Wisteria had dropped by the CEO's office to ask Cayden why he would change his mind at the last minute since they had already agreed to sign the contract with Vivi Group before the meeting.

The last thing she expected was to see something so heartbreaking.

She had the urge to laugh, but her voice was stuck in her throat. Grievance seared her as she remembered falling in love with Cayden from the first moment she met him.

She had just graduated from a famous international architecture university overseas back then. Upon her return to the country, many giant corporations fought over her talents. Despite the various competitive offers, she chose the Moore Group, which was on the brink of bankruptcy because the general manager was Cayden then. Plus, she recognized the talent he had.

Indeed, he didn't disappoint her. Under his leadership, he turned the tide, expanding Moore Group and finally detaching the company from the Moore family's control, rebranding the company as Trident Group.

Having known Cayden for so long, Wisteria had completely fallen head over heels for his charms and character.

Her feelings for him grew deeper and deeper until they became a flower that would never bloom—a flower that could only hide in the dark, out of sight. Even though it couldn't blossom, it wouldn't wither easily either.

What was gratifying to Wisteria was that despite Cayden's obliviousness to her feelings, he didn't have any scandal with any woman from the upper society or the celebrities and models from the entertainment industry.

She was pleased with him for keeping his nose clean and figured if she continued to persevere, a day would come when he would finally notice her feelings.

She thought with their similar temperament and fundamental views and ideas, no woman was more suitable for him than herself.

Yet, he suddenly had a pair of twins in his arms one day six years ago. With a blissful smile stretched across his handsome face, he told her he was going to be a father.

She was thunderstruck by the news.

Looking at the two beautiful babies in their swaddling clothes, Wisteria felt her heart bleeding.

She wondered when he had them, who he had them with, and why she didn't notice anything.

Right then, she recalled there were times when the usually serious Cayden would space out while smiling gently as she reported work to him. She had been perplexed and sad as she wondered whether he was slowly changing.

She realized Cayden's attitude then was a sign of him falling in love.

After that, Wisteria tried everything, even hiring a private investigator to find out about the twins' mother. Yet, every investigation came back empty as though every lead had intentionally been destroyed. It was so clean that she couldn't find anything.

She tried asking Cayden about it indirectly a few times before, but he would switch the topic every time.

After one too many times, Cayden's avoidance slowly turned to frustration. Wisteria stopped asking after that because she didn't want to cross him again.

Years passed, and the woman Wisteria deemed her enemy never showed up. Cayden was still the same as always, except he had two babies by his side.

His lifestyle didn't change much, and she was still waiting for him to look at her.

Her unrequited love for him intensified, yet she didn't dare to confess. She was afraid that Cayden would reject her.

Her fragile pride couldn't withstand that blow. The fear of an unrepairable crack forming between them was overwhelming.

That day, as she stared at the man she loved with all her heart kissing another woman, the rim of her eyes turned red. Grievance, sadness, bitterness, and jealousy flooded her, and the blood drained from her face. She was pale as a sheet as she silently turned around and left disheartened.

She still held her head high and kept her back straight, but her beautiful eyes were cold as ice.

Meanwhile, the couple fervently kissing in the room didn't notice Wisteria had been in the same room with them for a while.

After a long while, Cayden finally released Avery.

Avery's beautiful face was flushed after a make-out session.

The sight hit him in the softest place in his heart. His urge to take care of her surged.

Cayden kissed Avery's lips again before asking, “Head back to the design department first. I have a shareholder meeting later. If we can't collaborate with Vivi Group this time, some old fossils of Trident Group will protest vehemently, so I have to reassure them temporarily.”

Avery nodded obediently, her ears a little red. “Okay.”

She returned to the design department.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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