Avery's phone slipped out of her hand and fell to the floor with a loud thud.

Nina was still bombarding her with a series of voice messages on WhatsApp. “Are you okay, Avery? Why is it so noisy over there? Did you get into a fight with Mr. Moore again?”

Irritated by Nina's continuous voice messages, Cayden switched Avery's phone off and tossed it aside.

“Let go of me!” Avery wanted to break free of his grip, but she couldn't struggle too hard as she didn't want to end up hurting her baby.

Cayden frowned in displeasure when he saw her wriggling about in his arms like a trapped bunny.

He then pinned her shoulders forcefully and lifted her chin as he asked, “Throwing a tantrum again, are you?”

Avery kicked him in the leg and shot him a fierce glare. “Do you have any idea what time it is? Going on a date with another woman must've been fun, huh?”

Cayden felt speechless when he heard that. He then scooped her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom.

He was not only carrying the weight of his wife, but also the weight of their third child.

“I wouldn't have rushed home to be with you if going on dates with other women was that fun. Now, stop this tantrum, or I will punish you!” he said with a playful grin as he kicked their bedroom door open.

Cayden then sat down on the bed and placed Avery on his lap.

He let out a chuckle when he saw that Avery was still somewhat jealous. “Are you still angry at me? Do you even realize how you look like when you're pouting? You look just like Rory! I have always known that you two look alike, but I didn't know she got that pout from you. I'm looking forward to seeing if our third baby will also inherit your pout.”

Avery was still a little angry at Cayden, but his statement was so amusing that she felt like laughing.

However, the strong scent of another woman's perfume on his body snapped her out of it. “Fine, you win this argument. Why do you reek of perfume, though? You were just having dinner with Nicole, right? Don't tell me you two...”

Things were already tense between the two of them, and Avery's hormonal changes due to pregnancy weren't exactly helping the situation. As such, she couldn't help but overthink when she noticed the smell of perfume on his body.

Cayden may be able to control himself, but Nicole might have forced herself on him...

Cayden didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard that. He had no idea how he could explain himself at that point.

He, too, felt uncomfortable with Nicole wearing such a strong perfume. It took him every ounce of willpower he had just to finish the meal with her. What a bloody torment it was!

Cayden let out a sigh and hugged her tightly as he whispered, “You're really giving me a hard time here, Babe.”

Avery opened her mouth and bit down on his arm in an attempt to punish him.

Cayden knew she needed a way to vent her anger and frustration, so he just let her bite away without trying to resist.

After the initial bite, which was rather forceful, Avery felt her heart ache and couldn't bring herself to continue.

Cayden tightened his hug as he said, “I would never betray the woman I love, silly! You're the only one I love, so you can rest assured that I would never betray you. All right, I know what I did was wrong. Will you please forgive me once? I promise not to dine with other women from now on, and I won't let them get their perfume on me either. I will also reduce the amount of socializing with clients and business partners, and my phone will be on at all times so you won't have issues contacting me. I'll do everything I can to provide you with a sense of security. Now, will you stop being angry at me?”

Avery looked up at him. “I always knew you were good at doing business, but you're surprisingly good at coaxing women too.”

With his beloved woman's soft body nuzzling against his, Cayden found himself getting aroused when he caught a whiff of her scent.

Oh, man... We haven't had sex in a long time ever since she got pregnant...

After taking a moment to suppress his sexual urges, he gently patted Avery on the back and said, “I have never hidden anything from you, nor have I tricked you into doing anything, and I never will. It wasn't easy for us to get where we are, so will you please stop pushing me away?”

Avery's heart melted when she heard that while leaning against his muscular shoulders.

I know I am being unreasonable and melodramatic, but I just can't help it. I used to be rational and mature, but that slowly changed after I started dating Cayden. Not only did I become hot-tempered and got jealous often, but I also craved all of his attention. I enjoy hearing him coax me with that gentle voice of his, and I love it when he gazes into my eyes affectionately. Is this what happens to women when they fall in love? Do we just lose all of our rationality and only crave love and affection? Is this the result of Cayden spoiling me too much?

Avery was snapped out of her train of thought when Cayden picked her up and carried her in his arms.

“It's time for bed, Cayden. What are you doing?” she asked while wrapping her arms around his neck.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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