Chapter 653 Clearly Related By Blood

Despite William's earnest efforts to present himself as kind-hearted, the unmistakable aura of authority stemming from his lengthy tenure in office remained palpable.

As soon as Avery laid eyes on him, a faint sense of trepidation crept into her heart. Perhaps it was the effect of his stern countenance, which seldom graced the world with a smile.

She couldn't help but move closer to Claire.

Claire thought that William had frightened Avery and gave him a disapproving glance.

Then, she took Avery's hand, guiding her to sit next to her. “Ery, sit here. There's no need to be so formal at my house. Just treat it like your own home.”

George was dressed very formally that day, and he seemed to be in a good mood. His eyes were bright, too.

He kept smiling at Avery. Pointing to the seat next to him, he said to Claire, “Claire, let Ery sit next to me. I enjoy chatting with the young ones.”

Ever since George found out that Avery was his biological granddaughter, he had been looking forward to meeting her every day.

Even without undergoing a DNA test, anyone who gazed at the young woman's face, which strikingly resembled Claire's, could easily discern the unmistakable bond between mother and daughter. No one would ever question their relationship.

Today, after much effort, George's daughter-in-law finally managed to invite her over to their home. Early in the morning, George hurried over from the Moore residence just to meet his granddaughter.

“It doesn't matter where you sit. We're just having a meal. Why all the fuss?” Fiona said, her face showing clear discomfort.

The memory of the past incident, when she had given Avery a hard time because of Nicole, lingered vividly in her mind.

She initially thought the young woman was her granddaughter's love rival and had spent quite some time mocking and belittling her. But to her surprise, the girl turned out to be her biological granddaughter.

Nevertheless, she hesitated to readily acknowledge this newfound granddaughter until the DNA test results were officially confirmed. Her past experience with the fake granddaughter, Evangeline, had made her cautious and wary.

To be honest, Fiona didn't feel particularly fond of Avery. Her demeanor was aggressive and straightforward, and her stubborn nature was hard to overlook. Unlike Nicole, who exuded gentleness and could sweet talk, Avery was quite different. Deep down, Fiona's heart leaned more toward her granddaughter, Nicole.

Nicole wrapped her arms around Fiona's arm, sweetly saying, “Grandma, my sister is an honored guest today. Let her sit wherever she wants.”

Avery knew that Fiona didn't like her.

Noticing a tinge of displeasure on Fiona's face, Avery made a conscious decision to take a seat beside Claire. With an apologetic tone, she turned to George and said, “Grandpa, I'll just sit next to Claire. I promise I'll come over and chat with you when I have some free time.”

At that moment, a sense of awkwardness washed over Avery. She realized that her hasty decision to follow Claire to the Lambert residence was driven by the desire to escape Allie's harassment.

Even though she knew Claire was her biological mother, the current situation was far from ideal. It didn't seem right for her to move into someone else's home so blatantly.

She furrowed her brow, contemplating whether she should leave or not.

“Sure. It's up to you.” Upon hearing Avery call him her grandfather, even though he knew it was just a term of respect, George was still overjoyed.

The two young people by the dining table were curiously staring at Avery.

The man looked to be around twenty-six or twenty-seven years old, radiating exceptional handsomeness and charisma. His presence exuded an air of effortless elegance, combined with a hint of scholarly sophistication.

Conversely, the woman seemed to be around twenty-two or twenty-three years old. Her features might not have fit the conventional standards of delicacy, but what she lacked in conventional beauty, she more than made up for with a distinctive and spirited aura.

Upon noticing Avery's gaze on them, they withdrew their scrutinizing looks, nodded at Avery, and offered her a friendly smile.

With enthusiasm, Claire introduced the two young individuals to Avery. “These two are Nicole's cousins, Luther Lambert and Heather Lambert. They are siblings, and Luther's the older one. Luther currently works in the Department of Foreign Affairs as a deputy minister, and Heather is still pursuing her Ph.D. She studies Remdikian and often works part-time as a Remdikian interpreter.”

“Hello, my name is Heather.” She introduced herself with a warm smile. “My aunt often talks about you, praising your exceptional qualities. And now that I have finally met you in person, I can see what she meant. You truly have a captivating aura. You're also quite attractive!” Heather was a straightforward and outgoing girl, unafraid to express her thoughts openly. With her carefree nature, she extended her hand toward Avery in a friendly gesture.

Even though Heather and Claire were not mother and daughter, they shared a great relationship. Claire often treated Heather like she was her own daughter, sharing everything with her.

Just a few days ago, Heather overheard her aunt mentioning that her long-lost biological daughter had been discovered. The news had filled her with an unparalleled sense of excitement.

Though she had found it difficult to believe at first, today's meeting with Avery, who her aunt had brought back to the Lambert family, finally confirmed the truth of her words.

Indeed, Avery's appearance greatly resembled her aunt's.

Blushing slightly, Avery shook Heather's hand, feeling a tad embarrassed by the praise. “Oh, Claire tends to exaggerate,” she replied modestly. “I'm not as exceptional as she makes me out to be. But I must say, your achievements are truly impressive. Becoming an interpreter at such a young age is quite remarkable.”

Glancing once again at Luther, Avery couldn't help but marvel at the outstanding siblings before her. One was remarkably young, yet was a deputy minister at the Department of Foreign Affairs. The other, at such a tender age, had already embarked on a journey to pursue a Ph.D. and was gracefully handling the highly demanding role of interpretation.

In the presence of such accomplished siblings, Nicole seemed overshadowed.

Although Avery and Heather had never met before, they hit it off immediately and chatted away.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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