Nicole entered the bathroom, and Avery nodded at her.

“Ms. Lambert.”

With that, Avery made her way to the basin.

Just as she took the soap and was about to wash her hands, she spotted Nicole's icy look in the mirror.

Even though Nicole had an innocent appearance and always had a smile on her face, Avery would always feel the chills whenever she looked at her.

She knew Nicole was not as simple as she looked.

She could still remember how Nicole had taunted her in the mall and how she had set her up when she was filming Trident Group's advertisement.

Avery also remembered how she had been scratched by the crazed cat at Azure Royal.

Even though all the evidence pointed toward Nicole's assistant in the end, Avery was no fool. She knew what was going on behind the scenes, but she could not say a word in protest because of the ones backing Nicole.

If Nicole was going to keep her silence in the bathroom, Avery was going to do the same.

Yet, Nicole was staring at her as if she had something to say to her. She asked, “Do you need something from me, Ms. Lambert?”

Nicole twisted the other faucet and slowly washed her hands as she curled her lips into a mocking smile. “It looks like you've been having some wonderful days. You've gained quite a bit of weight.”

Not wanting to waste her time on her, Avery asked, “What are you trying to say, Ms. Lambert?”

Nicole cackled. “You're a smart one, but you're boring! Are you really going to marry Cayden? Do you really think you're a match for him, Avery? You look plain, and you're from a lousy family. There are plenty of women better than you in Ackleton! I really wonder which part of you Cayden fell for. I'm a much better—”

“What does this have anything to do with you, Ms. Lambert? Cayden loves me, and I love him. That's more than enough.”

Nicole, who was wearing ten-centimeter heels and thus was taller than Avery by half a head, looked downward at Avery with proud eyes before scoffing in disdain.

“You're not worthy of Cayden. I hope you know that and leave him as soon as possible.”

Avery met Nicole's arrogant gaze without fear or wrath.

She kept staring until Nicole started panicking from looking into her pure and determined eyes. It was then Nicole hastily took out a check and threw it at Avery. “Here's ten million for you to leave Cayden! I bet you can never earn this amount in your lifetime! Leave Ackleton and make a life for yourself in some other place, or else I'll make you regret it!”

Avery reached out to take the check.

A small smile grew on her lips when she looked at the figure on the check. “Ms. Lambert, you're generous. A mansion can be bought with ten million.”

The contempt on Nicole's face intensified.

Does Cayden really like a money-digging village girl like her? Isn't he repulsed by her? I should get Cayden to come and take a good look at the true nature of the woman he likes!

However, what Avery did next left Nicole dumbfounded.

Avery slowly shredded the check before tossing the pieces into the trash can at the side.

“Ms. Lambert, my wedding with Cayden in May has been set in stone. I hope you'll accept that fact and stop dreaming about getting something that doesn't belong to you. It's pointless. I'll pretend as if nothing happened today. Goodbye.”

Nicole gritted her teeth at Avery's refusal to submit to her.

Various expressions flitted across her face before a wave of helplessness struck her.

Right as Avery pushed open the door to leave, Nicole stubbornly stood in her way and cried out, “I don't care what kind of relationship you have, but the man I'm interested in must be mine! I won't let a b*tch like you taint my man!”

Avery barked out a laugh in her fury. How can she be this shameless? Is she really calling Cayden her man?

“Ms. Lambert, please know that I'm Cayden's girlfriend. Has he ever acknowledged your existence? As far as I know, your visits to him have always been rejected. Furthermore, he rejected you before. Do you have a bad memory or something? Do you need me to get Cayden to reject you again?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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