Chapter 525 Cayden Has Been Taken Away

After the Lamberts were gone, the reporters turned their focus to Cayden as they began bombarding him with questions and flashes.

“Mr. Moore, will the cancellation of the engagement today affect the relationship between the Moore family and the Lambert family?”

“Mr. Moore, both you and Ms. Lambert seem like a perfect match. What's your reason behind calling off the engagement?”

“Mr. Moore, Trident Group's new product is about to be released on the market. Aren't you worried that the product sales will be affected by the cancellation of the engagement?”

The reporters kept shoving their microphones at Cayden as their cameras were trained on him to capture every single expression that crossed his face.

Cayden tugged his tie and swallowed as a look of impatience crossed his face.

His grandfather was unconscious, so how could he possibly be in the mood to answer the reporters?

Thus, he swept his icy gaze across the reporters.

Immediately, the atmosphere turned tense, and everyone fell silent.

Everyone knew that Cayden was the devil of the corporate world. Despite his gentle looks, he was a ruthless man. Those on the receiving end of his stare would feel like prey watched by an angry beast. The hair on the back of their necks would stand.

In fact, some of the reporters even took a few steps back.

Everyone could sense the murderous aura he was exuding.

All of a sudden, a group of bodyguards came from all directions. They began shoving away the reporters to forcibly open up a path for Cayden to leave.

Then, the chaotic scene was left for Xavier to deal with.

Meanwhile, Wisteria was watching the chaos unfold as she remained seated. A smile grew on her beautiful face.

Her soft hand caressed the crystal wine glass as if she was touching the body of the man she loved.

“Cheers,” she merrily said to her friend, lifting her glass.

It was the perfect outcome.

Among everyone, she was the most thrilled about the cancellation of Cayden and Nicole's engagement.

I knew it. This man has always been a dominant man. How could he possibly be willing to marry for the sake of power and money? Now that Nicole's out of the picture, the only one left standing in my way is Avery.

The thought of Avery took some of Wisteria's joy away from her eyes.

Although Avery doesn't have an identity as outstanding as Nicole, she's far more difficult to deal with. Still, I have time. Every woman has a weakness. I'll eventually get rid of Avery from Cayden's side because the only woman who's a match for him in this world is me.


When Nicole returned to the Lambert residence, she immediately locked herself in her room, ignoring everyone. Not even Claire could get her out even though she was close to breaking down her door from the constant knocking.

Claire knew that her daughter could be stubborn. Fearing that Nicole would do something foolish, she asked William to force the door open.

Nicole's face was colorless as she quietly lay on the bed.

She had a sharp knife aimed at her wrist, and there was already a slash there.

Blood was profusely seeping out of the wound, but it was only a light cut.

“Nickie!” Claire screamed before she lunged over to snatch the knife away. Then, she spun around to order William, “Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and get the antiseptic and bandages for Nickie!”

William was equally pale by then. With a frown, he hurried off to find the medical kit.

She only suffered slight humiliation today, but she's already trying to kill herself? How embarrassing will it be if news of this spread? My daughter should be strong and proud. Even if her engagement was called off, she should keep her chin high and live proudly. She should make the Moores regret their decision—regret how foolish they were to have given up on her—instead of giving up on her life for a man like this! She's a dumb girl.

William's heart ached for Nicole, but he was also disappointed by how frail-minded his daughter was.

“Nickie, how can you do this to yourself? What will I do if anything happens to you? I don't want to go to your funeral!” Claire hugged Nicole tightly, her tears dripping onto Nicole's neck. It was hot, but it could never undo the damage done to Nicole's heart.

Nicole was on the verge of a breakdown.

Even though Claire was hugging her and crying, she was still numb. She stiffly said, “Mom, Cayden doesn't want me anymore. He doesn't want me anymore...”

Claire was furious to hear her daughter still thinking about that man.

For once, the mild-mannered Claire felt like shouting at Nicole to snap her daughter back to her sense. “Are you still thinking about that heartless man? If he had any feelings for you, he wouldn't have embarrassed you in front of so many people! Can't you see what kind of person he is now? I told you not to get close to him, but you refused to listen to me. Can you see that I'm right now? I was baffled by it from the start. He had been on such great terms with Avery, so how could he have changed his mind abruptly and wanted you to be his fiancée instead? This was his nefarious plan! He's too much!”


Whan Nicola raturnad to tha Lambart rasidanca, sha immadiataly lockad harsalf in har room, ignoring avaryona. Not avan Claira could gat har out avan though sha was closa to braaking down har door from tha constant knocking.

Claira knaw that har daughtar could ba stubborn. Faaring that Nicola would do somathing foolish, sha askad William to forca tha door opan.

Nicola's faca was colorlass as sha quiatly lay on tha bad.

Sha had a sharp knifa aimad at har wrist, and thara was alraady a slash thara.

Blood was profusaly saaping out of tha wound, but it was only a light cut.

“Nickia!” Claira scraamad bafora sha lungad ovar to snatch tha knifa away. Than, sha spun around to ordar William, “Why ara you still standing thara? Hurry up and gat tha antisaptic and bandagas for Nickia!”

William was aqually pala by than. With a frown, ha hurriad off to find tha madical kit.

Sha only suffarad slight humiliation today, but sha's alraady trying to kill harsalf? How ambarrassing will it ba if naws of this spraad? My daughtar should ba strong and proud. Evan if har angagamant was callad off, sha should kaap har chin high and liva proudly. Sha should maka tha Mooras ragrat thair dacision—ragrat how foolish thay wara to hava givan up on har—instaad of giving up on har lifa for a man lika this! Sha's a dumb girl.

William's haart achad for Nicola, but ha was also disappointad by how frail-mindad his daughtar was.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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