Chapter 608 Revealing The Test Results

Meanwhile, in his office at the hospital, Felix was staring at the investigative reports of him abusing his power and accepting kickbacks on a grand scale. There was also evidence of him forging the DNA test, which nearly caused him a heart attack.

Ever since he accepted Nicole's money and agreed to conspire with her, he had been restless.

To his dismay, he was still found out.

Felix was baffled. Who could have possessed such an extraordinary ability to uncover everything, even down to the smallest detail?

He gazed dejectedly at the man before him, who appeared to be in his thirties, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and was proving to be incredibly astute despite his genteel appearance. “Who the h*ll are you? What do you want?” he cried in utter despair.

Xavier stared at Felix. His voice was cold and detached. “Who I am is not important. What matters is that I want you to expose Nicole's plot at the Lambert family's recognition banquet tomorrow. Tell everybody that she fabricated Evangeline's DNA test result.”

Felix gave an involuntary shudder at the thought of the video in Nicole's possession that had as leverage against him. “Nicole has evidence that could implicate me, Mr. Dartsley. You have no idea how cunning that woman is. If I hadn't agreed to her demand to falsify the test results, she would have accused me of assault. She even recorded a video. If I did as you say, she might release the footage in a fit of desperation. If that happens, my career will be—”

Xavier raised his hand and interrupted Felix impassively, “Don't worry about Nicole. I'll take care of her. As long as you do as I say, I promise you'll be safe and sound, and you can keep being the illustrious Dr. Sollo when you get it done. I assure you that your position will not be affected in any way. But if you don't, consider yourself warned. I'm sure you can imagine what will happen to you once these documents are submitted. By the way, I might as well inform you that the person behind this investigation is Mr. Cayden Moore. The actual daughter of the Lambert family is his wife, which is all you need to know for now. You have two choices. Choose wisely, Felix.”

After his speech, Xavier cast a meaningful glance at Felix, then took his leave.

He knew that Felix was shrewd to have ascended to his current position and that he would understand better than most about choosing what was best for himself.

Felix slumped, defeated, into his chair after Xavier left. For a long time, he was unable to move.

Both of them have me by the balls. It doesn't matter who I throw under the bus, I'll end up ruined either way.

If he chose to betray Nicole, there might still be a chance to make amends, perhaps with Cayden's help.

But if he went against Cayden, however, he might as well forget about any chance of turning his life around.

Gritting his teeth, Felix quickly formulated a plan in his mind.

When Sunday rolled around, the Lambert residence was found to be bustling with joy from having their bloodline found and returned. Everybody in the Lambert family was in high spirits; they were already awake before the break of dawn.

Nicole was awakened early that morning by the noise. Dressed in her pajamas, she pulled back the curtains and peered downstairs from her room on the upper floor.

The living room was bustling with activity, filled with a number of relatives who had come to visit.

All of them were there for the true daughter of the Lambert family.

Nicole was frustrated.

She cannot recall a time when the Lambert residence was this lively. Even on the day she was adopted and brought home, her foster parents only had a small party with the Lambert family members.

The fact that they were going to such lengths to appease a phony person like Evangeline did not sit well with her.

Nicole was livid, but there was nothing she could do as she had brought it all upon herself.

Utterly gloomy, Nicole headed downstairs in her pajamas and slippers.

Claire frowned in disapproval when she saw Nicole descending the stairs in her pajamas. “How could you come down dressed like this, Nickie? Go back upstairs at once and put on something decent! How inappropriate of you to appear like this in front of everybody!”

Nicole bit her lip but did not return to her room. “Mom, I think it's good enough for us to have a simple dinner with Evangeline and the extended family at home. There's really no need to expose a man of Dad's status at a hotel just for a reunion banquet. It's too extravagant and bound to invite gossip.”

Not noticing the grievance in Nicole's eyes, Claire flapped a hand at her daughter. “Your sister has been lost out there for over twenty years, leading a life full of hardships. Her finally coming home today warrants a grand celebration. Go back upstairs and sleep in with Evangeline, Nickie. The stylist will come to do your makeup later. I'll call you when it's time.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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