Chapter 478 Who Is This Simon?

After driving a considerable distance, they finally managed to lose the group of bodyguard and Simon breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at Amanda in the back seat, who had fallen unconscious. He knew getting her to the hospital was now a top priority.

At that, he sped up, heading toward the downtown hospital. However, the rain was getting intensifying, seemingly conspiring to slow him down.

During this time, Simon’s phone kept ringing, displaying a woman’s name-Violet. Howeve he never answered any of them. Seventeen missed calls later, she finally gave up and didn’t call again.

Meanwhile, Elias had been anxiously waiting in the hospital, eager to return to the estate an see what had happened. However, the doctor insisted he stay put, and a nurse stationed. herself at the nurses’ station. One had to pass by the station to reach the elevator, leaving no opportunity for him to sneak away.

He kept his eyes glued to his phone, waiting for a call from his bodyguards.

Why haven’t they called yet? Haven’t they found her?

He cursed their incompetence, unable to believe they couldn’t even keep track of one


Elias was growing increasingly impatient and felt a throbbing headache starting to form. He leaned against the bed, his eyes fixed on the phone screen, feeling restless.

For some reason, he felt a growing sense of unease, as if he feared that Amanda had indeed. managed to escape.

Finally, the phone vibrated. Elias immediately picked it up, unlocked the screen, and put it to his ear. “How is it? Have you found her?”

The bodyguard on the other end of the phone stammered, “Mr. Winters, Mrs. Winters, she… she escaped from the estate through a dog hole and got into a car. We couldn’t stop her, and it seemed like they had planned it in advance. I checked the car’s license plate, and it belongs to Simon Nicholson, the founder of Justice & Associates, which means Mrs. Winters left with this Mr. Nicholson”

The bodyguard sand something else on the phone, but Elias couldn’t hear it anymore All the registered was the fact that Amanda had left with someone named Simon Nicholson


is this Simon Nicholson, and where did this guy

he couldn’t recall anyone by that name due

and he even began to suspect that Simon mig be the man Amanda was seeing behind

his head with one hand, trying to

We’re not sure about

What are you waiting for? Get

“Yes, sir!”

up the phone, Elias lay back on the bed, his severe headache making his phon slip from his grasp and fall

and he felt like his thoughts

Elias pressed the call button

a matter of seconds, a doctor and a nurse rushed into the ward. Elias, unable to hold on

knew how close he was to Amanda at that moment, he would have crawled if he had to, just to get

Since returning to the country, she had only been to Simon’s house a few times, but she remembered it vividly because of its

previous night’s events-how she had escaped from the estate through the


and Simon, now dressed casually, walked in carrying a mug of ginger tea. He was surprised to see her

throat and replied, “Thank you,

drinking it all in one go.

much. During her four years abroad, Simon had helped her tremendously, which was why

woman she had heard when she called for

“Simon, are you…


seeing someone?” Amanda asked

She keep pestering me despite me telling her that we’re not a good

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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