Chapter 523 Claire Is Angry And Upset

Holding Cayden's arm, Nicole strutted along the red carpet into the event ballroom like an arrogant princess.

The ballroom was filled with well-dressed guests chatting away with each other.

Cayden responded to the greetings of the esteemed guests with a graceful smile on his lips, nodding in acknowledgment to each one of them.

Hearing their congratulatory words, he pursed his lips before curling them into a smirk.

Cameras flashed incessantly in the hotel, eager to capture every intimate moment between the two female and male leads that would mark the beginning of their marriage of convenience, which would further bind both families together.

The members of the Moore and Lambert families were seated, their faces displaying a palpable sense of joy and satisfaction.

Jeffrey was clad in a dark blue traditional outfit. He looked especially eager and delighted to be here.

At first, Jeffrey believed that the negotiations the night before had failed, and he expected his grandson to refuse to get engaged to the daughter of the Lambert family. As a result, he flew into a fit of rage.

Jeffrey was accustomed to being in control, and he was already planning to use despicable means to force Cayden to comply with his wishes.

He viewed the marriage of convenience between the Moore family and the Lambert family as being beneficial to both parties. As such, he was unwilling to let Cayden's feelings for Avery jeopardize the union.

However, just as Jeffrey was about to put his plan into action by asking his men to take action, Cayden surprised him by returning home and claiming that he had thought things through. Cayden explained that he had come to the realization that the marriage of convenience between the Moore and Lambert families would be beneficial, so he had decided to get engaged to Nicole after all.

Naturally, Jeffrey was delighted.

The only person who was upset at the party was Claire.

She observed the handsome Cayden thoughtfully.

him look even more handsome and poised than usual. stood out from

feeling as her right eyelid kept

onto Cayden's arm and looked completely enamored. She was beaming with joy as if nothing

engagement party, but he bore

that Cayden wasn't a suitable partner for

she refused to give up no matter what

deep sigh, filled with worry. As Nicole's mother, she could only hope that Cayden wouldn't break her daughter's heart. She vowed to support Nicole in any way possible to ensure she

Nicole walked onto the stage in the middle of the

adorned with a plethora of fresh flowers, and there was a

host of the ceremony was a popular

his speech with words of congratulations, using his

handed the microphone to

arm away, Cayden walked

bright lights, making him even more captivating to the

Nicole grew

for her in public just like how he confessed his feelings for Avery, but she hoped

known each other for a long time but only ended up as a couple recently. Nevertheless, she felt that time was too slow as she couldn't wait

going to ask for my hand in

calm and tamped down her excitement. She was on cloud

Ackleton get to his knees to ask

her head to look at

he'd be proposing to her, Nicole couldn't stop her heart from racing wildly. She gripped the edge of her gown, crumpling

remained cool and indifferent. He gave Nicole a quick look and turned to look at the

time to attend my engagement party. I


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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