It was late at night.

As Cecelia was in the most critical period of her pregnancy, it was slightly inconvenient for her to move around. She left after bidding farewell to everyone.

Avery and Nina also felt drowsy, so they decided to take their leave as well. With the exception of Madeline, those who remained in the karaoke room were all male coworkers.

After the male colleagues and Madeline bid them farewell, they resumed their activities in the room.

Armand did not want to stay in the boring private room any longer. He wanted to send Avery off, so he pretended to be drunk and stumbled so he could leave the gathering. The other men did not stop him since those who stayed had other interests in mind.

Those male colleagues, who appeared proper and serious at work, called in the boss of the karaoke lounge to bring in a few gorgeous escorts before continuing to drink and have fun.

While it was steamy in the private room, it was extremely cold outside of Azure Royal. When Avery, Cecelia, and Nina walked out of the entertainment outlet, the biting cold filled their lungs with every breath of the chilly air.

Luckily, they had armed themselves with down jackets and thick scarves to keep them warm, so they didn't feel that cold.

“Cecelia, should I send you back home?” Avery glanced at Cecelia's stomach with worry written clear in her eyes.

Cecelia was five months pregnant, but her stomach seemed much bigger than usual. Avery had a suspicion that she was having twins.

Cecelia patted her stomach lightly and chuckled heartily. “It's fine. I already called a taxi, so it will be here soon. It's so cold, so you and Nina should go back and rest. Are you guys taking a taxi too?”

Nina supported Cecelia's arm and grumbled coyly, “Cecelia, Ery already texted Mr. Moore half an hour ago, so he should be here pretty soon. You don't need to worry about her. You should think about yourself instead. Going home at such a late hour while pregnant is quite inconvenient. What if something happens? How about this? I'll send you back home. Then, I will spend the night at your house and leave early tomorrow for work.”

Cecelia shot Nina a grateful look. “Then, thank you, Nina.”

In reality, she had never been scared of going back late at night when she was not pregnant. However, she did not dare to treat her life lightly with her nurturing a new life in her stomach now.

Nina smiled. “Haha! Cecelia, we're all friends. You don't have to be so polite to me! We ar—”

Beep! Beep!

Not far away, a car started honking loudly in the dark.

Then, a white Mercedes-Benz pulled up to the road next to them.

Cecelia glanced at it and noticed that the car plate was AM6655. It was the taxi she had called for.

Next to the Mercedes-Benz, there was a black Rolls-Royce parked in a corner. It almost blended in with the pitch-black night, like a graceful beast concealed in the shadows.

Cecelia was well aware that the Rolls-Royce was the car Cayden used when not driving himself, so she knew that he was there to pick up Avery.

Thus, she did not go over to Cayden to greet him. Instead, she waved at the Mercedes-Benz. “I'm here!”

The Mercedes-Benz moved toward them.

Cecelia turned to Avery and urged, “Ery, our taxi is here, so Nina and I are going to leave now. Also, I saw Mr. Moore's car parked around the corner. He must have been waiting for you for a long time. You should hurry and go home to get some rest. It will be a tough battle tomorrow.”

Avery bade them farewell. “Okay, Cecelia. You and Nina ought to go home and rest as well. Don't overexert yourselves.”

After Cecelia and Nina sat at the back of the Mercedes-Benz, they opened the car window and waved at Avery. “Ery, we're leaving! See you tomorrow!”

After they left, Avery finally saw the familiar Rolls-Royce.

Cayden opened the car door and got out as Avery happily ran into his embrace.

At that moment, Armand walked out of Azure Royal and instantly saw the scene of Avery pouncing on a tall man.

Even the sight of her slender back was beautiful when she was running.

A bright light shone from the corner of the road, almost blinding Armand in the process.

He naturally narrowed his blue eyes as he saw the Rolls-Royce.

Since he grew up in a wealthy family, he had seen his fair share of luxury cars. However, he couldn't remain calm, knowing a luxury car was picking up Avery at this late hour.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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