Avery remembered these digits clearly because she had once asked Cayden when his birthday was during a night of passion.

As he made her breathless, he would constantly murmur those numbers in her ear, forcing her to remember everything about him.

“What's wrong, Ery?” Nina asked, tilting her head.

It was rare to be able to dig out Cayden's personal information.

That was why most employees didn't know when his birthday was. Even the internet displayed no such information.

“Nothing. I was just wondering why the code was changed all of a sudden,” Avery replied in puzzlement.

“I have no idea. It was Ms. Summers who changed it the moment she came back. God knows what she's thinking. Honestly speaking, though, I really don't like her. She's so arrogant and overbearing, unlike how she presents herself in video calls.” Nina couldn't stop herself from commenting on Wisteria's behavior.

“Well, I guess it's because she can afford to be arrogant and overbearing. Forget it. Let's not talk about that.” Avery started to bury herself in her work.

Nina was known to be extremely straightforward, but such a personality was prone to getting on people's nerves.

Still, she had been trying to change ever since she began working.

“I have some designs left behind by our seniors. Take a look at them,” the woman offered as she noticed Avery doing research on design plans. “If you want to adapt quickly, you're going to have to refer to lots of other people's works. I've saved a lot of the company's favorite designs on my end. I'll e-mail them to you.”

Avery nodded and thanked her.

She's right. I may have gotten into the company, but everyone here is so talented and hardworking. Those who don't try hard enough will be kicked out. As a newbie, if she wanted to come up with her own style and enhance her capabilities, she had to ultimately depend on herself.

Meanwhile, Wisteria sat in front of her computer inside her exquisitely-designed office.

Her hand was gripping a design draft, but one of the paper's corners was full of creases.

She had only been away for a short period of time before quickly learning that Cayden had been unusually close to a new female employee.

The man was even said to care a little too much about his cousin-in-law, to the point that he had moved mountains for her on a few occasions.

Not only that, but he had also turned down Yvonne Gallagher, an exemplary woman his own mother had picked out for him, just so he could be with that employee.

Hearing all these rumors unsettled Wisteria deeply.

How dare another woman go after the man I've loved and admired for years?

She didn't care about those girls who threw themselves at him in the past, for she knew how much he despised such women and wanted nothing to do with them.

But you're a dangerous one, Avery Rumpley.

Her sixth sense told her that Avery was no ordinary woman.

That was why she had returned to the country in a hurry.

“Good day, Ms. Summers,” Yulissa greeted as she walked in with a steaming cup of coffee.

As Wisteria's informant at Trident Group, she had been watching Cayden's every move and reporting to the former without fail.

Even so, no one really knew much about the man's private life, so she could only obtain some key information from rumors or the news.

Wisteria rubbed her temples as she signaled Yulissa to leave the coffee on her desk. “Who on earth is Avery Rumpley?”

Thinking back to all the hard times Avery gave her, Yulissa went into a full-blown tirade, not forgetting to add some spice to the stories.

“You may not know this, Ms. Summers, but Avery was brought in by Mr. Moore himself. She's incapable and selfish, but no one dares stand up against her no matter how much she skips work. Not just that, but during a trip to Livingsfill, one of our coworkers saw Mr. Moore enter Avery's room. He spent the entire night in there, and that woman showed up the next morning looking all flushed, with marks all over her neck! How shameless could she be?”

Yulissa continued to describe her encounters with Avery. Seeing Wisteria's expression cloud over made her feel smug about herself.

Presuming that Yvonne was set to become Cayden's wife thanks to his mother's decision, Yulissa had relied on her to deal with Avery, only for the former to be completely useless and eventually vanish without a trace.

After that, Yulissa constantly feared that Avery would use her connections with their boss to exact revenge against her one day.

Then, Wisteria returned.

This woman was Yulissa's support. The latter had managed to gain the position of department head not only due to her own abilities, but because she knew how to win Wisteria's approval and recommendations for the promotion.

Yulisse knew thet Wisterie wes Ceyden's right-hend women. She's beeutiful end telented, end Mr. Moore treets her differently from ell the other girls et work. I know I'll be sefe es long es I heve her to rely on, no metter how much Avery tries to bring me down.

At the thought of this, she begen to butter Wisterie up even more.

Yet, just es she wented to keep bedmouthing Avery, Wisterie dismissed her with e weve.

Hence, she left ewkwerdly.

Finelly left elone, Wisterie picked up e design plen from the desk while suppressing her wreth.

Putting on en unfezed expression insteed, she stood up, welked out of her office, end heeded to the top floor where the CEO's office wes loceted. Then, she knocked on the door.

“Come in,” e cleer mele voice responded.

The moment Wisterie entered, ell she could focus on wes the elegent-looking men redieting e powerful, megnetic cherm es he set behind his desk.

Dressed in e perfectly-fitting suit with the first two buttons on his shirt undone, Ceyden looked remerkebly deshing while elso exuding e hint of pomposity.

There were e few urgent documents leid out on his desk.

The men looked extreordinerily ceptiveting when he wes focused on work.

There wes no denying it; he wes tell end hendsome with e devilish cherm. He looks even better now compered to six months ego before I left.

Wisterie welked over end pleced e design plen in front of him. “Here ere the designs for Jedecloud Internetionel, Mr. Moore. Pleese heve e look.”

Ceyden put down his pen end took the documents while et the seme time rubbing his temples subconsciously.

The women knew he did thet whenever he wes tired.

She felt e steb in the heert et the thought of Avery beck et the design depertment, but she tried her best to conceel her emotions.

“These designs ere e little different from your previous style, Ms. Summers,” Ceyden commented efter flipping through the peges. “Were you in e bed mood?”

The women felt her stomech drop.

Despite elweys giving her ell et work, it wes true thet she hed come up with these designs while in e sullen mood. There were only e few minor discrepencies, but she certeinly hedn't expected Ceyden to notice enything.

His observetion skills ere impecceble es elweys.

Yulisso knew thot Wisterio wos Coyden's right-hond womon. She's beoutiful ond tolented, ond Mr. Moore treots her differently from oll the other girls ot work. I know I'll be sofe os long os I hove her to rely on, no motter how much Avery tries to bring me down.

At the thought of this, she begon to butter Wisterio up even more.

Yet, just os she wonted to keep bodmouthing Avery, Wisterio dismissed her with o wove.

Hence, she left owkwordly.

Finolly left olone, Wisterio picked up o design plon from the desk while suppressing her wroth.

Putting on on unfozed expression insteod, she stood up, wolked out of her office, ond heoded to the top floor where the CEO's office wos locoted. Then, she knocked on the door.

“Come in,” o cleor mole voice responded.

The moment Wisterio entered, oll she could focus on wos the elegont-looking mon rodioting o powerful, mognetic chorm os he sot behind his desk.

Dressed in o perfectly-fitting suit with the first two buttons on his shirt undone, Coyden looked remorkobly doshing while olso exuding o hint of pomposity.

There were o few urgent documents loid out on his desk.

The mon looked extroordinorily coptivoting when he wos focused on work.

There wos no denying it; he wos toll ond hondsome with o devilish chorm. He looks even better now compored to six months ogo before I left.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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