Chapter 527 Change Is Coming

“Imbecile! What an imbecile!” A roar rang out from Jeffrey's ward in the hospital.

The moment he woke up, the first thing he saw was a barrage of negative news about Cayden being broadcasted on television. He was so incensed that he smacked away the medicine the nurse was holding, causing everything to spill on the floor.

The poor nurse stood to the side, trembling and at a loss.

“Dad, you just woke up. The doctor said you shouldn't get too emotional.” Although Lily appeared to be consoling Jeffrey, she was gloating deep inside.

It had been a few decades since she joined the Moore family, but her marriage was never happy. Part of that could be attributed to Jeffrey giving free rein to Bruce.

No matter how much of a playboy Bruce had been, he wouldn't have dared to bring his mistress home had Jeffrey been stricter with him.

Jeffrey had not only accepted Allie but even allowed her illegitimate child to be in charge of Moore Group.

While Cayden was in control of almost all the assets of Trident Group, Lily and Kendrick, the legal wife and the legitimate son, had nothing but a few pathetic shares. They did not even have any rights of inheritance.

Lily was frustrated, resentful, and indignant, but there was nothing she could do in the current circumstances.

Since she entered the Moore family, she had done everything she could for them and never played them false. In fact, she had convinced her father to finance Moore Group when she married Bruce. It was partly thanks to her that Moore Group was able to gradually expand its scale.

Yet after everything she had done, she couldn't get anything in return. There was no way she could put up with such unfair treatment.

terrible things Cayden did made

is in a bad mood, yet you purposefully turned on the TV to show him that terrible news. You clearly

playing your son's shameful news? Allie, what a great, audacious son you have there. I can't believe he canceled his engagement with Mr. Lambert's

in truth, exasperated about how Cayden had called off the

Lily insult Cayden. She retorted, “We can't do anything about Nicole falling for Cayden. After all, he's too outstanding. Cayden turned her down in front of everyone because he can afford to do so! Even if he rejected her, she'd remain head over heels for him. What can we do? At least Cayden is not like someone else's son, fooling around

the nurse cleaned up the mess on the floor, she awkwardly listened to the feud

lives like how novels presented them to be, but surprisingly, the scheming between the wealthy

marrying into a wealthy family was not for everyone. Those who were not shrewd and cunning enough would

stumped by Allie's

consequences Cayden's action will cause, yet this brazen vixen managed to change the focus of the conversation to how excellent her son

dating the governor's second daughter, right? Bring her to the

Kendrick felt helpless.

was just keeping quiet and playing games on his own, but he still ended up being dragged into

my life more. Let's talk about this two years later...” Though Kendrick tried to raise his objection, he got

have any plans to bring that woman

she was intolerably ill-tempered, controlling, and

with Kendrick's answer, Lily patted his shoulder before throwing Allie a smug look. “My son is so incredible that he won the heart of the governor's daughter. And unlike that adoptee from the

clenched her jaw

didn't expect to hear about Kendrick dating the governor's daughter right after Cayden called off his engagement

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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