Bonnie put on the most luxurious dress and shoes she got from Nicole and sashayed into the Azure Royal's VIP private room with her head held high.

She heard from a friend that Donald Flanders, a well-known movie director, had a new project with hundreds of millions worth of investment, and he was planning to cast only new actors and actresses.

That friend knew one of the producers working with Donald, so he introduced Bonnie to him.

After reviewing Bonnie's photos, Donald decided to give her a chance to audition.

When she found out Donald had booked a private room in Azure Royal, she asked her friend for an invitation. With the invitation in hand, she was over the moon and beelined to Azure Royal.

She wanted to catch Donald's attention. What better way to earn a spot among the cast other than the casting couch? She would seduce him to bed with her sensual body if she could.

“Mr. Flanders—”

As she was still caught in her delusion of grandeur, Bonnie's coquettish voice carried into the room before she appeared.

Stopping in front of the door, she checked her makeup in her tiny mirror one last time before tugging her neckline lower to reveal more of her chest.

After making sure everything was perfect, her hand was about to turn the doorknob when the door flung open from the inside. The sudden force caused her to lose her balance, stumbling to the floor without warning.

Bonnie raised her head with shock. Her gaze swept the room and landed on a handsome man sitting in a dark corner.

He radiated the confidence of a man who took charge. His presence was so bright that even the lighting in the room seemed dim in comparison.

It's Cayden Moore!

The second Bonnie recognized him, her face instantly paled with fear. Did he find out I was behind the tarnishings of Avery's reputation? It'll be absolutely terrifying if this is the case.

However, Bonnie had experience with all kinds of men. Naturally, she knew her way well around them.

Soon, she collected herself and greeted Cayden coquettishly, “Mr. Moore, why did you call me here with Mr. Flanders' name?”

Bonnie didn't hide her admiration and lust in her gaze for Cayden, who sat on the couch with crossed legs. The angle of the lights shining on him accentuated his fair chin. She would've torn her clothes off and flung herself at him if it wasn't for the four burly bodyguards guarding him.

He had a lit cigarette between his index and middle finger. With a firm tap on the cigarette, he elegantly flicked the ash into the ashtray. “I don't want to listen to any nonsense. I only want to know what you told Avery that day at Sugary Confectionary at six thirty in the evening that made her break off the engagement. Some witnesses saw you gave her a disk. What is in that disk?”

Cayden had business dealings with the Bennett family. Naturally, he knew about Henry doting on his illegitimate daughter, Bonnie Bennett. He heard she was beautiful but had a messy lifestyle.

Before that, Cayden had never paid attention to his business partners' personal and family affairs. However, he checked the surveillance camera footage of Sugary Confectionary and found that Avery's demeanor changed after meeting with Bonnie. On top of that, Avery also started saying weird things and even asked about breaking off the engagement the night before.

He thought those feelings were mood swings related to her pregnancy and maybe cold feet before the wedding, so he shrugged it off. He never expected his negligence would cause an incident at the engagement ceremony.

I want an answer to everything today!

Cayden's voice was gentle and pleasant to the ears, but it was like a bomb had gone off in Bonnie's mind.

Her gaze started to dart left and right with anxiety, unwilling to meet Cayden's eyes.

How did he check the details so precisely down to the exact time? Did that b*tch, Avery, tell him something? But she promised she wouldn't tell Cayden what I said and would leave Ackleton obediently. Did she break her promise because she wasn't willing to give up on the Moore family's wealth and fame?

Suppressing her doubts, Bonnie feigned ignorance and asked, “What do you mean, Mr. Moore? I don't know Avery well, so what makes you think I can make her break off her engagement? Also, the disk you mentioned. We're already past the age of using disks. Who would even use something so outdated? But, a vain woman like Avery isn't suited for you anyway, Mr. Moore. Why don't I be your woman? Even if I can't marry you, having a passionate night with you is more than enough for me.”

Bonnie had always been bold and straightforward with her thoughts and feelings. Her hands moved to undress as she expressed her feelings for him. Once she was bare, she walked toward Cayden with a shy expression.

Looks of disdain, contempt, disgust, and scorn flitted across Cayden's face at her shameless actions.

Cayden didn't even move a finger, and his bodyguard swung a leg at Bonnie powerfully, sending her flying some distance away, crashing against the coffee table. Throughout the entire scene, he merely watched silently as though a bystander. Meanwhile, she felt an excruciating pain in her chest as if her ribs were broken.

With a cough, she could taste the tang of blood on her mouth.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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