Chapter 547 Avery Looking For Her Mother

Soon, working hours were over.

Thinking about how he had not brought Avery out for a meal for a long time, Cayden drove Avery to an upscale restaurant.

Silvia was the one who owned the restaurant, and it was beautifully renovated.

The melodious sound of the violin echoed in the area, and one could see the magnificent view of the city through the windows. Furthermore, the menu offered a myriad of delectable dishes.

As they were regular patrons, Silvia came to serve them herself.

Upon putting the last dish on the table, she asked merrily, “Cayden, what have you been busy with? It's been such a long time since I've seen you, and I quite miss you.”

Even though Silvia was close to Claire, she rarely came into contact with Allie. Nevertheless, she was impressed by Cayden. Moreover, her husband had been close to Bruce, so naturally, she would pay more attention to Bruce's son.

In fact, it could be said that Silvia had watched Cayden grow up. Sometimes, she was even more like his mother than Allie was.

Because of that, Cayden would occasionally come to her to talk about his frustrations rather than tell them to his own mother, Allie.

“I've been a little busy at work recently, so I didn't have the time to come. If I'm free from now on, I'll definitely come. I'll come every day, and maybe you'll get sick of me,” Cayden joked.

“You're just all talk,” Silvia said with a laugh. Then looking at Avery's pretty face, she arched a brow. “Cayden, if my memory serves me right, this is the first girl you brought to me the other time, right? Her name is... Ave... Avery Rumpley?”

There was something familiar about Avery when Silvia first saw her the other time.

Avery was young, and she did not put on any makeup. Her face was oval-shaped, and her rosy cheeks were prominent. Her complexion was smooth and flawless.

Her eyes were big and dark, and her lashes were thick. Avery, at first glance, looked like a sweet and quiet girl.

As Cayden held Avery's hand, a soft look crept into his eyes. “Yes. She's Avery, the woman I love most.”

His sudden confession made Avery's face turn red. She glanced at Silvia sheepishly and greeted her before lowering her head again.

A shy girl, I see.

Silvia had no idea how a shy woman like Avery was capable of handling an assertive and aggressive Cayden.

Cayden had always been an arrogant soul. She thought that the woman who could handle him eventually would be a smart woman who could rule with an iron fist.

However, Cayden was evidently different when he was with Avery than when he was with Nicole. He was obviously in love, and Silvia knew that Avery truly had Cayden wrapped around her finger.

Silvia more or less knew some of the things that had happened between Cayden and Avery from Claire.

Nicole had always had a crush on Cayden, but Avery had occupied the space in his heart.

However, Avery and Cayden had gone their own separate ways after Avery rejected Cayden during their engagement.

That was how Nicole had the chance to become Cayden's fiancée.

But ultimately, Cayden and Nicole's engagement was ruined as well, and he got together with Avery again. Yet, Nicole started kicking up a fuss, saying that she would kill herself.

Even though Silvia did not know what happened between the two of them, as someone who had been in a relationship before, she knew instantly that Cayden did not have any feelings for Nicole at all.

Frankly, she shared the same idea as Claire. Neither thought that Cayden and Nicole would be good as a couple, yet Nicole was determined to do things her way, which led to the present tragedy.

Even though Silvia felt bad for Nicole, her wish to see Cayden find someone suitable was stronger. After all, she had seen how much suffering Cayden had been through all these years.

With irresponsible parents like Bruce and Allie, Cayden had been living a tough life. Silvia did not wish to see Cayden walk down the same path his parents did.

With a sigh, Silvia advised, “Cayden, I know you're not one to give up once you have made up your mind about something or someone. When I first saw her, I thought she looked kind. I trust you that you're a good judge of character too. You're not that young anymore, and it's time for you to get married. I hope you won't end up hurting yourself and her in the end.”

Silvia glanced at Avery's stomach, hinting to him about the thoughts in her mind.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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