Avery fell silent.

She knew Wisteria was crafty from the time Wisteria left a woman's underwear in Cayden's car.

However, Avery believed the relationship she had with Cayden was impregnable.

What could Wisteria do even if she was good at underhanded tactics? The woman Cayden loved was her, Avery.

If Cayden had feelings for Wisteria, they would've become a couple years ago, and Wisteria wouldn't have had to wait until then.

Avery flashed an unbothered smile at Cecelia. “Got it, Cecelia, but I believe my relationship with Cayden can survive any hardship. Some things belong to me, and no one can take them away. Similarly, I won't take the things that don't belong to me. We've been through so much. Our relationship won't break so easily.”

Cecelia and Nina didn't know what to say as they stared at Avery.

They truly hoped Avery could get her happily ever after. After all, a kind woman like Avery deserved a good man who treated her well.

Unwilling to continue the serious topic, Nina suggested, “Hey, Cecelia, Ery, let's continue playing the game. Let's see who can get the highest score. How about that?”

Avery and Cecelia agreed.

When the trio took out their phones, Yulissa called for everyone to the conference room to continue the meeting.

Everyone returned to the conference room once again, and the discussion continued.

However, the atmosphere in the conference room was layered with tension.

The executives of Vivi Group were sitting stiffly, their nerves stretched taut, especially Johnny. Throughout the entire meeting, he had a scowl on his face.

In contrast, the executives of Trident Group were in high spirits. Cayden seemed to have said something to calm the major shareholders who protested vehemently earlier.

The imposing Cayden still sat in an upright posture. He watched the employees of Vivi Group coolly as though he had everything figured out.

The two major corporations were contesting silently.

Finally, the chairman of Vivi Group started, “Mr. Moore, after a discussion with my colleagues, we decided to collaborate with Trident Group, but on one condition. In the event that your company makes a mistake during the construction or acts in any way which will impact the profit of Vivi Group, we'll terminate the collaboration immediately.”

Cayden arched his brow. “No problem.”

“Excellent. Let's sign the agreement today.”

Two sets of documents were laid on the table. After amending the assignment of benefits, the CEOs of both corporations stood up, shook hands, and signed the agreements.

After that, Cayden glanced at his watch and said, “I wish our collaboration a success, Mr. Lawson. I hope everything goes smoothly for both corporations. I've set up a banquet here. Would you like to have a meal before you leave?”

“That's fine. I still have matters to attend to. Let's have a meal sometime when we're free.”

Johnny's expression was grim after he lost a large amount of profit. He turned down Cayden's invitation and gestured for his colleagues to leave. “Let's go.”

The people from Vivi Group all had gloomy looks. They had come to Trident Group with anticipation but left with anger.

The upper management of Trident Group didn't expect Johnny would agree with the unfair conditions they offered. Naturally, their joys soared through the roof as they lavished Cayden with praises.

Cayden waved his hand and had them leave the room first.

At his order, the employees filed out of the conference room.

Avery trailed after the other employees. Being the last one to leave, she couldn't help but spare a backward glance at the handsome man.

He was still sitting at the end of the table, skimming through a document, and would occasionally discuss something with Xavier and Kendrick.

As she looked at Cayden being so serious at his work, Avery's face was filled with admiration and love. She admired his excellent abilities and fell for his charms once again.

Noticing an intense gaze staring at him, Cayden turned to search for the source.

When he realized it was Avery, he put away his indifferent look and flashed her a smile.

Sparks flew when their eyes met, and the air sizzled with the intensity of their stares.

Jealously welled up within Wisteria as she watched the man she put on a pedestal smile gently at Avery. Her legs felt as though they were filled with lead. She couldn't take another step to leave.

He never smiled at me like that before.

Hatred and anger boiled within Wisteria. She watched as Avery's back slowly disappeared from her sight, then finally moved her legs to leave the conference room.

Meanwhile, passion filled the air in the room of a hotel. On the messy bed, Nicole was forced to submit to Roderick's ferocious taking.

“Turn around!” Roderick demanded.

Nicole screamed as she tried to cover herself.

Roderick smacked her butt with a look of disdain. “Why are you covering yourself? Tell me which part of you I haven't seen.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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