Chapter 567 New Development

In the end, Stephanie lost her baby.

When Avery came to the ward, Stephanie seemed to have lost weight in an instant. Her face was pale, and she looked really weak.

Despair was written all over her face, and her eyes were devoid of expression. It seemed that her soul had drifted away.

“Stephanie...” Avery felt bad for her.

She approached the bed and gently took hold of Stephanie's slender arm. “Don't be too upset and make sure to take good care of your health. Your well-being is the most important thing right now as you can always try to get pregnant again in the future.”

“No. I will never get pregnant again.” Stephanie shook her head gently as a bitter look crossed her face. “He was the one who did this to me. It's a good thing that I lost the baby. A child who is unwanted may not have a happy life...”

Stephanie initially disliked her child, but as he grew inside of her, she slowly started to anticipate his arrival and rely on him.

Upon hearing that she had lost the baby, she initially thought it wouldn't affect her much, but to her surprise, her heart was filled with an intense ache.

Avery was stunned and didn't know what to say.

It was pretty obvious that Jacob cared a lot for Stephanie and her baby, so she couldn't fathom why he would make her lose the baby.

A while later, Avery, who was also a mother of two, rose to her feet abruptly. “Jacob has gone overboard. The baby is also his. How could he be this cruel? I must demand an explanation from him!” she told Stephanie.

“No, don't do that,” Stephanie urged, shaking her head hastily.

Ignoring her protests, Avery pulled the door open to go look for Jacob.

When the door opened, she saw the man standing right outside the ward.

Avery was surprised to see that his face was wet with tears and his eyes red with exhaustion. Despite his handsome face, he looked tired and emotionally drained.

Behind him, Cayden was seated on the bench, smoking irritatedly.

“You...” Avery couldn't bring herself to reprimand Jacob when she saw his face.

Men would rarely cry, so it was clear that Stephanie's miscarriage had dealt a huge blow to him.

“Avery, how is Stephanie doing?” Jacob asked worriedly. He was obviously concerned about Stephanie but seemed to be holding back, not daring to enter the ward.

The guilt and pain in his gaze made Avery's heart soften. “The miscarriage has crushed her, and she's emotionally unstable right now. Stephanie is a great girl, but she's quite innocent. Treat her well and make sure she doesn't have to experience something this traumatizing again. Going through a miscarriage can be detrimental to a woman's health.”

Jacob's fists balled up as the guilt in his gaze intensified. The sorrow on his face was evident as he grunted in acknowledgment, “Mm...”

He walked into the ward and shut the door.

Avery could hear Stephanie wailing noisily and screaming for Jacob to leave her ward.

She was shocked at hearing the commotion. Women could easily become emotional after suffering from a miscarriage, so she knew how important for Stephanie should remain calm and should take good care of herself.

She knocked on the door desperately but was stopped by Cayden.

“Ery, it's not our place to interfere in their matters. Let's go back for now. I trust that Jacob will handle the situation properly,” Cayden said as he took her hand and led her out.

“But I'm afraid Stephanie would act recklessly,” Avery replied, sounding worried.

“Don't worry. Jacob will be with her, so she'll be fine. You're also pregnant, so do take care of yourself and get more rest,” Cayden told her, feeling exasperated. Avery might be great, but she loved sticking her nose into someone else's matter.

“But...” Before she could say anything, Cayden picked her up and strode away from the ward.

As he walked along the corridor, he told her, “Didn't you see Jacob was feeling bad about Stephanie's miscarriage, too? They need to solve the problem themselves, and Stephanie is the only one who can make peace with herself. No matter what you say, it's useless if she insists on being stubborn.”

Avery was speechless. She knew he was right as there was a saying, “The onlooker sees most of the game.” She was an outsider, so no matter how much advice she provided, it was useless if the person involved refused to change.

A few days later, Xavier was still busy gathering evidence back in Trident Group.

He advised Avery not to come to work for the time being, worried that the rumors would affect her. After all, he knew how proud the woman was.

Despite the situation, Avery was determined to go to work. She believed that hiding would only make others think she was guilty.

Cayden had no choice but to relent.

Nevertheless, Avery didn't expect to be the target of strange looks upon arrival at the company.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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