Under the gazes of everyone in the wedding store, Cayden used his thumb to wipe away the tears streaking down Avery's face gently. He jokingly asked, “What's wrong? Why are you crying before we get married? Aren't you embarrassed, Mrs. Moore? Hm?”

Although he was teasing her, his gaze fell on Avery's pale face, and his heart ached.

Avery's eyes were red from crying. She grabbed onto the sleeves of his shirt tightly as she tried to control her emotions.

Shaking her head, she said, “I'm fine. I cried because I was thinking of how happy I am to marry you. Until now, I'm still afraid that this is all a dream...”

Cayden placed his hand on Avery's head, lightly stroking her hair.

His every action was gentle, as though protecting a piece of treasure.

He then affectionately said, “Silly. We're already here to try on wedding gowns. Do you still think our wedding is just a dream?”

The manager and all the employees of the wedding store were dumbfounded as they watched the couple flaunt their love.

News consistently reported that Trident Group's CEO, Cayden Moore, was cold, emotionless, and strict. His cold aura would always make others keep their distance from him.

However, the person before them treated his fiancée gently. Is he really the rumored cold-faced Cayden Moore? Are those financial reports false?

Cayden hugged Avery, not caring about the others' gazes. It seemed as if only the two of them were in the bridal store.

Avery returned to her senses and noticed that everyone in the store was staring at them in envy.

Seeing that, she took a step back to put some distance between herself and Cayden.

After all, he was a well-respected CEO. He was always cold and feared by others. It would be hard for him to face others if rumors broke out about his sudden change in attitude.

However, Cayden did not seem to care.

The smile on his lips widened, and he kissed Avery's cheek. His gaze was gentle, and light wrinkles appeared in the corner of his eyes. “Avery, you look so beautiful in a wedding gown. If it's possible, I'd want to marry you right now. That way, you'll be mine, and other men can only stare in envy.”

His words were like a deadly poison penetrating Avery's bones bit by bit. It made its way to her heart, making her unable to escape.

At that moment, Avery was moved, and her eyes welled up with tears.

However, she held back her tears, not wanting to let him see her being vulnerable. “Me too. If it's possible, I'd want to marry you right now...”

When the manager saw how loving the couple was, he smiled and gave them his best wishes. “Mr. and Mrs. Moore, the two of you are such a loving couple. I sincerely wish the two of you a happy marriage!”

“Thank you.”

The manager did not expect the high and mighty Cayden would thank him.

It seemed he had won the grand prize as he chirped, “You're welcome, Mr. Moore. I'm just giving you my best wishes. Your wife is very beautiful. There are a few other high-end wedding gowns and evening gowns in the store that would suit her. Would you like to try them on?”

Avery immediately wanted to reject his offer when she heard his question.

One wedding gown and one evening gown are enough.

However, before she could reject the manager, Cayden said, “We'll try them!”

Avery could not refuse when she met with Cayden's excited gaze. Biting the bullet, she went to try on the other gowns.

The manager's taste in gowns was indeed accurate and unique. Every gown that Avery tried on looked stunning on her.

Sure enough, the clothes one wears is important in distinguishing oneself.

Although Avery was beautiful before wearing the gowns, she simply looked like a graceful young lady.

However, upon donning the luxurious gown, others could not take their eyes off her because she looked absolutely gorgeous.

In the end, they bought four wedding gowns, four evening gowns, and six pairs of wedding shoes at the bridal store.

When they were paying, Avery saw the string of numbers on the receipt. It made her head spin and heart ache.

Although these wedding and evening gowns are pretty, I don't think I'll be able to afford all of them within this lifetime with my measly salary.

However, Cayden was not hesitant about swiping his card to pay. The high-end bridal store manager smiled and kept flattering him and Avery. Cayden had always hated this kind of flattery, but today, he was in a good mood and did not mind it. That was because the store manager had referred to Avery as “Mrs. Moore” the entire time.

That's right. I like people referring to her as “Mrs. Moore.”

After leaving the bridal store, Cayden dropped Avery home before he went to Trident Group to work overtime.

He wanted to stay home and keep Avery company, but he had no choice. They were in a critical negotiation period with Anglandur about a contract worth tens of billions.

If there were any mistakes, they could lose everything, and there was a possibility all their efforts would be wasted.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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