Subsequently, Nicole treated Avery like her personal assistant. Not only did she ask the latter to get a drink, pour her water, and practice lines with her, but she also asked Avery to go out and get coffee for her.

Basically, she did not let Avery catch her breath.

Every time Nicole asked Avery to do those things, she would ask in a polite manner instead of ordering the latter around arrogantly. She would even act cute and cajole the latter, which made it hard for others to find problems with her actions.

Even the employees from the advertising department felt that a daughter of a rich family who was as humble and cute as Nicole was hard to find. Hence, they believed it was only right for Avery to run all those errands.

After all, ordinary citizens rarely had the chance to get so close to a celebrity.

Meanwhile, Avery forced herself to stay calm, though she knew Nicole was only using a different method to make her life difficult.

Nicole's status was not the only reason Avery could not afford to offend the former. Avery did not want to cause trouble for Cayden. After all, William was Nicole's backer.

If Avery accidentally upset Nicole, the latter might go home and complain to William, who would use underhanded methods to harm Cayden to avenge his beloved daughter.

After getting Nicole's coffee, Avery stood beside the director and watched Nicole perform in the perfume advertisement's shooting.

Avery could not help but laugh when Joseph shouted “cut” for what seemed to be the thousandth time.

Not that Avery was gloating at Nicole, but the latter's acting skills were just that horrible.

Her acting was exaggerated, and she only cared about showing off her beauty. In the end, she neglected the main purpose of the advertisement, which was to show off the perfume. After all, the perfume was the selling point.

Alas, the more displeased Joseph was, the more terrible Nicole's acting became. In the end, it became a vicious cycle.

Unfortunately for the tall and handsome foreign male model who performed well, he had to endure the repeated interruption because of Nicole, which made him feel displeased with the latter as well.

At that point, Joseph was utterly frustrated. As someone who had been filming movies and advertisements for many years, he had met many famous actors and models but never encountered one as horrible as Nicole. Her movements were as lifeless as a mannequin.

This was supposed to be a simple advertisement that could have been done before noon, yet nothing was complete even after spending an entire day on it. For an internationally known director like Joseph, every second was precious. Naturally, he was pissed to have wasted an entire day on Nicole, who performed poorly.

When he heard a chuckle in the precinct, he immediately looked in its direction with his blue eyes filled with sternness and rage.

Nonetheless, as soon as he saw Avery's smile, he was stunned.

She wore a professional outfit and had a pair of sparkling eyes and delicate eyebrows, which formed a sharp contrast on her face.

Moreover, she looked dainty and alluring, which made it hard for Joseph to turn his eyes away from her.

Now, this is what I call hot yet innocent looking!

Unable to understand the words written in Chanaean on Avery's employee tag, Joseph muttered to the manager of the advertising department in Ustranasion, “Who's that girl? Is she also a model hired by your company? Her demeanor suits the advertisement. Why don't we make her the female lead?”

Glancing at Avery, who was in formal clothing, before shifting his gaze to her employee tag, the manager replied in Ustranasion, “Mr. Joseph, she's an employee of the design department, someone Ms. Lambert called to help us temporarily. Ms. Lambert is the lead of this advertisement. Is it really wise to suddenly switch her out?”

Avery had studied in Ustrana for several years. Naturally, she was fluent in Ustranasion.

When she realized Joseph and the manager were talking about her, she walked over, confused. “Hello, Mr. Joseph. I'm Avery Rumpley from the design department. I'm here to help out for the time being because Ms. Lambert's assistant is on leave.”

Her pronunciation was perfect, and she spoke with an Ustranasion accent. One would think she was a Ustranasion if they did not see her face.

Joseph's blue eyes sparkled instantly. After giving her name some thought, he asked with a smile, “Hello, Ms. Rumpley. I think you have an aura that goes well with the perfume advertisement for the Queen Collection. Would you be interested in giving it a shot?”

He was a prideful person with a naturally arrogant demeanor. Even when he was faced with Nicole, who had an impressive background, he did not bother treating her with respect. Instead, he was indifferent to her.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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