Chapter 461 Being Possessed

After leaving the hospital, Rosie glanced at the man’s profile, eager to gauge the effects of the earlier. hypnosis Hence, she asked tentatively. “Eli, what should we do now?”

Elias stopped walking, his gaze clouded with confusion upon hearing this. It appeared that he, too, had forgotten his intended course of action. He turned to face the woman behind him and asked, “What would you like to do?

“I… Well, it’s already noon, and my stomach’s growling. How about we grab some lunch?” she suggested.

Instead of declining, he nodded and replied, “Sure, let’s go.”

As they strolled toward the parking lot, her heart swelled with joy as she observed his retreating figure. Inwardly, she pondered, Is it working? Could this signify the success of the earlier hypnosis? At least he no longer rejects my presence. Heh… If this keeps up, perhaps I’ll become the sole occupant of his thoughts and heart. Suppressing her excitement, she followed behind him and entered the car.

Once they settled into the vehicle, the driver navigated away from the hospital.

Throughout the ride, Elias remained silent. His mind seemed occupied by the faint, mystical sound of bells. However, no bells were in sight when he scanned his surroundings.

Meanwhile, Rosie noticed his strange demeanor. Hence, she feigned concern and inquired, “Eli, are you okay? Do you have a headache again?”

“No. By the way, did I talk in my sleep at the doctor’s office earlier? Also, is the doctor a woman?” He only remembered seeing a female doctor as she entered the room, and then an inexplicable drowsiness overcame him. During this time, he drifted into a prolonged dream. Eventually, he awoke, only to realize that three hours had slipped unnoticed.

She feigned a puzzled expression and remarked, “Yes, it was a female doctor. However, you didn’t talk in your sleep. Perhaps you were simply exhausted and dozed off.”

Then, he fell into contemplative silence and said nothing.

For the rest of the day, Elias was quite accommodating toward Rosie. He didn’t return to the company but dedicated the entire day to her. Even he couldn’t fathom the reason behind his actions. It felt as though an inner voice urged him that he cherished her above all else.

fell, he dropped her off near the Momsey Residence. She beamed as she unfastened her seatbelt, ready to exit the car and return home. In the meantime, he also stepped out of the car, accompanying her to the residence’s

spent the entire day with

It’s getting

way, I’ve recently learned two new dishes. Ill prepare them for you tomorrow and


in disbelief. momentarily wondering if his eyes were


gentleness toward his

overtime work didn’t cross his mind. He only wanted to head home and enjoy a

there in a daze. “Taylor,

“Hold on! What’s

as you witnessed. Eli has been treating me well,” she responded with an irrepressible giggle. The present scenario delighted her, and she secretly

man had been possessed, as he now acted contrary to his usual demeanor. “That doesn’t seem right. Even after he lost his memory, he wouldn’t treat you so warmly. Despite not rejecting you, I’ve noticed him avoiding you. And now, he’s suddenly so close to you, his indifference replaced with intimacy. What exactly transpired between you two?” he asked. In a sudden realization, he blurted out, “Did you two… You know?” The only explanation he could conjure

her brother. “What are you insinuating? Eli

is it? Is he possessed or something? How could you possibly be with such a

everything, she chose silence as her

off the mark. Unbeknownst to him, he had willingly succumbed to the art of hypnosis. The hypnotist had skillfully interwoven

rather not tell you. Isn’t this a positive development?” She grinned before sauntering into the villa, leaving Taylor in bewilderment.

into the grand Lawrence Estate under the guise of a gardener, tending to flowers and clearing weeds.

caught sight of the little


had relocated Aiden to another villa. Hence, Yacob had to search relentlessly.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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