Armand gazed intently at the graceful and quiet Avery, liking her more by the second.

Although he was a foreigner with typical Ustranasion features, he was not interested in Epean women. No matter how beautiful they were, he still preferred the features of women from the east.

This was particularly true for eastern beauties like Avery, who had beautiful features and a charming temperament. That was a trait he inherited from his father.

Despite Avery's lack of interest in him, Armand did not panic.

After all, he knew time was needed to capture a woman's heart.

Moreover, he was not a womanizer; he was sincere about pursuing her.

Cognizant the women were distancing themselves from him, Armand purposely changed the topic by saying politely, “Avery, I just came to Chanaea, and my Chanaean is not that good. I've always wanted to get a Chanaean name, but I can't think of a suitable one. Can you help me pick one?”

Cecelia and Nina munched on nuts as they watched the scene of Armand hitting on Avery with relish.

Haha! Mr. Moore has a love rival now! Looks like Ery's charm is boundless!

After all, the enthusiastic, hot man that just joined them had fallen for Avery at first sight and even said he wanted to pursue her. The duo could not help but wonder how Cayden would react when he found out about it.

Avery felt bad for ignoring him now that he was asking for her opinion in a gentlemanly way instead of pestering her.

Thus, she asked, “What kind of Chanaean names do you like?”

Armand waved his hand dramatically. “Oh, I really don't know. Chanaea's culture is too wide-ranging and profound. The writings make me dizzy. Even worse, each word has a different meaning. Sometimes, they contain several meanings, too!”

Cecelia's eyes were so fixated on Armand that she forgot to remove the nuts' shells. “D*mn. You even know how to use such words. Armand, don't you think you're being a little humble by saying your Chanaean's not good?”

Nina picked a slice of watermelon from the plate and ate while commenting, “Armand, your way of hitting on girls is too tawdry. Since you're so fluent in Chanaean, can't you just pick your own name? If not, I have a few suggestions for you. Hmm... Names like Nikolai Svane or Magnus Laursen should be fine. What do you think?”

Cecelia could not hold herself back and burst into laughter.

Confused, Armand scratched his head, not understanding what they were laughing about.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask, “Are these two names really that funny? Why are you laughing so hard?”

Patting her chest to calm herself, Cecelia inhaled deeply and patiently explained, “Nikolai Svane was a famous minister in our country during ancient times. Through political reforms, he made our country strong and wealthy. Sadly, he died a tragic death of dismemberment. Oh, you probably don't know what kind of execution that is. Basically, the criminal's head and limbs are tied to five horses or cattle before he's torn to pieces alive.”

That stunned Armand.

He almost puked the alcohol he consumed when he pictured the bloody scene Cecelia described.

Quickly downing a glass of water to calm himself, he asked, “What about Magnus Laursen? Surely this person didn't get torn to pieces, too?”

Avery's gentle voice rang out. “Magnus Laursen was a man in charge of the living quarters of our country's palace in the past. He was corrupted, abused his power, and even sought power to usurp the throne. In the end, he was sentenced to death by the king. Do you know what death by a thousand cuts is? It's Chanaea's cruelest death penalty. It requires the executioner to make three thousand three hundred and fifty-seven cuts on the criminal's body. The executioner will be severely punished if he makes an extra or one less cut. So, Magnus was cut for three whole days. When the execution was over, the families he had harmed in the past rushed to the scene and took the meat carved from his body home. They cooked it and ate it to relieve themselves of their hatred for him.”

After listening to the story, Armand could no longer hold back his bile and threw up into the trash can by the side.

Cecelia and Nina covered their mouths and snickered while Avery calmly stuffed a piece of mango into her mouth. Mm... It's so juicy. This is delicious!

However, she dared not eat a lot for fear of her body heating up during her pregnancy.

In the meantime, Armand puked into the trash can for three whole minutes.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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