partly fueled out of spite. Regardless, she also sincerely doubted Elias would take Melissa’s words at face value after causing such

didn’t bother chasing after her. He had



his gaze shifted from Amanda’s figure to the unfamiliar woman

her. Where did this Melissa come

what Amanda spat

did she mean by ‘deceiving him for money and

man couldn’t help but sneer. Did

“Who are you?”

like he truly didn’t recognize her. So,

had definitely

caused the car accident. that

the man had indeed

an old

turned to the butler behind him. “You’ve been

the butler shook

because the man had truly lost his

you our relationship in

before Melissa could finish her sentence, Elias had already lost interest and raised his hand. “Get this woman out of here. From now on, don’t allow any unfamiliar woman entry. Do they think

man turned and walked toward his home without even a sliver of hesitation. He didn’t want

deceive him for money and sex? Did he look like someone who would be

don’t you want to hear what I have to say? Do you just believe everything Amanda says? Do you know what she has done to you?” Melissa wanted to use the fake paternity test to create some misunderstandings between the two. Regrettably, she didn’t know that Rosie had already used that test to

man suddenly stopped in his tracks and

Melissa’s eyes.

was once my woman. Although I have forgotten many




even so much as a backward

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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