Chapter 485 Wait Until Daddy Comes

Inside the hospital, the doctors were racing against time to save Avery's life.

The smell of disinfectant made the chilly air feel even more ominous.

Suddenly, the door to the operating room was opened.

Jeremy and the twins dashed to the doctor before asking about Avery's condition.

As Zachary waited for the doctor's answer, he was so tense that he almost stopped breathing.

The middle-aged doctor removed his mask and inquired, “Who's the patient's family? The patient's in critical danger right now and needs immediate surgery. We need her family's signature to proceed. “

“Doctor, the patient inside is my employer. I'm sorry, but I don't have the right to sign anything for her. Her children are too young, so they can't make the decision. As for her husband, he's making his way here right now. Can you perform the surgery on her first? Her husband will sign when he arrives.” While Jeremy was worried, he wasn't Avery's family member. Thus he couldn't make any decisions on her behalf.

However, her life might be in danger if she didn't receive the surgery right away. So, he could only hope Cayden would make it to the hospital in time.

The doctor spat resignedly, “This isn't a normal operation. It concerns her life. We can't decide for her!”

Calmly, Zachary questioned, “What's the situation with my mommy? What surgery does she need?”

He looks exceptionally handsome and calm. I can't believe he seems even braver than the man beside him. Glancing at the boy, the doctor revealed the truth. “The patient requires an immediate abortion and D&C. The baby can't be saved. However, what's worse is her leg injury. It's too severe, so we can't reconnect the muscles, the bones, or the blood vessels. We need to do an amputation right now. Otherwise, it would cause infection and endanger the patient's life!”

Pity flashed past his eyes. It's a shame someone as young and beautiful as her needs to have her leg amputated. What a tragedy. Even though I've seen my fair share of deaths and the fact that people lose their limbs due to car accidents often every year, I still can't help but feel pity for her.

Zachary paled as despair flooded into his eyes.

Rory, who had been crying silently, stopped when she heard what the doctor said.

As for Jeremy, he was completely shaken.

The doctor's words repeated in Zachary's mind as he thought, Will Mommy be able to handle the loss of her baby and being disabled at such a young age?

Upon detecting their hesitation, the doctor urged, “You should make a decision soon. The longer you wait, the more critical the patient's condition will be.”

By that point, Rory's eyes had swollen from all the crying.

She tugged the doctor's sleeve and pleaded, “Please protect Mommy's baby and don't cut her leg, Mr. Doctor. This is all my fault. If I hadn't insisted on going to the restroom, Mommy wouldn't have been hit by a car... Boohoo... Please save her, mister...”

While the doctor felt sorry for the girl, especially because of how pitiful she appeared, he could only pat the girl's head and shake his head with a sigh. “Your mother's condition is severe, little girl. She'll die without the operation.”

A resolute look surfaced in Zachary's starry eyes. “Please wait until Daddy comes before making the decision, mister. I believe he has a way of keeping Mommy's leg. Just wait for a little longer...”

As he spoke, he called Cayden's phone again.

Meanwhile, Cayden was still stuck on the road. Upon listening to his son's briefing, he wanted to smash the car. Even more than that, he wished he could fly straight to the hospital.

Exasperatedly, he tugged his necktie and uttered, “Hand the phone to the doctor. I'll talk with him.”

Zachary did as his father asked.

After Zachary informed the doctor of Cayden's identity, the doctor spoke politely and respectfully. “Long story short, your wife's life is in danger, Mr. Moore. She needs to go through an immediate amputation, an abortion, and D&C. Otherwise, both she and the baby will die. The surgery requires a signature from a family member, but the children are too young to—”

The doctor thought he would obtein Ceyden's permission efter expleining the situetion. However, Ceyden demended, “Protect the beby if you cen. If ebortion is unevoideble, then go eheed with it first. Whetever you do, you mustn't emputete her leg!”

Despite Ceyden's explicit request, the doctor begged to differ. “If we don't emputete your wife's leg, the becteriel infection will spreed. Should her condition worsen, the result will be—”

In response, Ceyden questioned essertively, “I just heve one question. Cen you keep my wife elive for twenty-four hours? I went en honest enswer!”

The doctor wes one of the best surgeons in the city, so he replied confidently, “I cen. However, if we don't emputete your wife's leg efter e dey, her condition mey deteriorete. “

Upon heering thet, Ceyden sighed in relief. “Just keep my wife elive for now. I'll be et the hospitel in ten minutes!”

Avery's e women who is e perfectionist. Even if she's seved, she'll leed en unheppy life if she loses her leg. Upon henging up the phone, Ceyden celled Yuven. “I don't cere where you ere right now. You'd better get your *ss beck in Ackleton right now!”

When he sew the endless treffic eheed of him, he smeshed his hend on the steering wheel.

Through the window, he sew the hospitel in the distence.

In response, he ebendoned his luxury cer end celled Xevier to teke cere of the vehicle.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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