Cayden had an air of wisdom and elegance about him, and a single icy-cold glare was enough to make others change their attitude toward him.

Xavier made his way over to Cayden and handed him a huge stack of documents. “Here you go, Mr. Moore. I'm almost done with the task you assigned me. One of the men who kidnapped Ms. Rumpley's grandfather is a guy named David Lewis. Apparently, David is still in Ackleton. Perhaps he believes it's the last place anyone would think to look. By purchasing a fake ID card and going into hiding, David actually managed to avoid detection. Despite his cautiousness, his gambling addiction kicked in and ruined everything for him. A few days ago, David went to try his luck at a casino. That was how our men found him and captured him. With David in custody, the police are able to continue investigating the abduction of Ms. Rumpley's grandfather. Dylan will most likely go to jail if David confesses that Dylan is the mastermind and not Yvonne. Also, I managed to find lots of evidence of Dylan's crimes throughout the past few years.”

An icy-cold glint flashed past Cayden's eyes when he heard that. He patted Xavier on the shoulder and said, “Thanks, Xavier. You did a great job.”

Avery had just gotten off work when she received a call from Dylan.

He hadn't contacted her in a very long time since Cayden beat him up.

Seeing his name on the caller ID reminded Avery of the time he nearly took advantage of her.

Ugh... I really don't want to answer his call, but I'll still have to face him when I divorce him anyway.

With that in mind, she reluctantly answered the call, “What do you want?”

“Let's meet up and discuss our divorce. Make sure you come alone,” Dylan said.

Skeptical, Avery refused to believe he called her just to talk about their divorce.

Having learned her lesson, she didn't dare meet him alone either.

“If you don't come over, then you can forget about divorcing me. I'll be waiting for you at Aquaris Café,” Dylan added and hung up the phone immediately after.

Avery shuddered in disgust as she stared at the screen of her phone and recalled how dangerous and cunning Dylan was.

Her instincts were telling her that she shouldn't meet this man who harbored ill intentions toward her before they got divorced, so she decided to ignore him for the time being.

After giving it some thought, however, she changed her mind and gave Cayden a call.

Meanwhile, as soon as the call ended, Dylan floored the accelerator and headed straight to Aquaris Café.

Determined to have a proper discussion with Avery, he then booked a private room with an elegant and serene environment.

He was missing her dearly as he hadn't seen her in a very long time, and the article published by JK Media only made him all the more anxious.

I got careless... I didn't think Cayden would expose her identity as the mother to Zachary and Rory! Judging by the fact that Gregory's posts have all been deleted, it's safe to assume he has been arrested. All of the netizens are siding with Cayden and Avery after reading the article published by JK Media. It won't be long before they all start to hate me. I know Avery is nothing but trouble, and yet, I can't seem to let go of her. I'm not sure if it's love at first sight or a refusal to accept the reality of the situation. Regardless, I will never let go of her, even if holding on will only bring me pain and suffering.

A relaxing song was playing in the background as time continued to tick away.

The ashtray on Dylan's table was filled with cigarette butts, but he still saw no sign of Avery anywhere.

Unable to contain his impatience any longer, Dylan was about to give Avery another call when the door to his private room suddenly opened. Cayden exuded an intense domineering aura as he entered the room a few seconds later.

Dylan glared coldly at Cayden as he sat down elegantly in front of him.

It wasn't the first time those two powerful men were seated in the same room, but something was different about this encounter. The two of them were on guard as though they were ready to attack each other at any given moment.

“What are you doing here?” Dylan asked in displeasure.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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