George asked his daughter-in-law, Claire, to bring Avery's design blueprint.

The two of them chatted away merrily and talked about many architectural topics.

Even though George and Avery had a large age gap, they had no issues communicating with each other.

Although George was in the political world his entire life, he was an avid reader and a man of knowledge. In fact, he even knew some of the jargon that inexperienced architects did not know and that impressed Avery.

Similarly, George was delighted by Avery as well.

Despite the woman's young age, she was obviously not a dumb blond. Her unique designs and innovative ideas, as well as her humble demeanor, made him approve of her.

George glanced at Nicole, who was dressed like a princess and was sitting at the side, before looking away in dissatisfaction.

Although his granddaughter seemed like a meek soul and a sweet talker who was good at pleasing his wife and his daughter-in-law, she often acted like a pretentious woman.

She had been involved in the entertainment industry for many years. He had asked her to quit the industry, but she could not bring herself to give up on the fame and glory, and he had been unhappy about that.

Meanwhile, Nicole was restless in her seat.

She could not join in their conversation about architecture at all.

Nicole could see the slight disappointment in the look that George had given her earlier, and that made her chest tighten. The resentment and fury in her had nowhere to go.

She was certain that her grandfather did not know Avery was his biological granddaughter.

The two of them had only met once, but they were already so close as if they were a family.

Is this because they're related by blood?

The look in Nicole's eyes turned vicious. No. I won't let Avery take away what's mine!

As George and Avery were busy talking, they did not notice Nicole's strange behavior.

Pointing at the garden on the blueprint, George said, “We'll turn this into a small countryside manor. Ery, what do you think should be planted here?”

Without knowing it, George had changed the way he called Avery from “Ms. Rumpley” to “Ery.”

After a moment of contemplation, Avery said, “Old Mr. Lambert, you need more vitamin C in your diet. So, we can plant common vegetables like carrots, eggplants, lentils, and such. By planting the vegetables ourselves, we can ensure that there are no chemicals used on them. They're more nutritious too, and they'll be good for you.”

Nicole nearly burst out laughing when she heard that they were going to plant vegetables beside the mansion.

She's really a country bumpkin! How can we plant vegetables in a mansion this pretty?

Immediately, she said, “Grandpa, I don't think Ms. Rumpley's idea is sound. Flowers would be better. Most of the upscale mansions have flowers surrounding them. Who would plant vegetables there? Think about it, Grandpa. If we have a flower garden in the compound instead, the exterior of the mansion will be a fantastical scene when the flowers bloom. If we plant vegetables, we'll have to weed the garden and do all sorts of dirty things. It won't be a match for your status, Grandpa. Only a house with a flower garden can be called a mansion. A house with a vegetable garden is called a farm. Only farmers plant vegetables.”

The moment Nicole uttered that, silence ensued.

Avery gave Nicole a long look, speechless to hear that.

However, Nicole was gleeful about successfully joining in the conversation. She thought that Avery's loss of words was because Avery realized she was right.

To her surprise, an upset look crept onto George's face as he snapped, “What's wrong with planting vegetables outside the mansion? Flowers are only for adornment purposes; it's not as if we can eat them. Only those that can be eaten are the most useful. Also, why can't someone like me plant vegetables? Are you telling me no famous poets have ever gardened? They are people who have works immortalized in this world, but you're telling me that a minor character in life like me is too high and mighty to have a garden of vegetables?”

George's words brought a shade of red to Nicole's face, and she hastily explained, “Grandpa, I... I didn't mean that...”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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