Shaking with anger, Avery struggled for a long time to suppress the emotions that threatened to burst forth before finally calming down slightly.

“Let's not involve others in the matters between us. Nina is innocent. I hope you can let her go.” Although she tried her best to remain calm, she realized that her efforts were to no avail.

Dylan put out his cigarette, then looked her dead in the eye and said slowly and clearly, “You want me to let her go? Easy. Avery, I don't want a divorce.”

“You're despicable and shameless, Dylan!” Avery's anger flared up, and she wanted nothing more than to rip him to shreds.

However, not only did he feel no shame, but he even retorted in an amused tone, “Have you only just realized the kind of person I am? I'll stop at nothing as long as I get what I want. That guy over there is the second son of the Gibson family, Aaron. You've heard about the Gibsons, haven't you? They're the ones with a powerful background. Well, Aaron is a ruthless person and has always been one who seeks revenge over the tiniest grudge. In less severe cases, one would be lucky to get away with only broken limbs. In the worst-case scenario, one could get killed with not even a whole body left. While Aaron was drunk, that foolish friend of yours dared to kick him in the balls. What do you think he'll do to her? Oh, by the way, there's still a chance to turn things around. He and I are on rather good terms, and he owes me a favor. As long as I say the word, there could still be hope for your friend. Of course, that depends entirely on you.”

A chill ran down Avery's spine. “You can put forward any other condition apart from one related to the divorce. I'll agree to anything.”

Dylan sneered and gazed at her condescendingly. “You'll agree to any condition I propose, you say. What if I said I wanted to sleep with you?”

Stunned by his shamelessness, Avery let out an angry snort.

As Dylan placed an arm around her shoulder, she felt as though a venomous snake was coiling around her. Her back stiffened, and her hair stood on end.

Seeming not to notice her uneasiness, Dylan leaned close to her ear and said softly, “You don't have to be in a hurry to get a divorce. That's because even if that does happen, it'll have to be me who initiates it. However, let me make this clear. You're destined to be mine and mine alone for the rest of your life!”

Avery was so furious that she burst into exasperated laughter. “What's the point of clinging onto me like this? A loveless marriage is like sand. Even if you hold it tightly, it's bound to trickle away slowly. A marriage like that would only be a form of torture and restraint to the both of us, don't you get it?”

“Even if it's torture, it'll only be sweet torture. I enjoy the process of being tortured and restrained.”

“Why are you so stubborn? We only have one life to live, so why must you waste your best years on a woman who doesn't love you? We have absolutely nothing in common! How many times do I have to tell you that I'll always detest you?” she yelled, furious and frustrated.

Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around her slender waist and pulled her into his embrace. Then, he uttered with conviction, “I'll make you fall for me—completely and irrevocably.”

“Impossible. I'm definitely going to divorce you!” Avery clenched her jaw in determination.

A hint of cold malevolence glinted in Dylan's eyes, and he grabbed her by her face. “In that case, you can just wait to collect your friend's body.”

Avery had never felt so defeated before. An intense feeling of resentment bubbled in her heart, but there was nowhere to vent it.

It's as though I've fallen into a bad dream that never ends, and I can't pull myself out of it. It also feels as though I've stepped into the abyss of death where I can't breathe at all. Only the pounding of my heart is a constant reminder that I'm actually still alive. What am I going to do? Friendship and love are equally important to me, and losing any of them would crush me.

Meanwhile, after waking up and getting dressed, Zachary and Rory lounged on the couch to watch cartoons.

They had woken up to find that Avery was not home. They then saw her note saying she had left to run some errands and would be back shortly.

Being sensible children, they did not kick up a fuss. Instead, they got dressed and went to the bathroom to brush their teeth and wash their faces. After that, they parked themselves on the couch to watch cartoons while waiting for Avery to return.

Ding dong!

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

“Go and see who's at the door, Zach. Could it be Mommy?” Rory gazed at the door curiously, her soft hair tousled.

Hearing the doorbell, Zachary fetched a stool and placed it in front of him. Then he climbed onto the high stool and peeked outside, only to see that the person at the door was Weston.

He turned and said to Rory, “It's Mr. Leigh. We can open the door.”

Avery had often reminded them not to open the door for strangers if there were no adults at home no matter what, and they remembered it well.

The moment Zachary opened the door and Weston walked in, Rory happily threw herself into the latter's arms. “Mr. Leigh!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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