Nicole leaned against the wall of the restroom, feeling immensely irritated by the cat.

No matter how she tried to tempt it using the cat food, it just wouldn't get off of the shelf by the sink. It was an intelligent creature, indeed.

Alas, Nicole was left with no choice but to continue trying.

She had to inject the medicine into the cat. After all, it was needed to play a crucial part in the next step of her plan.

Taking off her high heels, Nicole climbed onto the sink barefooted in an attempt to grab the cat and get it off the shelf.

Much to her surprise, however, the snow-white cat seemed to have read her mind. It jumped off the shelf and landed on the ground just as Nicole had gotten on the sink.

At the same time, as it was passing by Nicole, the cat swiped its sharp claws at her delicate and flawless face.

If Nicole's reaction hadn't been fast enough, she wouldn't have been able to move her arm in time to block the cat's claws, and her beautiful face would've been ruined then and there.

At that point, Nicole was on the brink of a mental breakdown, whereas the cat meowed in victory, demonstrating its dominance over the woman.

Nicole's face contorted in rage, and she swore to catch that godforsaken cat no matter what.

Finally, after a long and hard battle, she successfully caught the cat and injected the green liquid into its body.

Her success didn't come without consequences, however, as the back of her hand sustained multiple bloody scratches, courtesy of the feisty animal.

Meanwhile, Avery and the twins were busy looking for the cat.

They asked a couple of waiters about its whereabouts. Fortunately, someone had seen the cat running toward the restroom and was able to point them in its direction.

As such, Avery took Zachary's and Rory's hands and walked toward the restroom.

Just as they turned the corner, they bumped into Nicole and her assistant.

Nicole's makeup was exquisite, and she was wearing the latest Prada coat in pink. She paired the bright-colored coat with a simple white blouse and black leather pants, while both her wrists were adorned by genuine leather gloves. Nicole exuded a powerful aura that was worthy of a celebrity like her.

On the other hand, her assistant looked like a plain Jane. She had a slightly chubby figure and looked hardworking but weak. Overall, her appearance was a stark contrast to Nicole's.

A celebrity assistant, as the job title suggests, managed a celebrity's daily life tasks, but in fact, the job was no different than being a nanny.

Avery knew that celebrities would normally avoid hiring a pretty assistant, for fear that their assistant might steal their limelight. Naturally, Nicole's assistant was no exception.

Avery felt a little uncomfortable after seeing Nicole.

Despite being well aware of the fact that Cayden had no feelings toward the female celebrity, Avery still didn't like Nicole.

She didn't want to acknowledge Nicole and continued walking with the twins in tow. However, Nicole called out to her before she could get far. “What a coincidence to bump into you here, Ms. Rumpley.”

“Plenty of people visit this restaurant, so it's normal to run into people you know. But... Ms. Lambert, is this really a coincidence?” queried Avery with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

Nicole froze for a moment before asking, “Where's Cayden? Why isn't he here with you all?” Of course, she already knew the answer to her question.

Upon hearing that, Avery tightened her grip around the twins' hands and flashed Nicole a sickeningly-sweet smile. “Cayden came with me. He said he's been too preoccupied with work, and because of that, wasn't able to find time to accompany us. He felt bad about it, so he rescheduled an important business event to spend some time with us. I can't help feeling guilty about it, but he said no amount of money could make up for the joy he feels when he's with his family.”

Looking at the sweet smile plastered on Avery's face while listening to her brag about her own happiness made Nicole feel as if the wounds on the back of her hand were hurting more than they ever did.

Despite the fiery rage burning within her, Nicole maintained her composure and appeared well-mannered.

“I hope you'll always be able to smile so joyfully.” She cast a meaningful glance at Avery and snorted before walking past the latter and into a private room along with her assistant.

Avery couldn't help but shudder after seeing the woman's ambiguous smile.

What does that mean? Is Nicole trying to declare war on me?

At the thought of that, Avery felt even more repulsed by the supposedly sweet and loving celebrity. If Cayden didn't expose my identity and we weren't dating one another, Nicole could have competed with me in a fair competition. However, she clearly knew that I'm Cayden's girlfriend and is also aware that he has no feelings for her, and yet, she's determined to come in between us. Clearly, her character is questionable.

Rory looked at Avery and furrowed her brows. “Mommy, I don't like that lady at all, not even a little bit!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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