Avery advised her, “Cecelia, don't get me wrong, but I noticed you're showing signs similar to when I was pregnant. Don't mind me saying this, but I think you should visit the hospital for a thorough health checkup. After all, a woman is responsible for caring for her body.”

Thinking back on the helplessness and anxiety that overwhelmed her when she just got pregnant in the past, Avery knew all too well the consequences a woman had to bear for getting pregnant before marriage.

Back when she hadn't realized the father of her child was Cayden, she was haunted by her speculations and imaginations of the child's father being an appalling man. The tormenting days of living under physical and mental torture were an experience she could never forget.

Avery's words seemed to have convinced Cecelia.

Cecelia rubbed her head in a daze, trying hard to recall her memories. Her heart almost stopped beating when she recollected the night she became drunk in a bar and spent the night with a strange man. I don't suppose I'm that lucky. There's no way I became pregnant after that one night, right?

Cecelia still felt her head aching terribly despite her effort to reassure herself via self-deception.

Another wave of nausea engulfed her, and she pleaded with Avery in panic, “Avery, could you go to the nearby pharmacy and help me buy a pregnancy test strip, please? Also, I don't wish for anyone else to know what happened today.”

“I got it, Cecelia. I'll help you keep this a secret. Wait here while I go to the pharmacy to buy you a pregnancy test strip. I'll be right back.”

It was the peak hour for everyone to get off work as Trident Group's employees exited their offices one after the other.

As too many people were waiting for the elevator, and Avery was in a hurry to help Cecelia purchase the pregnancy test strip, she took Cayden's exclusive elevator downstairs and strode out when the door opened.

Cayden frequently brought her with him when he used the private elevator, causing her to momentarily forget the rule that stated all other company staff could only access the employees' elevators.

When she stepped out of the CEO's exclusive elevator, Avery sensed the other employees regarding her with peculiar looks and gazes filled with complicated emotions. Some of them even exchanged whispers as they commented on Avery's behavior. Only then did she realize her mistake.

However, she didn't have the time to dwell on their reactions at that moment and swiftly rushed in the pharmacy's direction.

Many people nearby the employees' elevators were intrigued and baffled by what they had just witnessed. Those women who enjoyed gossiping, in particular, started a conversation as they stared at Avery's leaving figure from behind.

Anna uttered jealously, “Ah, is that Avery from the design department? Mr. Moore does treat her differently. Look at that. She's even allowed to use the CEO's exclusive elevator. I'm so envious...”

Anna uttered jealously, “Ah, is that Avery from the design department? Mr. Moore does treat her differently. Look at that. She's even allowed to use the CEO's exclusive elevator. I'm so envious...”

Betty shared Anna's sentiment.

However, there was an additional hint of resentment glinting in her eyes. Betty said bitterly, “Her looks aren't extraordinary, and she has such an outdated fashion sense. My beauty far outshines hers. I wonder what Mr. Moore sees in her.”

Betty was from the public relations department, and she had always been very confident of her allure in the company because of her pretty face and slender figure.

Moreover, she admired Cayden and constantly wished she could win his affection to rapidly rise to the top of the corporate ladder. Regrettably, her fantasies never came true.

And now, seeing a woman with looks inferior to hers suddenly showing up beside Cayden, Betty couldn't help but feel utterly jealous.

Cathy, another gorgeous woman, glanced at Betty and tut-tutted disdainfully while criticizing the latter inwardly. You've preened yourself in such a sl*tty manner every day. I'd be surprised if Mr. Moore is ever attracted to you!

Inside a pharmacy nearby the company, all kinds of health supplements were arranged neatly on the racks.

Avery quickly picked out two items—a pregnancy test strip and a pregnancy test kit, as she felt that the result of one test was not convincing enough.

She could understand Cecelia's mood at that moment.

The helplessness and panic felt by a woman when she suddenly became pregnant were genuinely depressing. After she had purchased the items, she hastily returned to the office.

As she was moving with urgent haste, Avery ran into someone in the company's lobby.

The things in her hand scattered across the floor. As the glaring pregnancy test strip and pregnancy test kit were highly conspicuous, some employees who were passing by turned to look at her.

All of them shifted their curious gazes onto Avery. She covered her nose, which was hurting following the collision, as her heart skipped a beat.

Without even identifying the person she had knocked into, she immediately squatted down to retrieve the items on the floor.

Then, someone pulled her up from the ground.

When Avery looked up and saw Cayden standing before her, she uttered awkwardly, “Uh, Mr. Moore...” Whenever they were at the company or in public, she would address him in that manner.

He narrowed his eyes and stared at the things tightly clutched in her hand while he curled his lips in a pleasant surprise. “Avery, are you pregnant?”

She knew he had misunderstood her, but she had also promised Cecelia to keep that matter a secret.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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