Everyone was dumbfounded by the sudden turn of events.

Rory was clearly the most taken aback, and she could only watch as the crazed white cat swung a claw toward her.

The little girl's eyes widened in terror.


With her maternal instincts triggered in an instant, Avery grabbed both children and pulled them into her arms. Then, she pressed their faces close to her chest and turned around, using her back to shield the twins from the feline's attacks.

The cat had lost its mind by now, and all its fur stood on end. With a malicious gleam in its blue eyes, it sunk its claws into Avery's sweater.

“Get away!” She tried to get the white feline off of her.

I don't get it. It was such a good kitty just moments ago. It was so cute and obedient. How did its personality change so quickly? This isn't normal!

The cat had gained more strength after being injected with the drug, so Avery's attempt at tugging it away proved unsuccessful. Instead, her action only provoked the creature further.

It proceeded to swipe at Avery's neck, causing an instant burning sensation.

Avery could feel something warm trickling down her neck. I must be bleeding!

At that moment, her palms were drenched in sweat, and she dared not move an inch. She feared that the slightest movement she made would result in harm to her children.

Thus, all she could hope for then was for a few security guards to rush over here and subdue this mad creature. If we don't do something about this cat, more customers are going to get hurt.

The woman who had been scratched in the face earlier clutched her cheek while running and screaming.

As soon as she spotted a few waiters with trays of food in their hands, she made her way up to them. “There's a crazed cat inside that restroom!” she exclaimed while sobbing and panting. “Look at what it did to my face! There are three other guests inside there—a mother and her two kids. I think the cat's attacking them as we speak!”

Turning pale in fright, the waiters put all the food down and called security before dashing toward the restroom.

Suddenly, the door to the VIP private room flew open, and a tall, handsome man walked out.

The injured woman was so stunned to see Cayden that she forgot how disheveled she looked.

Yet, Cayden simply sped in the direction of the restroom with a flicker in his eyes, not sparing her a single glance.

The restroom now looked like a complete mess.

Avery shrunk into a corner while continuing to hold her two weeping children. Streams of blood were still trailing down the few claw marks on her neck.

A chaotic mix of emotions swirled within her as she stared at the dying cat lying on the floor.

Zachary and Rory remained in shock. Given their young age, this was evidently their first time witnessing such an ordeal. It was no surprise that having a meek and lovable pet in their arms suddenly turn violent and hurt their mother would make them wail in fright.

They swore to never ask for a pet cat again, no matter how adorable it may be.

At the moment, many security guards and waiters had gathered outside the restroom. With various tools and gear in their hands, they watched the cat closely in fear that it would go into another frenzy. In the event that it did, they would have no choice but to put it to sleep.

Still, even if they didn't resort to such methods, the creature looked like it wasn't going to make it. Jacob had kicked the feline upon seeing it clawing at Avery. Judging from how its body was twitching incessantly as blood seeped out of its mouth, it was clear that the man had spared no energy in dealing with it.

“Thank you for your help, Mr. Yankovich,” Avery said to Jacob while consoling her children at the same time.

Her injuries would have been much worse if Jacob hadn't made his way to the restroom for a cigarette break and taken care of the cat.

Jacob was dressed in a black suit, and the buttons on his shirt were inlaid with fine diamonds. He also had a lit cigarette between his fingers.

He pursed his lips and glanced at the creature that was now on the verge of death. “No worries. Truth be told, this should've never happened in a place like Azure Royal. It looks like Xander's been slacking off when it comes to security.”

Just then, Stephanie ran over from the hallway in her work attire. “Are you all right, miss?” she asked while gasping for air and wiping the sweat off her forehead.

Guilt and fear overtook her as she noticed the deep cuts on Avery's bleeding neck. “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I never saw this coming. My kitty's always been so obedient that nothing like this has ever happened before.”

The moment she heard of the incident from her coworker, her instincts told her that her cat had stirred up trouble.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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