Chapter 607 Not This Time

The glow of dusk was picturesque.

Smooth, elegant piano music was playing softly in the café near Trident Group, but it did not interrupt the quiet conversations of the guests.

Avery was familiar with that café, as she had been there more than once. Both the ambiance and the service were top-notch, making it an ideal place for serious discussions. In fact, she had previously negotiated some deals there.

This time, however...

Avery stirred her steaming coffee, but she was not in the mood for a sip.

After hesitating for a moment, she began candidly, “I asked you out today because I wanted to ask you something, Evangeline.”

Evangeline, who was seated across from Avery, had light makeup on.

Too caught up in the excitement of the reconciliation that was going to take place the following day at that moment, she failed to notice Avery's unusual mood.

Instead, she glanced at her watch with a hint of impatience. “Just speak your mind if you have something to say, Avery. Mom wants me to get home quickly after work today. She's going to take me to the store to pick out a dress.”

Avery turned pale. She tried hard to keep her voice steady. “Are you sure you're their daughter, Evangeline? Have you ever considered the possibility that... there might be a mistake?”

Evangeline gave a start, jerking her head up to look at her friend as if her secret had been seen through. She looked somewhat embarrassed.

Yet, she continued to feign surprise by giving a nonchalant laugh. “How could there possibly be a mistake? My parents personally sought out the most reputable detective agency in Ackleton to investigate my background, and everything matched up. Even if there were errors in the investigation, you should at least believe in modern technology; the DNA test results have confirmed that I am the biological daughter of William and Claire. How could there still be any doubt?”

Avery wanted to suggest that DNA test results could easily be tampered with.

However, when she saw the hopeful look in Evangeline's eyes, she swallowed the words she wanted to say.

After a few moments of racking her brain, Avery made another attempt at persuading her friend. “Nothing is absolutely certain, Evangeline. There might have been a mix-up. The Lambert family might invite many reporters when they announce your identity at the reunion banquet tomorrow, and if by any chance there is a mistake, the Lambert family will become a laughingstock, and your situation will become very awkward...”

Being previously lackadaisical with happiness, Evangeline suddenly grew alert and wary. Her voice, too, became displeased. “What do you mean by that, Avery? Do you think I'm pretending to be a daughter of the Lambert family?”

Avery set down the spoon in her hand and said patiently and politely, “You misunderstood what I meant, I just—”

Evangeline set down her coffee. “I will warmly welcome you if you come to my reunion banquet tomorrow, Avery, but please stop saying things that might lead to misunderstandings. My parents have already confirmed and acknowledged the fact that I am their biological daughter, and it seems to me that you, an outsider, do not have a say in this. Besides, whether or not I am their daughter is none of your concern. Why are you so worked up?”

Avery lowered her gaze in silence and stared blankly at the dark liquid in the coffee cup, with agony gnawing at her heart.

She did not know how to explain it to Evangeline.

Should I just show her the DNA test I've conducted and tell her that her previous test was a sham?

She was certain that Evangeline would never believe her and might even question her motives; their friendship would undoubtedly shatter if she were to bring this matter to light. It was a risk she was not willing to take.

Evangeline realized that her emotions had gotten the better of her when Avery fell unnaturally silent. She composed herself, and her tone became meek once more. “I'm sorry for my outburst, Avery, but I'm sure you know that I've spent many years searching for my real parents. The heartache and bitterness I've experienced during this time is something only I can truly understand. Now that I've finally met them, nobody knows how much I cherish everything I now have. I don't want anyone to spoil my newfound happiness. Could you understand what I'm going through? All right, we'll talk another day. I'm going home to try on my dress. You should be getting back, too.”

Without another word, Evangeline rose from her seat, gave Avery a wave, and scuttled out of the café.

Avery closed her weary eyes. The thought of Evangeline's reunion banquet looming ahead made her increasingly gloomy.

People are strange like that.

If she did not know that William and Claire were her biological parents, the reunion banquet might not have moved her.

Now that she knew they were her family and that they were acknowledging another girl as their daughter, it caused a sour twinge in Avery's heart despite not being close to them.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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