Chapter 524 Avery Is My Weakness

It wasn't until Nicole noticed the cold look in Cayden's eyes and the whispers among the guests that she realized he wasn't joking with her.

I guess it makes sense that no one would dare joke about something like this at their own engagement party.

In an instant, her face fell.

She never expected something like this would happen.

The perfect engagement party she had envisioned had turned into a laughingstock.

All the hopes she had had before were now replaced by despair.

Nicole pulled at her skirt stiffly and walked up to Cayden rigidly before pleading with him in a soft voice, “Cayden, there has never been any conflict between us. Even if there are issues, it's all my fault. If there's anything you don't like about me, I can change it, so please don't cancel our engagement today. You can do whatever you want to me after our engagement, okay? I'm begging you... With so many guests and media reporters present, who knows what kind of rumors will spread if we really call off the engagement? Please find it within yourself to leave me and my family some dignity.”

She stared at Cayden pitifully, the tears in her eyes almost spilling out.

She had to admit that she had lost her sense of self-worth and had become a coward when it came to loving the man before her.

Nonetheless, she still hoped that he could change his mind and continue to hold the engagement party.

With a deadpan expression, Cayden leaned in close to Nicole's ear as if whispering something to her. To others, it looked like the couple were having a private conversation.

However, only Nicole knew just how cruel and heartless his words were. He told her, “Ms. Lambert, you don't really think I want to marry you, do you? If it weren't for the fact that you threatened me with the disk, I wouldn't have put up with the act for so long. Honestly, every minute and every second I spent with you was a kind of torment... The only wife that I'll ever have in this life is Avery. As for you, you are nothing to me!”

A shiver ran down Nicole's spine, chilling her to the bone.

Her lips trembled, and her voice was shaking as she asked, “So what you're saying is that all this time, your feelings for me were just an act?”

Cayden remained expressionless, but the slight curl of his lips was enough to convey his answer.

Seeing him staying silent, Nicole seemed to have guessed something, and she continued to speculate, “You knew all along... You knew that I used the disk to threaten Avery to leave. You wanted to protect her, so you pretended to be my boyfriend and even agreed to marry me. In reality, everything you did was to prepare for today. You wanted to retaliate against me by humiliating me in front of the media, am I right?”

The look in Cayden's obsidian eyes was strange and profound, resembling that of a cold pond. When he stared at Nicole, his gaze seemed to be lined with a layer of ice, making those who he had settled his sight on shudder with fear.

He uttered, “You're a smart woman, Ms. Nicole. You knew that Avery was my weakness, so you threatened her with the disk alone, and because she loves me deeply, she has no qualms about swallowing all the grievances in her heart. However, human nature is not something you can calculate and predict. In the end, I was still able to find out the truth. Of course, with your current status in Ackleton, you can do whatever you want, but you shouldn't have used such wicked means to sow discord between Avery and me nor try to marry me using such despicable tactics.”

Nicole felt her blood run cold, and all the color drained from her face as she listened to his words. She couldn't help but tremble.

Oh, no! He knew everything... I can't believe I was stupid enough to think that the little bit of affection he had for me was genuine... Everything was just an act!

At that moment, Nicole felt not only despair and heartache but also a deep sense of humiliation and anger surging through her.

The celebrity circle in the vast city of Ackleton was only this big, with the Lambert family and the Moore family being the most influential figures. Not only that, the media had long assumed that Nicole and Cayden were a match made in heaven.

As such, Cayden's impromptu announcement really caught Nicole off guard.

I was willing to let go of my pride and honor because I love him but in the end, all I got was betrayal and humiliation in return!

The hotel lobby fell into deathly silence.

Everyone's gaze was fixed on Cayden and Nicole, their looks ranging from surprise, derision, sympathy, and glee.

Just then, William got up from his seat and strode over to the center of the stage.

He glared at Cayden and growled, “Mr. Moore, if you have no feelings for Nicole, you could have said it earlier and discussed with us privately about breaking off the engagement. However, not only did you not say anything, but you waited until the engagement party itself to announce that you were breaking it off. What is the meaning of this? Do you think you can bully our daughter however you like? Or do you think you can trample all over the Lambert family without any consequences?”

The media rarely saw William lose his temper. After all, he had always been affable in front of the public. This time, however, they reckoned he was really pissed off from the way he had an outburst.

Upon that realization, they aimed their cameras at him.

I wonder how this will affect the future of Trident Group now that Cayden has humiliated William's daughter in public and angered him.

“My apologies, Mr. Lambert, but I have thought about it for a long time before making this decision. Your daughter is not a suitable match for me, and I'm very sorry for the harm I caused her. I promise to make it up to her, but I won't allow this mistake to continue.” Although Cayden was apologizing, his expression clearly showed he was feeling relieved.

Ha uttarad, “You'ra a smart woman, Ms. Nicola. You knaw that Avary was my waaknass, so you thraatanad har with tha disk alona, and bacausa sha lovas ma daaply, sha has no qualms about swallowing all tha griavancas in har haart. Howavar, human natura is not somathing you can calculata and pradict. In tha and, I was still abla to find out tha truth. Of coursa, with your currant status in Acklaton, you can do whatavar you want, but you shouldn't hava usad such wickad maans to sow discord batwaan Avary and ma nor try to marry ma using such daspicabla tactics.”

Nicola falt har blood run cold, and all tha color drainad from har faca as sha listanad to his words. Sha couldn't halp but trambla.

Oh, no! Ha knaw avarything... I can't baliava I was stupid anough to think that tha littla bit of affaction ha had for ma was ganuina... Evarything was just an act!

At that momant, Nicola falt not only daspair and haartacha but also a daap sansa of humiliation and angar surging through har.

Tha calabrity circla in tha vast city of Acklaton was only this big, with tha Lambart family and tha Moora family baing tha most influantial figuras. Not only that, tha madia had long assumad that Nicola and Caydan wara a match mada in haavan.

As such, Caydan's impromptu announcamant raally caught Nicola off guard.

I was willing to lat go of my prida and honor bacausa I lova him but in tha and, all I got was batrayal and humiliation in raturn!

Tha hotal lobby fall into daathly silanca.

Evaryona's gaza was fixad on Caydan and Nicola, thair looks ranging from surprisa, darision, sympathy, and glaa.

Just than, William got up from his saat and stroda ovar to tha cantar of tha staga.

Ha glarad at Caydan and growlad, “Mr. Moora, if you hava no faalings for Nicola, you could hava said it aarliar and discussad with us privataly about braaking off tha angagamant. Howavar, not only did you not say anything, but you waitad until tha angagamant party itsalf to announca that you wara braaking it off. What is tha maaning of this? Do you think you can bully our daughtar howavar you lika? Or do you think you can trampla all ovar tha Lambart family without any consaquancas?”

Tha madia raraly saw William losa his tampar. Aftar all, ha had always baan affabla in front of tha public. This tima, howavar, thay rackonad ha was raally pissad off from tha way ha had an outburst.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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