Chapter 535 It Is Really Scary

“Avery!” Cayden's shout came from outside the door.

At that moment, he was anxious and angry at the same time.

He was firing his rifle at those venomous snakes as he called out Avery's name.

When Avery heard him calling for her, she staggered to the window and began to slam on the glass. “Cayden, I'm all right. There are many snakes outside. You have to be careful...”

Taking in the crazed look on Cayden's face, Avery suppressed the fear in her.

He seemed to be more frightened than she was.

The sight of him made her feel safe.

Cayden relaxed when he saw that Avery was safe and sound in the house.

After a long while, there was a click on the electronic door, and Cayden rushed in. He pulled Avery into his trembling arms and apologized, “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry...”

He could have almost lost her.

“This isn't your fault. Don't blame yourself.” Avery collapsed into his arms and felt a sense of relief as if she had gained a new leash on life.

Cayden continued holding her very tightly.

Suddenly, Avery thought of James who was still unconscious, and she broke free of Cayden's embrace. She walked toward James and said guiltily, “If it weren't for James, I would have been bitten by the venomous snake. In order to save me, James has snake venom in him now. I've already injected him with the antidote, but I'm not sure if it will work. If it wasn't because of me, James wouldn't have been poisoned. How am I going to help him?” With that, tears began to flow down her face. “We've been staying here for so long, and we've hardly seen any insects. Why are there venomous snakes around all of a sudden? And so many of them?”

Ever since Avery got pregnant, she had become more emotional, and now, more than ever.

Cayden said with a frown, “I will get to the bottom of this matter. Both you and James are victims. I'm thankful that James saved your life. He will be fine. Once he regains consciousness, I will give him a huge reward. Don't worry too much.”

sirens coming from outside, and they were getting louder by

a spasm of pain coming from her abdomen. It was so painful that she


rushed into the house,

floor and Avery's pale face, they looked


come too

by the venomous snake, but he has been injected with the antidote. Hurry up and take him to the hospital,” instructed

caressed her stomach and tried her

she could not help but

feel was immense pain coming from her abdomen and

to accept that. She had


fainted, she heard Cayden calling

it! Why is the ambulance not here yet?”

carried James on

cars were parked outside the

black mambas on the ground. It was a

snakes with a deadly look in

walked up to Cayden. When he saw the vicious

you know what to do, don't you?” uttered Cayden in

However, the culprit is very cunning. He has stolen the surveillance

ten surveillance cameras around the mansion. Unfortunately, the ones

are all of

It was not their

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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