Chapter 509 Just Avery

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the azure lake became enveloped by a halo of rosy clouds. There was something quite ethereal about its beauty.

Cayden wheeled Avery around as they casually strolled by the lake.

As Avery gazed at the vigorous yet beautiful swans with their wings outstretched, she could not help feeling a slight twinge of envy.

Avery wondered when she could regain her health and freedom and be like those swans.

This mansion was truly beautiful, and it reminded her of a castle in a fairytale. Even if it was lively, with both Cayden and her two children to accompany her, Avery felt quite isolated from the outside world from staying inside all the time.

This was especially prevalent when Avery saw how the swans could fly, yet she was still confined to her wheelchair. There was a deep longing for freedom in her eyes.

The envy in Avery's eyes must have been obvious enough that Cayden noticed it. He reached out to caress her delicate face and said, “There's no need to worry. After a while, you'll be as free as the swans too. We'll go anywhere you want after you get better.”

After recuperating for some time, Avery's pallor gradually became better. Her once-sharp features had begun to fill up, and her skin had also regained its suppleness. Avery was the very embodiment of having skin as white as snow.

Avery smiled and hummed in response after hearing Cayden's comforting words.

Her bright smile was reflected in Cayden's deep gaze. Just then, Cayden felt like all the worries and stress he had from work had disappeared just by looking at Avery's smile.

Cayden smoothed down her hair, which had been ruffled by the gentle breeze. “It's a strange time, and all I ask is that you wait out being in a wheelchair for a while longer. When you recover, we will get married.”

Cayden's voice had a mellow note akin to fine wine. This made Avery smile even more.

Yet, when she thought of the reality that she faced, Avery's eyes suddenly turned gloomy. She was as quiet as still water as if the once burning flames that resided in her had been quickly extinguished, leaving nothing but ashes in its wake.

Cayden observed her shifting expression carefully before wheeling her toward him.

He then knelt and put himself in her line of sight.

Cayden's sharp gaze then fell on Avery's fair face. “Ery, what bothers you? You shouldn't keep your worries to yourself, or you'll drown in them. Tell me, and we'll solve them together.”

Avery lowered her gaze to meet his until their breaths mingled together. She could also smell his pleasant fragrance enveloping her like silk, entangling them both and keeping them inseparable.

After a long while, Avery then shook her head and spoke of what plagued her mind. “Cayden, can I try walking?”

Given that she had chosen to have faith in Cayden, Avery could no longer speak of depressing matters.

A woman's mind was inherently more delicate than a man's when it came to certain matters. As such, women were more prone to ruminating, even more so than men.

Now, Avery really wanted to restore her ability to walk again.

Cayden took her hand and placed it on his lips, kissing it gently. “You mustn't be stubborn. Your fractures have yet to heal. If you walk on them forcibly, you might dislocate your joints. When that happens, you'd need a second operation and I refuse to let you go through that once more.”

“Then when will I ever get to practice walking?” asked Avery dully.

“When the doctor says so,” replied Cayden. “All I want is for you to recover. Even if you spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair, I'll take care of you.” His low and alluring voice was full of reassurance, which felt like a sturdy weight to Avery.

Avery sighed gently and clenched his large palm with both her hands.

Under his affectionate gaze, Avery's eyes began to redden with tears once more. “I'm not good enough for you.”

Cayden reached over to pat Avery's head, which was full of conflicting thoughts. “Silly girl. What are you talking about? Meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

Avery suddenly broke into a smile. “To be honest, I don't know why you love me so much. I'm weak, sensitive, and lowly, plus I have my little quirks. But I do know that you love me, and I love you very much in return. If you're not there one day, I think I won't be able to live on my own.”

Cayden suddenly covered her mouth as disapproval flashed in his eyes. “You're not to speak of such ill-fated things. We will always be together,” replied Cayden seriously. “If I'm truly gone one day, you must live on well. You need to know that you're not just my lover; you're also the mother of my children. You are responsible for them, and you must set a strong example for them too. They are our flesh and blood and a continuation of our bond. Even if I'm not there, they will step in and love you for my sake. Do you understand?”

Tears began to well up in Avery's eyes once again. “Goodness, I'm such a blabbermouth. What am I saying? Things are perfectly fine right now, so why did I bring up such a depressing topic? Cayden, we're going to be together for the rest of our lives, right?”

Cayden's only response was to hold Avery tightly in his arms and let her listen to his powerful heartbeat.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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