Aaron's hopeless expression was instantly replaced by a look of delight due to the unexpected discovery.

Aaron's impression of Yuvan improved, but he was still suspicious of the latter. “You're a doctor?”

Aaron was a player who changed his female companion as often as he changed his clothes. All he cared about were luxurious cars, yachts, hotels, and finding out which celebrity was more beautiful or which new female customer at the bar was wilder. As for other matters, he could not be bothered about them.

Naturally, he did not know Yuvan was well-known in the medical industry.

With his arms folded, Yuvan gave him a condescending glare from above. “Indeed, I am.”

Aaron looked up at Yuvan arrogantly. “If you can cure this disease of mine, I'll accept any request you have.”

“Wow. How arrogant of you, Mr. Aaron. This would've been more believable if Mr. Xander was the one who said it, but somehow, the fact that you said it made it sound like child's play.”

“You—” Aaron was, once again, infuriated by Yuvan's words. His face purpled with rage.

Indeed, Aaron's status in the Gibson family could not be compared to Xander's. Be it looks, status, skills, or capabilities, Aaron was not as resourceful and analytical as Xander.

That was because Aaron was the youngest son of the Gibson family. Spoiled by his grandfather and parents, Aaron became a brat, constantly drinking and fooling around. Qualities like responsibility and morality were nonexistent to him.

Xander was well-known for his talents and always keeping his word, while Aaron was known for his debauchery and flirtatious character.

Aaron really hated being compared to Xander. To the former, Xander was like a majestic mountain he could never overcome, no matter how hard he tried.

Aaron punched the bed in annoyance. Though he said nothing, the coldness in his gaze remained.

It looks like I can't keep living my life like this. I've got to make some great achievements in the Gibson family to prove myself.

Soon, the New Year was over.

Avery was extremely satisfied with the past few days.

Cayden would often give her small surprises, and the children were obedient. Hence, she did not have to worry too much. The only problem was the baby in her belly. It tormented her so much by giving her serious morning sickness. She practically vomited everything she ate.

At the same time, it drove Cayden mad and even a little resentful toward the baby. I don't even have the heart to torment her like that, yet this little devil is already behaving so naughtily in his mommy's stomach. I'm pretty sure he's going to be a restless child. Sometimes, Cayden even regretted making Avery pregnant.

Every time the baby in Avery's belly gave her a bad time, Cayden would glare at her belly and scold the baby.

Avery was amused by his childish behavior. After all, the baby was still only over a month old. How can the baby understand Cayden's words when it's not even fully developed?

In the end, Cayden asked Yuvan's help to give her some IV drips. Only then did she feel much better.

When Allie found out about Avery's pregnancy, she stopped looking for the latter for trouble, no matter how angry and displeased she felt. After all, it was her grandchild Avery was carrying.

Hence, Allie decided to avoid seeing Avery by hanging out with the other rich ladies. They would go shopping, get facials, and have spa sessions. She did not return until the sun was about to set.

Moreover, Avery and Cayden usually stayed in a different residence and rarely remained at the old manor. Many unnecessary arguments were avoided since they rarely saw each other.

The happiest person in the Moore family was, naturally, Jeffrey.

The elderly man always loved the idea of having a large family. At the same time, he always thought that the Moore family's successors were vulnerable people. Avery had already given him a pair of perfect great-grandchildren. Now that she was pregnant with another one, Jeffrey could not help smiling from ear to ear and praising Avery for being the Moore family's lucky star.

He even announced that he would reward Avery handsomely no matter the gender of her baby.

The only person in the family who had a less desirable New Year was Lily.

Ever since Lily found out about Avery's pregnancy, her gaze on the latter became incredibly hostile. She would constantly fix her gaze on Avery's flat belly, which made the latter feel terrified.

Deep down, Avery knew Lily was just a pitiful woman who got abandoned and betrayed by her husband. She deeply sympathized with Lily. However, Lily's sharp scrutinizing gaze made it extremely uncomfortable for Avery.

Even if Jeffrey was the head of the Moore family, Avery still did not like going to the Moore residence, which had a tense atmosphere.

Days passed, and soon, a week was over. It was time to return to work.

At first, Cayden wanted Avery to stay home to focus on her pregnancy. However, she was someone who could never sit still. Since her belly was still relatively small and she was in great health, she insisted on going to work.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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