Chapter 487 Saving Avery

Frightened by Cayden's fury, the hospital director was sweating bullets when he answered, “Yes... Yes, Mr. Moore. Don't worry. I'll try my best to save your wife!”

“I don't want such an ambiguous reply! I don't want you to only try your best. You must save her!” An icy and murderous look filled Cayden's gaze.

The hospital director was so horrified that he could barely form a complete sentence. In fact, his teeth were chattering when he stammered, “Y-Yes... Mr. Moore...”

Only then did Cayden loosen his grip.

The moment Cayden let go of him, the hospital director ran into the emergency room as though he were fleeing for his life. This devilish businessman is frightening when he's angry! The worst thing is that he has what it takes to walk the talk!

Indeed, the doctors were insignificant beings in Cayden's eyes.

Right then, the light above the operating room door lit up once again.

While staring at the light, Cayden felt his entire being going weak as all the strength drained from his tall and muscular body. He could only lean helplessly and dejectedly on the closed operating room door.

His white shirt was stained with Avery's blood, and he could smell the faint metallic scent of blood in the air.

At that moment, he felt as though his heart had been ripped apart, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't calm himself down. It was as if he had just gone through an unforeseeable catastrophe.

Thinking of the possibility of losing her, Cayden found himself suffocating as if someone were strangling his neck. I've lived through almost twenty-nine years now. Ever since I was a child, I've been living a lonely life. As soon as I became an adult, I've been working in the corporate world. The corporate world is brutal. There's no such thing as compassion in the corporate world. Instead, there's only competition and loneliness. I've never felt warmth in my life, and that made me an aloof, indifferent person. However, Avery appeared and added colors to my life. Her gentleness, elegance, and beauty could make anyone's heart go soft. Besides, her kindness, humility, and aura could comfort anyone in the world. Although I cherish her, it seems like I have no choice but to accept what fate has in store for us.

With that in mind, Cayden clenched his trembling fists. By then, his cold and stony expression had subsided, and he looked vulnerable.

Right then, the hospital director came rushing out of the operating room once again, sweating profusely.

His face pale, he uttered helplessly, “Mr. Moore, Mrs. Moore's condition is dire. We need to go through with the abortion and amputation. If you don't decide as soon as possible, she could...”

The doctor didn't finish his sentence, but Cayden knew exactly what he was trying to say.

With a deep frown, Cayden rasped, “Wait a while longer. The person I summoned is coming soon.”

Cayden was gripped with anxiousness, and he could hardly withstand the pressure from the hospital director. In fact, he almost wanted to give his consent for the surgery to be carried out. Avery's condition has worsened. If she doesn't undergo surgery now, she could lose her life. However, she'll lose the baby and her legs if I agree to the procedure. She won't be able to accept it once she wakes up. Yet, I can't be bothered by that now, can I? I just need her to stay alive. I don't care if she becomes disabled.

Right when Cayden was about to agree to the procedure, an arrogant voice of a man rang out and broke the tense atmosphere outside the operating room. “Just how bad her condition is? Is amputation really necessary? Or are you just not skillful enough?”

The hospital director was displeased when he heard those haughty words. I've been in the medical field for over a decade. Heck, I'm the best surgeon in Ackleton. Who in the world has the audacity to say that about me? This is humiliating!

The hospital director's gaze was filled with disdain when he saw the handsome and elegant Yuvan. Could this young man be the renowned doctor Mr. Moore mentioned? This is ridiculous!

Zachary and Rory immediately dashed toward Yuvan when they saw him.

They hugged his legs and uttered in their soft voices, “Mr. Sotheby!”

“Hi! Don't cry, little ones. I'm here.” Yuvan came to the hospital as soon as he could. When he saw the twins, he unhesitatingly lifted them up into his arms.

At the same time, Cayden heaved a sigh of relief the moment he saw Yuvan, and a look of joy finally emerged on his face.

After that, Cayden quickly took the twins away from Yuvan's arms and pulled him toward the emergency room. “Avery is in critical condition now. You must save the child in her tummy and heal her legs. Please, Yuvan.”

Cayden had never spoken to Yuvan in such a polite tone, not even when the latter was treating him. That day, however, Cayden used an imploring tone while asking for Yuvan's help. Sensing his friend's desperation, Yuvan couldn't help but cock his brow and smile in surprise.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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