Chapter 511 Crushed

A moment later, upon realizing that the man was still unconscious, Nina returned to her car and hastily called for the ambulance.

Then, she went back to the man.

“Mister, please wake up. Please answer me,” she pleaded as she stuck her finger under his nose again.

This time, before she could touch his nose, the man opened his eyes.

At the same time, lightning flashed. The second Nina saw his gloomy gaze, she nearly passed out from fright.

With a shaky finger jabbed at him, she stammered, “A-A-Are you a ghost or a human?”

Yuvan icily studied her from head to toe before fixing his gaze on her average-looking face. “Stupid woman, I can't believe you ran me over!”

Yuvan was certain that it was his unluckiest day of the year. He had taken on five major surgeries earlier, and he was exhausted. Before he could even get any rest, he had to take on an emergency consultation for a soldier from a powerful military family.

After that, the weather turned bad on his way back home.

That was not all. His car ended up breaking down in the middle of the road.

While he was fixing his car, a crazy woman came out of nowhere and crashed into him with her car.

Remorse filled his chest. I should have just accepted that soldier's offer when he said he'll get the driver to send me home.

“D-Don't worry. I'll definitely bear the responsibility for this. Mister, I'll pay all of your medical bills. No worries! I've called for an ambulance for you,” Nina blurted out as she nodded vigorously.

She felt immense relief knowing that he was fine, for that meant she would not need to go to jail.

“Help me into the car,” Yuvan said, eyeing Nina again.

But Nina could not hear him over the rain. She parted her lips and asked, “What? What did you say?”

Yuvan was starting to wonder if he had bumped into an idiot. “I said, help me into the car. The rain is so heavy. Do you want me to be pelted to death by the raindrops? I can't move my leg, and if I continue to stay in the rain, my injuries will worsen!”

It was then Nina snap back to her senses.

With all the strength she could muster, she pulled the man off the floor. As he could not move his injured leg, he was putting all of his weight on her.

Nina never thought that the skinny man would weigh that much. As a matter of fact, she was sure that he was about to crush her.

After what seemed like forever, Nina finally helped Yuvan into the front passenger seat of her car. She panted, exhausted.

Then, she got into the car and sat in the driver's seat. However, when she turned around, she realized the man was looking at her car with disdain.

She opened her mouth to protest but quickly realized that he had a Maserati. Thus, she swallowed her words.

Pushing aside the immense pain he could feel in his leg, Yuvan said, “Take off your clothes.”

Nina could not believe her ears. What? What did the man just say?

At her lack of reaction, Yuvan urged impatiently, “I said, take off your clothes!”

Nina fumed, wishing that she could slap the man. “You shameless man, how dare you try to assault me? I told you I'll bear the responsibility for the accident!”

Yuvan nearly burst out laughing at the peak of his fury at the woman's imagination.

His gaze then landed on her chest, which was mostly hidden by the thick raincoat she was wearing.

Scoffing, he then said, “Don't you think too highly of yourself? I would've thought that you were a man if you didn't speak. No one's going to be attracted to that stick-shaped body of yours!”

“How dare you say that I'm a man? And I'm not stick-shaped!”

She was not trying to praise herself, but despite her ordinary looks, she had a figure that would make many envious.

Not only is this b*stard trying to take advantage of me, but he's even trying to humiliate me! He's the worst of the worst!

“My leg is still bleeding. Do you want me to die? Help me bandage my leg, you id*ot!” Yuvan snapped.

If his clothes were not soaked, he would not have asked for her clothes.

Nina froze before looking at his leg. Sure enough, he was still bleeding. As a matter of fact, his blood had stained both her seat and the mat by his feet red.

“Oh, okay...” she replied sheepishly and rapidly took off her jacket. As she did that, she grumbled, “Who knew I'd dirty my car just as I bought it? I'll end up spending so much to wash the car too... Aw, I don't even have anyone but myself to blame for this...”

Yuvan was about to explode in anger. He was bleeding profusely, but she was more concerned about the state of her car.

In the next instance, Yuvan snatched her clothes from her and swiftly bandaged his leg. Nina could only stare with her jaw hanging. He seems skilled in bandaging.

When Yuvan lifted his head after bandaging himself, he accidentally glanced at Nina's tube top.

He shifted his gaze slightly, but the next thing he noticed made the corners of his lips twitch. Even though she has few brain cells, she is quite busty.

Only after Yuvan had treated his wound did Nina have the time to study him.

She was not expecting the man to be someone handsome. Even though he still had blood and rainwater on his face, she could see how attractive he looked with his defined facial features. In fact, he looked even more enticing than the male celebrities she saw on television.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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