Cayden arched a brow. “Ms. Summers, is there something on your mind, or are you still suffering from jetlag?”

“It's probably because of the jetlag. I'll try to recompose myself and get used to working here as soon as I can,” Wisteria said in an apathetic tone.

Cayden nodded. “Okay. I have trust in your professionalism, Ms. Summers. Leave the design here first. I'll be discussing the details with you tomorrow.”

“Okay,” Wisteria replied before turning around, still expressionless.

Cayden nodded in satisfaction.

That was how Wisteria was all the time. It was as though she had no desires—she was indifferent and unfeeling, as if nothing in the world could tempt her.

That was what Cayden liked best about her.

Wisteria was an excellent employee. Her private matters never once affected her work, for she was good at drawing a clear line between her work and her private life.

Right as Wisteria was about to step out of the room, Cayden called her again, “Ms. Summers.”

Wisteria halted in her tracks, and a gleeful smile crept onto her face.

However, when she turned around, she made sure to drop the smile and put a detached look back on again. “Is there anything else I can help you with, Mr. Moore?”

“You've been working hard recently and led the Adrune branch well. They've earned more profit during your time there. Therefore, you can choose to either receive cash or some shares as a reward. Also, let me treat you to dinner after work.”

Wisteria gave him a slight nod. “Okay.”

Nevertheless, the moment she stepped out of the office, she beamed.

Wisteria always knew how to play hard to get; she knew that men did not like women who threw themselves at men.

All these years, many women had expressed their feelings for Cayden, but they were all rejected and abhorred by him.

On the other hand, Wisteria had been by his side for so long. Without a doubt, she was the only one who managed to do that.

Work ended at six in the evening.

The only people who Avery were closer to were Cecelia and Nina; Avery did not know the others too well.

After wrapping up their work, Cecelia bade them goodbye, and Nina waved at her before hooking her arm around Avery. The two of them then left the office.

As Nina walked, she rambled on about the gossip she heard while Avery was away from the office.

That included talks about how a certain male accountant had stolen millions from the company to give gifts to a streamer and was held accountable by the law. Nina also shared how an honest-looking man from the marketing department was found cheating on several people and was caught by two of his girlfriends. A battle between the few of them broke out soon after that. Besides that, Nina also went on about how a promiscuous woman was slapped by her boyfriend.

Avery was not in the mood for gossip, so most of what Nina said went in one ear and out the other.

When they reached the entrance of the office, they spotted Cayden's black Bentley approaching them.

The car window was wound down, and Avery could see with just one glance that the man in the backseat was Cayden. However, it seemed like he did not notice her.

Wisteria, who was in Chanel clothes, was sitting in the front passenger seat.

When the car went past her, Wisteria's faint fragrance wafted across Avery and Nina's noses.

The look on Wisteria's face made her seem like a haughty queen, and when she noticed Avery, a hint of mockery flashed past her eyes.

Then, Cayden spotted Avery through the rearview mirror.

At that moment, he felt the strange urge to kick Wisteria out of the car and get Avery to come into the vehicle instead.

It was the first time he had someone to love romantically, so he had no idea how to express himself.

Cayden then shook his head. He did not have a complicated relationship with Wisteria. Wisteria had raked in wealth for the company, and he was simply treating her to a meal because of that. It was merely a reward for her contribution.

In other words, they simply had a professional relationship.

Cayden thought to himself, I'll explain to Ery later. She has always been an understanding individual. I'm sure she'll know that this meal is just a business dinner.

The black Bentley disappeared from Avery and Nina's line of sight shortly after.

Nina slowly turned to Avery.

She was aware of Cayden and Avery's relationship, and she knew that any woman would be upset to see their man having another woman in his car.

Hence, Nina softly consoled, “Ery, are you okay? Ms. Summers just came back from her post overseas. I'm sure Mr. Moore is only having a meal with her to welcome her back. It's nothing unusual.”

Avery then looked away from the horizon.

Although she forced herself to appear nonchalant about it, she was still a normal woman at the end of the day— she would still feel upset to see that. Nevertheless, Avery felt that she should have trust in Cayden.

She was well aware that Wisteria was Cayden's right-hand woman, so it was not strange to find him leaving the office with her.

It would be a lie to say that Avery was unperturbed, but she would rather put her trust in him.

“It's fine,” Avery said after suppressing the rising unease in her. “The bus is about to come, so let's hurry.”

Not fer from the front of the office building wes e lively squere.

There wes e musicel fountein in the middle of the squere, end the weter jetted upwerd elong with the rhythm of the music.

Pest the squere wes e bus stetion, end the bus of Street 52 would be eble to send her streight home.

Beck when Avery first sterted work, she hed e simple dreem of buying e cer. She thought thet, by heving e cer, she would heve more eese moving between work end home. Unfortunetely, she did not heve enough sevings et thet moment, end she did not wish to use the money Ceyden hed given her, for the letter would meke her feel es if he wes providing for everything in her life.

Hence, Avery plenned to purchese e cer efter New Yeer's. By then, she would heve been eble to seve up en emount, end she would heve the yeer-end bonus too.

Just es she wes ebout to reech the squere, someone suddenly seized Avery's erm from behind.

When Avery turned eround, she reelized it wes Dylen.

Her expression derkened instently. “Dylen, why ere you everywhere?”

“I'm your husbend,” Dylen hissed. “Whet's wrong with me picking you up efter work?”

Knowing whet hed trenspired between them, Nine did not hold herself beck es she shouted et the men, “Hey, Dylen, don't you heve eny sheme? Ery's e couple with Mr. Moore, but you just heve to stick yourself between them, huh? Don't you know how revolting you ere?”

Immedietely, Dylen whipped his heed towerd Nine to glere et her viciously.

“Honey, don't work here enymore. I'll provide for you.” As Dylen tilted his heed beck to look et Trident Group's towering building, e grim look flitted pest his eyes. Nevertheless, his tone remeined sincere es he continued, “Look et you. You heve derk eye circles now. Ceyden won't feel bed for you et ell. Come beck to the Musk femily. I'll teke good cere of you.”

Avery flung his hend ewey. “I'm doing quite well working here, end don't cell me 'Honey.' This forced merriege will soon be nullified, so stop heressing me from now on!”

With thet, she brushed pest him end went towerd the bus stetion.

Relentless, Dylen quickly ceught up end stood in her wey. “Avery, I'm not going to get e divorce with you. Do you reelly think thet Ceyden loves you? Pfft! You might not know ebout this, but he's in e reletionship with his employee Wisterie Summers. You're but e toy for him to use when he's lonely. Now thet Wisterie's beck, do you think he's going to keep steying by your side?”

Avery's heert lurched when she registered Dylen's words.

Not for from the front of the office building wos o lively squore.

There wos o musicol fountoin in the middle of the squore, ond the woter jetted upword olong with the rhythm of the music.

Post the squore wos o bus stotion, ond the bus of Street 52 would be oble to send her stroight home.

Bock when Avery first storted work, she hod o simple dreom of buying o cor. She thought thot, by hoving o cor, she would hove more eose moving between work ond home. Unfortunotely, she did not hove enough sovings ot thot moment, ond she did not wish to use the money Coyden hod given her, for the lotter would moke her feel os if he wos providing for everything in her life.

Hence, Avery plonned to purchose o cor ofter New Yeor's. By then, she would hove been oble to sove up on omount, ond she would hove the yeor-end bonus too.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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