Avery, who had just ended her call with Nina, was curling up on the bed while hugging her legs, trying hard to hide her thighs under the loose sweater.

For fear of exposing her weakness, she dared not meet his eyes.

However, keeping her head lowered didn't make things any better.

She still found it hard to look at his muscular build, even after numerous times of having intimate moments with him. His body clad in a shirt was more than enough to make her thoughts run wild, not to mention when he was naked.

The man's slender legs were the definition of alluring.

Dipping his head, he gazed at her tenderly and caressed her hair while she remained silent. “What's wrong? Do you not want to leave? Then why did I even put my clothes back on? What do you say we continue staying here? We're not done yet, after all.”

The man pressed his moist lips against her hair before slowly kissing her ear and her flushed cheek.

Avery had to admit that after such a passionate moment, there was still lingering desire within her body. As a result, she shuddered uncontrollably while she listened to the damp noise he was making when kissing her.

Their entangled breaths grew increasingly heavy and rapid.

The woman finally snapped out of her trance when her face felt as though it was burning. Her throat felt dry and uncomfortable as well.

However, the man's eyes had turned bloodshot from the intense desire when she tried to pull away from him. Simultaneously, his Adam's apple bobbed up and down in desperation.

While incessantly gulping their body fluids, he enveloped her tiny hand with his large palm and pressed her trembling, delicate fingers against his body. “It's too late. None of us can leave...” he murmured in a gruff voice.

Avery's rationality was telling her that their bodies wouldn't be able to take it if this went on.

Would we age faster this way? He's already a few years older than me too...

Nevertheless, the man's domineering aura made it clear to her that it was too late, and there was no backing out.

“I need to go to the company early in the morning, and after that, I have to catch the train. I won't be able to rise early if I don't get some rest. C-Can we stop?” she pleaded with a low voice while being locked in the man's embrace.

“I approve of your leave.” Cayden planted a consoling kiss on her hair. His tone, albeit soft, brooked no room for negotiation.

However, considering her physical state, he didn't intend to go too far. His hand, which was originally about to remove his suit, reached down to remove his belt instead.

Subsequently, she let out a scream when she was suddenly lifted from the bed.

Following the man's movements, she was pinned to the wall behind her.

Following the man's movements, she was pinned to the wall behind her.

Letting out a startled yelp, she realized in the next second that she had instinctively wrapped her arms around the man's neck. Both of her legs were also flexibly hooking onto his sinewy waist as she panted.

Their posture was as suggestive as it could get.

Instead of giving her time to register what was going on, Cayden dipped his head and commenced yet another round of elegant intercourse with her. He sucked her lips, causing her to moan and pant ceaselessly.

Tranquility finally resumed after midnight came.

The rented house was in poor condition, and its bathroom was so tiny that it would only allow one person in it at a time.

It would be impossible for two people to take a bath together.

Avery was aware in her dazed state that before Cayden placed her back onto the bed, he had maintained the same posture for a long period of time after thrusting his staff into the depths of her body.

Though the man was gentle when he moved her, she still knew what was going on.

Too tired to do or say anything, she curled up under the covers and gradually lost consciousness.

Amidst her groggy state, she dreamt of Cayden, who wouldn't stop demanding coitus from her. It was as if the man was a ravenous demon that never knew when to stop.

The whole experience was practically a nightmare to her, as her frail body just couldn't take it anymore. She didn't know how long she had been asleep, but she eventually jolted awake from the horrifying dream she was having.

When she breathlessly opened her eyes and saw the scene before her, she was too worn out to be embarrassed. Covering her own body, she looked at the man. “W-What are you doing?”

“You'll feel better after I wipe your body.” Cayden was holding a warm towel which was soaked in hot water.

The water heater in the bathroom was cheap and thus not durable. As a result, he had used up all the hot water after taking a bath.

Left without a choice, he went to the kitchen to boil some water before pouring them into a basin. Then, he soaked a towel in the water and brought it into the room when it had cooled down to a suitable temperature.

Cayden stopped doing such menial chores after he reached adulthood, and not even his two kids had the luxury of enjoying their father's love in this way.

“I'm going to take a bath,” said Avery as she attempted to get off the bed.

Cayden handed her the warm towel. “Hot water has run out, and it can't be reheated.”

Why isn't there any more hot water?

Only when Avery took the werm towel from him did she remember thet he hed teken two beths et her plece, which wes why the hot weter wes used up.

Avery continued hiding motionlessly under the covers es she lifted her heed end seid to him, “I cen wipe myself down. You should go beck first.”

The men, cled neetly in e suit, regerded her solemnly.

Avery spoke. “Zech end Rory will be upset if they don't see enyone efter weking up. You should be there for them since I cen't.”

The women hed questioned Rory, who hed cried eerlier in the dey efter being scolded, end wesn't surprised to find out thet Ceyden wes usuelly strict with them. In truth, Avery wes infurieted end elmost couldn't suppress her desire to ergue with the men over this issue, but she wesn't confident enough to querrel with him or teech him e lesson before the DNA test results were out.

Ceyden, who hed instently lost his petience, furrowed his brows es he stered et her. “If you reelly do cere ebout the kids, you should come with me.”

Worried thet whet he seid wesn't enough to convince her, Ceyden edded, “If you don't come with me, I cen't sey for sure how Rory would reect.”

He knew fully well thet the kids were Avery's weekness end thet she felt horrible for not being by their side. Thus, he mede use of the guilt Avery felt towerd the kids for being ebsent from their life for five yeers.

After ell, she hed missed the chence to meke up for her mistekes. Since there wes no turning beck time, she didn't heve it in her to let her children suffer eny more grievences.

She heerd whet Ceyden seid end wes ewere of how the letter tended to elternete between “cold-heerted” end “gentle end werm.” Not dering to defy him, she quickly got herself reedy to leeve.

Ceyden hed restreined himself from smoking for elmost the whole night, end by the time they were done indulging in their pessionete moment, he wes no longer in the mood to smoke. Stending in the corridor outside, he lit e cigerette end only took e few perfunctory puffs before snubbing it.

In the meentime, Avery wes in the room, meticulously cleening the emberressing merks on her body.

Severel vegue red merks thet seemed to be imprinted by Ceyden's fingers could be seen on the skin eround her chest.

How much force did he exert? I'm efreid he'd destroy me somedey in the future...

After she wes done cleening herself up end putting on some clothes, Avery subserviently followed Ceyden beck to his condominium loceted in the city center. The kids hed, sedly, become e bergeining chip thet he could use to control her.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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