\Chapter 510 A Surprising Discovery

A vicious look crossed Nicole's face when she heard that Avery managed to keep her legs.

However, that foul mood of hers faded a little when she heard that Avery's baby died.

Nevertheless, Nicole still had a frown on her face as she said, “Bonnie, are you sure that the b*tch's baby died?”

Bonnie took out two cigarettes and lit them for Nicole and herself. In a nonchalant manner, she said, “Obviously. The director of the obstetrics and gynecology department is on good terms with me, so she won't lie to me. It's not as though she has the guts to do that, anyway. Nickie, don't worry. There's no way Avery's baby will survive. Pregnant women are already weaker than ordinary people. Even a fall might kill an unborn baby, let alone a severe accident like hers. Even if she's lucky enough to still have her legs, it's impossible that her baby will survive. Maybe the miscarriage will have a negative impact on her womb, and she might never be able to bear any children from now on!”

Bonnie's words brought a beam to Nicole's face. She was thrilled to hear that there was a possibility Avery would never be able to bear any children.

“Is she still in the hospital?” Nicole asked before taking a puff of her cigarette. Bonnie was the only person Nicole dared to show her true colors to.

Bonnie exhaled a mouthful of smoke before answering, “No. She was discharged yesterday, but I don't know where she went. By the way, Nickie, are you dating Mr. Cayden?”

“Mhm. He's now my fiancé.” A blush crept onto Nicole's face at the mention of Cayden.

Bonnie turned to stare at Nicole. It looked as if she was sympathizing with her, but it also looked like she was lamenting. It was a complicated expression.

“What was that? Do you think we're not a match for each other? Which woman in Ackleton do you think will be a match for him in terms of looks, family background, and status?”

Bonnie's silent study on her frustrated Nicole. She flicked the cigarette ash onto Bonnie's fair arm before taking another puff, unperturbed.

The sparks burned Bonnie, but she did not dare to make a sound of pain.

She wanted to remind Nicole that Cayden had been taking care of Avery all this while, but Nicole treated her as if she was merely her dog. It was as though Bonnie had no dignity.

She had done so many things for Nicole, but this was how Nicole was treating her. Bonnie could not help but feel disheartened.

Hence, she swallowed those words and said instead, “Nickie, what are you talking about? You're a beautiful star, and you come from a prominent family. No socialites in Ackleton is on par as you. I'm a woman, but you've even charmed me, so any man will definitely fall for you. Men are visual creatures, after all, and I'm sure that's the same for Mr. Cayden. You'll definitely win him over. The two of you are a match made in heaven ultimately.”

Bonnie's words of flattery made Nicole's lips curl in delight.

In fact, Nicole was so caught up in her arrogance that she never notice the mockery in Bonnie's eyes.

The rain continued to pour as bolts of lightning struck outside.

If someone paid attention to Nicole, they would notice the dark look in Nicole's eyes.

Oh? My foster mother has gone to visit Avery. Ha! What a “surprising” discovery.


Water pooled on the road from the heavy downpour. Nina, who was driving, could barely see what was ahead of her.

Even though the wipers were pushing away the rain droplets as quickly as possible, Nina's vision was still poor. Thus, she had no choice but to slow down as much as she could.

She was starting to feel regret—she should not have gone out for work on a day like this.

Indeed, Nina was trying to work a part-time job to get more money.

Her mother had taken all of her savings and was still asking for more. Last month, Nina had no choice but to steel herself and buy a second-hand car worth around fifty to sixty thousand. Then, she would use the car for transportation services during public holidays and non-working hours to earn a few thousand extra every month.

Nina had seen the weather forecast and knew that there was going to be heavy rain. Initially, she did not want to work the extra hours, but the thought of getting more customers on a rainy day made her steel herself and head out.

After all, she was going to be in the car the entire time, and she had prepared a raincoat for herself. The heavy rain would not be an issue for her.

Alas, Nina was not expecting the rain to be that terrible. The thunder kept crashing, and there were few people on the streets. In the end, she had gotten only very few customers, and she was stuck in the rain.

Right then, the thought of how her mother had kicked a fuss that attracted the attention of her neighbors at the residential area entrance earlier in the morning made her head start throbbing.

It seemed like her mother would do anything to save her imprisoned brother.

However, Nina felt that her brother should be taught a lesson in jail.

Perhaps there were too many temptations in the world. The brother she once thought of as a gentle individual had changed.

He had become lecherous.

Nina could not fathom why someone could change that much.

While Nina was lost in her thoughts on her family matters, a vague figure abruptly appeared in the rain.

She slammed her foot on the brake, but it was too late.

The inertia of the car made her crash into the person, and the car skidded for dozens of meters before it finally stopped moving.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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