Chapter 488 The Baby Is Lucky

The doctors and nurses trailing behind Yuvan all treated him as if he were a god who could truly bring the dead back to life.

Even though Cayden had faith in Yuvan's skills, he still couldn't help but feel nervous.

“How is Avery doing?”

Yuvan yawned casually and said with a smile, “Don't worry. With me around, she'd make it back alive even with one foot in the grave. Your baby is safe and she can keep both of her legs. How's that for a good job?”

“Thank you, Yuvan,” said Cayden from the bottom of his heart.

He was usually a reserved, aloof person who rarely expressed gratitude to anyone. However, he had already thanked Yuvan multiple times for Avery's sake.

Yuvan felt a little taken aback by Cayden's sudden sincerity and clicked his tongue. “Wow. What a surprise to hear you thank me.”

Cayden was in a pretty good mood considering the good news he had just heard, and he was more than willing to heavily compensate the man who had just saved Avery's life. “I'm willing to give you anything you want as long as it's within my means.”

The nurses wheeled Avery out on a hospital bed before Yuvan had the chance to reply.

She was still unconscious after her surgery.

Cayden felt as if a heavy rock was weighing on his chest the moment he saw her.

He couldn't help approaching her, wanting to caress her soft cheek, but Yuvan stopped him in time.

He glanced at Cayden disapprovingly. “She just got out of surgery, which means she's super weak right now. You have no idea how many germs could be on your hand, so it's better that you stay away from her for now.”

Cayden lowered his hand sadly, not knowing what else he could do. That was the first time he did not get mad when Yuvan took a dig at him.

His heart clenched at the sight of the soft, graceful woman he loved so dearly lying right in front of him, so weak and frail.

“Mr. Moore, we'll be sending Ms. Rumpley to her ward first,” a young nurse said quietly.

She eyed Cayden shyly, admiring his charming face and silently envying Avery for her luck to have such a handsome man fall in love with her.

Everyone in Ackleton had heard their love story before. While no one was sure which parts were true and which were false, their fairytale-like story was still one to be envied.

“I'll bring her there,” Cayden offered, reaching out to grab the handle of the hospital bed as he tenderly looked at Avery.

He then personally pushed her all the way to the ward.

The envy and admiration in the nurses' eyes intensified. They had always seen Cayden as the cold-hearted, aloof CEO of Trident Group, and they found it hard to associate the man with such a tender, loving image. They had never come across a man who offered to personally bring his wife to her ward before.

Yuvan shook his head as he watched Cayden push Avery to her ward, his figure emanating an unwavering aura.

He has definitely fallen head over heels for her. He's so deeply and hopelessly in love.

That night, the moon's gentle light seeped through the windows of the ward.

It was quiet inside the ward. The oxygen generator was buzzing feebly as Cayden's loving gaze remained fixed on Avery's face.

He stood in front of Avery's bed. His tall, lean stature left a shadow that was stretched even longer by the lights, so much so that it covered Avery completely.

At that moment, he was no longer his aloof and indifferent self. His deep-set eyes were locked firmly on Avery and his gaze traveled to her dry, cracked lips. After a long pause, he dipped a cotton bud in some water and lightly dabbed her lips with it.

Her lips had always seemed soft and moist like a ripe, delicious cherry, and they were never as dry as they were now.

Cayden sat down beside her bed and tucked her in before lifting her left hand and kissing it gently.

Her nails were as pale-looking as her face was.

Yuvan walked into the ward with the hospital director behind him.

After greeting Cayden, he began checking on Avery's condition before starting to note down all her vital signs.

With a smile, he began to say, “Your baby is really lucky. Normally, an accident that serious would not only cause a miscarriage, but Avery would also have to undergo curettage to get rid of some of her uterus lining. She isn't the healthiest, and if that happened, she might have issues conceiving in the future. However, surprisingly, your baby survived.”

Yuvan was rather shocked.

Logically speaking, the baby shouldn't have survived after Avery was involved in a car accident that severe, but the baby had such a strong will to live that he or she miraculously survived under Yuvan's efforts.

Cayden's tall body finally moved in response after staying still for so long.

His large hand gently caressed Avery's stomach, and his gaze turned tender as he looked at the slight bump under the blanket.

He swore to himself that he would shower this baby with more love once he or she was born. After all, the poor child had gone through such a tragic mishap before even being born.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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