Chapter 534 Cayden Is Back

At that crucial moment, Avery managed to react on time by running up to higher ground despite her legs turning to jelly, causing the snake to lose sight of her for a second.

With that, she narrowly escaped a lethal attack.

How did something so dangerous get inside here?

Avery's legs were weak, and her stomach was in great pain. She simply didn't have the strength to continue running.

There were stairs in front of the mansion, and although every step she took felt especially draining, she could only steel herself and keep going.

The venomous snakes began to catch up. Just as the biggest one was about to strike, James returned from the same path he had left on and yelled in fright, “Mrs. Moore!”

Then, he spotted a wooden shovel nearby—the one Zachary and Rory normally used for gardening. Spurred by a sudden burst of courage, he picked up the tool and struck the snake in the head.

In spite of the light weight of the shovel, James used so much force that the snake took a heavy blow, further aggravating it and causing it to slither toward him even more quickly with a hiss.

No longer caring about the difference in hierarchy between Avery and himself, he carried the pregnant woman and dashed toward the building.

The entrance was in sight, and James kicked the door to the bedroom open before putting Avery down.

Just as he was about to close the door, he felt a sharp pain in his leg. Bearing it, the man mustered the last of his strength to slam the door shut, making sure every snake remained outside.

“L-Lock the door, Mrs. Moore. Don't... Don't go outside...” Suddenly, James felt his head spin as his body twitched, and he collapsed to the floor with a loud thud.

On the verge of tears, Avery knelt down and called out his name relentlessly, “James!”

was no use. James could hear nothing,

folding one side of his trousers up, Avery

wound had begun to swell up, indicating that he had been

filled with both remorse and gratitude when she saw how pale James had become. If he hadn't saved her at that very moment,

time to grieve. I have to find the antidote

pain in her belly, an anxious Avery lugged her tired

a medium-sized medicine room with a large array of drugs for both internal and external use. However, most of them were non-prescription medications meant for treating colds, stomach aches, and other

antidotes somewhere in the mansion, given that it was located halfway up a mountain and surrounded by lush greenery crawling with ants, spiders,

these animals were harmless, and since the mansion took great measures in regard to pest control, there was hardly a

mean there was no antidote. It was necessary

panic during moments of

find something, the more likely it won't appear. In contrast, that something will be in

was the case for Avery. She had scoured every drawer in the room and come across every medication imaginable, but

thought about

phone: one of the drawers had a hidden compartment containing goods such as rifles and anesthetics. Could the antidotes be kept

in mind, Avery opened the closet and pulled the entire drawer out of its place. There, she saw a rifle, a bottle of anesthesia with an Ustranasion label, two vials of antidotes, a few packs of unopened syringes, and a large bag

grabbed every item

coming from outside the house

hadn't expected the snakes to

reason unless they feel threatened, so why are they going at it like this? I can't believe

time to ponder over such things. James' face was slowly turning purple, and

attached the needle

someone an injection, and the fact that her hands couldn't stop quivering made her miss a few times before

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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