JK Media published an article with an eye-catching title: Mr. Moore of Trident Group wins the heart of his woman after ten long years and is blessed with amazing twins!

Although the contents of the article were cliched and melodramatic, Robert managed to save it with his excellent writing skills and Cayden being the main focus of the story. As such, that article created a huge commotion immediately after it was published in newspapers and magazines.

In the article, Robert wrote: Over ten years ago, Cayden went to the countryside to recuperate and study due to his poor health. He ended up falling for Avery while he was in that small town. It was love at first sight.

The young couple started their romantic relationship while they were in school and created tons of beautiful memories there. However, Cayden was eventually forced to return to Ackleton in order to inherit his family business. Even so, he promised Avery he would marry her after he grew up.

Many years later, Cayden grew up into a handsome and successful man while Avery became a gentle, fair lady. When the two of them reunited, Cayden went out of his way to court Avery, and they fell deeply in love once again.

Unfortunately, members of the Moore family objected to their relationship because of Avery's low status in society. Cayden's mother even went as far as getting him engaged to another woman from a prestigious family. She teamed up with that young woman and tried to drive Avery out of Ackleton. Avery gave Cayden a call when she was being forced to leave. Cayden, who was driving back from the airport at the time, panicked when he heard that and drove as fast as he could. He ended up getting involved in a car accident, which caused him to lose his memories.

By the time Avery saw him again several months later, he had completely forgotten about her. Right as Avery fell into despair, she found out that she was pregnant with Cayden's children. Due to her love for Cayden, she endured all the criticism from others and gave birth to the kids with the intention to raise them herself. As if that wasn't bad enough, the members of the Moore family discovered the existence of Cayden's children and heartlessly took them away from Avery. Fearing that Avery would show up in front of Cayden, they forced her out of the country. Although Cayden had forgotten about Avery, a vague image of her remained somewhere deep within his memories. That was what drove him to keep his distance from other women. Five years later, the two reunited once again. However, obstacles just keep coming their way one after another.

In order to portray Avery as a tragic lead character, Robert went into great detail about how tough her life was overseas.

Robert also explained the reason Cayden had remained single after losing his memories.

Thanks to his exceptional writing skills, Robert was able to turn a cliched love story into a touching one.

That article was published not only by the magazines and newspapers owned by JK Media but also shared on most major online platforms.

Included in the articles published online were photos of Cayden and his family having fun at the amusement park. There was also a montage of the two kids calling out to them in the most adorable of voices.

It was a truly heartwarming sight to behold.

The article published by JK Media garnered a huge amount of sympathy for Cayden and Avery's relationship.

Although the company had gone against its usual style of being formal and professional with its reports, the juicy contents of that article boosted JK Media's sales a lot and improved its reputation among the public.

It was only natural that people would find an article published by a respectable company like JK Media more believable than claims made by an anonymous nobody on the internet.

Just like that, the netizens were on Cayden and Avery's side.

Almost everyone was moved by their touching love story and shed tears of sympathy while reading it.

At that very moment, they finally realized that Avery was the mother of Cayden's two adorable children.

So, that's why Cayden was so obsessed with Avery! Turns out, he has been in love with her for over ten years! His love for her was so intense that he never truly forgot about her even after he lost his memories! That's why he never let any other woman get close to him all this while! Those poor kids grew up motherless because their parents were torn apart by others! Thank goodness they're all reunited now...

Thanks to that article, JK Media's magazines and newspapers were nearly sold out in just one day. That allowed the company to remain in first place among its competitors.

Cayden, however, was clenching his teeth in anger when he read the article.

What? Is that idiot in the story really me? What the heck is Robert writing? This is completely different from the information I provided him! How dare he twist my story like that?

Infuriated, Cayden called Robert and yelled, “Hey, Robert! Why the heck did you write all that? That's different from the information I gave you!”

Robert burst out laughing when he heard that. “What do you think of my writing skills? I've still got it, eh? I told you I would make it sound romantic and touching, and that's exactly what I did. Judging by the response from the public, I'd say it was pretty effective! Honestly, Mr. Moore, the story you provided me was completely unacceptable. The writing sounded so stiff that I almost mistook it for a business report! No one would want to read something that boring! You should learn to write the way I did!”

Cayden was about to snap back at Robert, but he decided not to when he recalled JK Media's influence over the public.

Although Robert's writing was a little exaggerated and melodramatic, it did help to get rid of those baseless accusations. Oh, well... I suppose the outcome justifies the impact on my reputation.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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