Chapter 528 Why Would Cayden Turn Himself In

The setting sun looked like a raging inferno that set the surface of the lake ablaze, providing a fantasy-like backdrop to the mansions beside it.

As Avery sat by the man-made lake with her chin in her hand, she gave the fish swimming inside it a bored stare.

By her side, the nurse was keeping watching without saying a word.

All of a sudden, the sound of familiar footsteps broke the silence.

Avery was greeted by the sight of Cayden's towering figure with the sun behind his back. As a delighted smile widened across her face, she asked curiously, “What brings you here so early today?”

She was well aware of how busy Cayden had been recently. It had become a norm for him to come back in the middle of the night. Sometimes, he would reek of alcohol after entertaining business associates, an unsettling situation that she was helpless about.

At the sight of Cayden, the nurse gave him a polite nod before tactfully giving the pair of lovers some privacy.

Cayden walked up to the rattan chair Avery was sitting on and joined her there.

He enjoyed hugging her in his arms, an act of intimacy that gave him pleasure.

The moment he laid her hands on her tender skin, he would no longer be able to stop himself from caressing her.

“I saw the news today. I didn't expect Nicole to kill herself over what happened. Did we make a mistake?” Avery looked up at Cayden with a glint of remorse in her eyes.

out a sigh with a frown on his face. “She did this to herself and

disadvantage. Also, considering how much Mr. William and his wife love Nicole, they will definitely

times, the poor knew not to challenge the rich, while

folk were powerless against government officials who wielded tremendous power and

and possessed wealth that rivaled nations, he was still nothing more than a businessman who was at a natural

successful he was, he would lose everything once he was indicted for

exposes it, I already have a countermeasure in place. We'll only see a slide in the company's share price under the worst-case scenario. Even then, I expect it to only be temporary. The losses won't be much,

melodiously in her ears. The stirring emotions in his

gazes with him, all she could see

into each other's eyes, a raging inferno of passion would

don't need to be officially recognized to be happy by your side. Loving someone means accepting every part of them. We have to learn how to understand,

in to kiss her, Cayden covered

were well-defined, while hers were

warmth emitted by the tip of his fingers, hers was slightly

nature of their hands made a perfect match for

the love they shared, it was an amalgamation of heat and cold. Regardless of the circumstances, they would never abandon each other. Any obstacles thrown into their path

the public prosecutor's office, two public prosecutors were sitting in front of a conference

man around thirty who had a stern look on his face, while the other was a woman in her late twenties. Although she wasn't considered beautiful, the charm she exuded

them with his legs crossed. He would give the female public prosecutor

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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