Cayden's steps faltered briefly before he whirled around with an icy gaze. “Are you telling the truth?”

He waved his hand, and the bodyguards immediately released Bonnie.

Bonnie was already in tears.

It was a fact that she liked to fool around, but she consented to that. The toys she used were tools to heighten sexual pleasure, yet the bodyguards were clearly out for her blood with the situation then. Naturally, Bonnie was paralyzed with fear.

She was a sobbing mess on the floor. Her entire body trembled as she pleaded, “I was wrong, Mr. Moore. It was my fault! I don't have any ill feelings toward Ms. Rumpley. I only did it under Nicole's orders. Nicole threatened to chase me out of Ackleton if I didn't obey her orders. I didn't have a choice! I swear I won't do it ever again! Please forgive me!”

Cayden's tall frame stopped right in front of Bonnie. He was devastatingly handsome, like an artwork. However, at that moment, any wicked thoughts about him were the last thing on her mind. Her terror at his brutality had taken up her entire mind.

Cayden abruptly questioned, “What is in that disk? What was in it that made Avery break off the engagement?”

Bonnie shot a tentative glance at the bodyguards before flickering her gaze back to Cayden. The latter immediately understood her implication and gestured for the bodyguards to leave.

Receiving Cayden's order, the bodyguards nodded and instantly left the room, closing the door behind them.

“You can speak now.” Cayden implied Bonnie to continue.

Not daring to keep anything from him, Bonnie divulged all her secrets and worries to him. “Mr. Moore, Nicole fell in love with you at first sight. She knew you didn't love her and that Ms. Rumpley was your girlfriend, but she still shamelessly wanted to marry you. You don't know how fake that woman is! She might look innocent on the surface, but deep down inside, she's evil and sinister. She's a scheming, vicious woman. She even called Ms. Rumpley a b*tch in front of me and said she would do everything in her power to ruin your relationship.”

Bonnie told him everything Nicole ever did to her.

In truth, she hadn't seen eye to eye with Nicole for a while. After all, no one was willing to be another's follower for long.

The scowl on Cayden's face became more menacing with every word she spoke. Bonnie used that opportunity to exaggerate further. “A few days ago, Nicole came back with a disk. I didn't know where she got it, but it had every record of you bribing others. She asked me to give it to Avery to threaten her to leave you. Otherwise, she would use the record to ruin your prospect. Mr. Moore, I wouldn't obey her orders if it weren't for her threats. She threatened to kick me out of Ackleton. I wouldn't have dared to use such underhanded means to threaten Ms. Rumpley no matter what otherwise.”

Cayden had collected his expression by the time she finished, but his eyes were frighteningly dark.

So that's what happened. No wonder Avery broke off the engagement halfway through.

Once he had gotten the information he needed, he swiftly strode out of the room.

The few bodyguards by the door immediately trailed after him.

Bonnie's knees buckled with relief before she dropped to the floor. Wiping away the cold sweat dotting her forehead, she could finally catch a breath.

She suddenly recalled how she revealed about threatening Avery with the disk earlier, and her body started quivering again.

If Nickie knows I've spilled the beans on her, she'll surely kill me. I know her better than anyone. She might look innocent and kind on the outside, but she's crueler than anyone else inside. What should I do?

Bonnie's mind started churning furiously for a plan. Finally, she remembered hooking up with a middle-aged upstart recently. Even though he is powerless, ugly beyond words, and short, he's filthy rich. He mentioned taking me on a trip to Miralaea the last time. I'll have to go with him for a few days. On second thought, maybe I can coax him into giving me a credit card or luxury goods. That's a great idea! It looks like I'll be keeping a low profile overseas for a couple of days.

Standing by the car, Xavier opened the backseat door for Cayden when he saw his superior approaching.

After Cayden got seated, Xavier circled the car before getting into the driver's seat.

He peeked at his superior through the rearview mirror and noted Cayden's icy look. Instead of starting the engine, he passed a tablet to Cayden. “Mr. Moore, an article degrading Ms. Rumpley has been uploaded online. It's being widely shared through all the official news accounts. I suspect someone is behind all these denigratory articles, but I'm unsure if it's the doing of an individual or a professional team.”

Cayden's fingers swiped across the flat screen as he read the article. His expression was stony by the time he finished.

He scoffed. “What a cheap move! Find out Rita's true identity and ban all the news media accounts which shared the article!”

Xavier's hand on the steering wheel stiffened briefly before he said hesitantly, “Mr. Moore, the government just had a meeting on preventing tycoons from having too much control over the media, and Trident Group is at the top of their watchlist. The board asked us to keep a low profile since things are tense. If we ban those media accounts and our rivals catch wind of it, they'll have another dirt on us. I think—”

Cayden tossed the tablet to the side and closed his eyes. His cold voice echoed across the space. “Even independent media accounts have to follow the law. If they break the rules, the government will also order a reform or ban them from posting. The owners of those accounts must've been prepared to bear the responsibility for their actions since they knew they were breaking the law. Mr. Dartsley, do as I say. I'll shoulder the consequences if anything happens.”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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