Avery had an average height, and her slim build was ideal. Clad in the pure white bandeau dress, she exuded a domineering and elegant air. Additionally, the crystal heels on her feet elevated her height from five feet and four inches to five feet and seven inches, further enhancing her appearance.

“Not bad at all!” Joseph exclaimed when he saw Avery, snapping his fingers in satisfaction.

When he noticed Avery's nervousness and unease, he patted her on the shoulder, murmuring, “Ms. Rumpley, acting can be difficult, but it can also be easy. Merely expressing oneself with their face or eyes won't cut it. A person needs to put their body and heart into it. Don't be nervous. It's only a simple advertisement, after all. Just relax and think of it as if you are on vacation.”

After being comforted by Joseph, Avery's nervousness abated somewhat. This was the first time she was shooting an advertisement. Truth be told, she had no experience with shoots, and what Joseph asked of her was putting her way out of her depth.

Avery wanted Cayden's perfume advertisement shoot to be a success. In order for a product to sell well, a good advertisement was of vital importance.

Even if Nicole had performed poorly, she was still a public figure and celebrity. Compared to her, I am nothing...

Avery was reluctant and concerned at the thought.

Soon, everyone made preparations and the filming began.

The people from the advertising department took their places.

Joseph and the assistant directors focused their cameras on Avery, simultaneously capturing her face that was illuminated by the lights.

“Mr. Joseph, I... I don't know how to act,” Avery said as she sat on the prop awkwardly. She was truly out of her depth and at her wit's end.

“It's all right. You only have to pay attention to my signals and listen to my instructions,” Joseph assured her.

Left with no other choice, Avery could only do as she was told. She partially lay down on the prop that was decorated with gorgeous flowers.

From the camera, one could see that Avery's delicate and fair face was extraordinarily beautiful when rendered under the lights.

She furrowed her brows slightly, lowered her head, and quirked her lips in a way that was somehow sorrowful and joyous at the same time. Although she was still at a loss, her eyes were spirited.

Joseph, who had been filming with the camera, widened his eyes in astonishment. He shouted, “Yes! That's it! Try to look more flirtatious and like you're enjoying yourself.”

Enveloped in a halo of light, Avery still felt somewhat confused. Gradually, a thought occurred to her, or perhaps something finally clicked into place. She managed to grasp what Joseph wanted her to express. The staff was seduced by Avery's smile as she smiled alluringly at the cameras. Even the atmosphere in the studio seemed to have brightened.

Nicole's expression darkened as Avery's shoot proceeded. Clenching her fists tightly, she cursed in her heart. Avery is usually so reserved and old-fashioned when it comes to her clothing. Why does she seem like a completely different person with a bit of makeup on? Obviously, she doesn't have any filming experience. So how can she give such an excellent performance?

Avery's half-exposed, slender and fair legs were captured by the camera. She sat on the flower-strewed prop languidly, a bottle of Queen perfume in her hand. Then, she casually spritzed some perfume and closed her eyes, taking in the scent.

The cameras captured Avery's delicate face, perfectly flawless at all angles.

She slanted a little before languidly uttering the slogan for the advertisement. At that moment, Avery was like a lazy cat. She was sensual, her eyes mesmerizing. She managed to showcase Queen perfume's qualities and portray them perfectly.

That was when Cayden entered the room.

Since the advertising department had their hands full with the shoot, no one noticed his presence.

Just as a handful of the staff members realized that Cayden was here and tried to greet him, they were silenced by his shushing gesture.

Naturally, Nicole had also seen Cayden. With a joyful face, she stepped forward to greet him. “Mr. Moore...”

Cayden merely nodded in response as a gesture of courtesy before proceeding to ignore her.

He watched Avery's shoot quietly, an adoring look appearing in his clear eyes.

There were countless women in the world who were prettier than Avery. However, she was the only one that managed to slip into his icy heart. To him, Avery was the one and only. She was his most special person.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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