As Avery walked onstage, she subconsciously cast her gaze over Cayden, and the tension in her heart eased a little when she saw the encouraging look in his eyes.

She distributed the printed materials to the heads of both companies and the higher-ups seated in the first two rows. Having plugged the flash drive into her laptop, she adjusted the microphone and prepared to begin her presentation.

Johnny looked grim after flicking through the file Avery had prepared. “Have you made a mistake about the meeting's agenda?”

She looked down at the file in her hand in confusion. A second later, she was gaping at it in shock. “How... How is this possible? These aren't the materials I prepared last night for this meeting but the design department's work report for our weekly meeting...”

The chairman of Vivi Group tossed the file onto the table, where it landed with a loud thud. His usually fearsome expression looked even more terrifying when he was angry. “As an architect, how could you bring the wrong materials? Even someone who only just started their first job wouldn't make a silly error like this! Do you think I'll feel reassured that someone careless like you wants to participate in this urban renewal project?”

Then, he turned to Cayden with an accusing glare. “Mr. Moore, is this the outstanding employee selected by your company? You've truly made me view your company in a different light.”

Feeling ashamed, Avery went red in the face. She accessed the flash drive in a panic to search for that project's design drawings, even going through the folders for previous projects. Alas, try as she may, she could not find them. The color drained from her face. How can this be? Knowing the significance of this collaboration between our two companies, I was very particular about saving every design drawing I prepared into the flash drive. But now, everything I stored in there has vanished into thin air!

Meanwhile, Wisteria fixed her gaze on the frantic Avery with a sneer. She could not help thinking the latter looked like a cat on a hot tin roof, running around like a headless chicken. Her lips curled in disdain. So, the woman the CEO has taken a liking to is her. Just a slight hiccup is enough to make her lose all composure. An incompetent woman like her will never hold a candle to me, much less be worthy of standing next to the CEO.

The others in the conference room started whispering among themselves.

As for the higher-ups in the front two rows, they looked up at the big screen and could not help shaking their heads while watching Avery's mouse cursor flitting about as she tried to locate the meeting materials in various folders. Her files are stored neatly in a particularly organized manner. It's clear she's usually a very meticulous person, but somehow, she made such a big blunder this time!

Although some sympathized with her, the majority disapproved of her careless behavior.

Cecelia, Nina, Trevor, and the others were also feeling as anxious as Avery, especially Nina. Seeing Avery standing helplessly and awkwardly on the stage with her pale face, Nina felt the urge to rush over and give her a comforting hug.

Apart from Michael and Armand, who felt worried and sorry for Avery, the team led by Yvette watched Avery embarrass herself with cold indifference.

At that moment, only Cayden remained seated calmly. He observed Avery's panicked state. She was on the verge of tears and looked incredibly pitiful, but he did not step in directly to lend a helping hand. In our personal lives, I can protect her forever so that nothing harms her. At the workplace, however, I can't shield her for the rest of her life. She has to learn to be independent and keep her cool when dealing with emergencies.

He waved Xavier over and said something in the latter's ear. Then, Xavier stood up and reminded Avery kindly, “Ms. Rumpley, why don't you think carefully about where you could've placed the materials for this meeting? Could it be that you didn't print them out at all?”

She shook her head, puzzled. “That's not possible. I clearly remember printing everything last night before leaving the office and placing them inside my desk's drawer. It's just that I forgot to lock the drawer. After coming to work this morning, I immediately brought the materials here. I'm also at a loss as to why they suddenly turned into copies of a report from a past meeting.”

When Xavier heard that the drawer had been left unlocked, his eyes lit up briefly as something seemed to occur to him. He asked, “Think again carefully. Did you put them into your bag and bring them back with you?”

She racked her brains again before finally shaking her head firmly. “No. I absolutely didn't.”

Johnny glanced at the expensive watch on his wrist and snapped, “That's enough. I'm not interested in listening to your excuses. I'll give you fifteen minutes to rectify this mess. Otherwise, you can take yourself off this team. I don't need subordinates who are incompetent.”

That harsh reprimand caused Cayden's eyes to flash with a dangerous, cold light. Nonetheless, he continued sitting serenely, unmoving like a statue. The glance he cast at Johnny, however, was exceptionally glacial.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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