Chapter 664 The Aura Becomes Exceptionally Powerful

Trident Group.

Avery looked at the financial statements of Trident Group sent over by Xavier. As she saw those numbers, her delicate eyebrows slightly furrowed.

During her postpartum confinement, Trident Group was like a dragon without a head. Even with the capable assistance of Xavier, it was still not enough. The stocks of Trident Group kept plummeting severely, falling directly from the highest point to the lowest.

Perhaps due to a lack of morale, the overall performance of the company had been on a continuous decline.

Looking at the thick stack of documents, which were almost entirely bad news, Avery couldn't help but rub her temples.

This felt so difficult.

Now she fully understood how busy Cayden, the group's boss, was every day, and how mentally and physically draining his job could be.

She truly felt helpless, never having considered why Cayden would entrust such a large company to her, a woman who had never been involved in business before.

She was under tremendous pressure, sometimes even contemplating giving up and letting the company fall into ruin.

But most of the time, Avery was very rational.

She was determined not to let Cayden's years of efforts be ruined by her own hands. Even if she couldn't make Trident Group thrive under her leadership, she had to maintain its current status at the very least. This was the goal Avery set for herself.

Of course, Trident Group was a renowned multinational corporation after all. Even though it had been facing various challenges recently, its foundation was still very strong. It was not something that can be quickly destroyed by just anyone.

Gathering her thoughts, Avery continued to work on the documents.

When she saw the document indicating Wisteria's failed bid, she paused for a moment, then quickly pressed the intercom. “Tina, could you ask Ms. Summers to come over?”

Wisteria entered the CEO's office and saw Avery, who was frowning at a pile of documents. With a hint of disdain on her face, she asked, “Ms. Rumpley, you wanted to see me?”

Avery noticed Wisteria's arrogant attitude, which slightly displeased her. However, she didn't show it, and instead asked patiently, “Ms. Summers, I am seeing you about the bidding on Chimera Lake. Why did this bidding...”

Wisteria plopped down on the swivel chair opposite Avery, crossing her legs nonchalantly. Then, she interrupted, “You want to ask why I lost the bid? I'm really sorry, but our competitor was the powerful Xenos Group. You should know that the chairman of that company is the second son of the Xenos family. The Xenos family is very influential, and that man is a classic smiling tiger. He's always been underhanded and cunning, stopping at nothing to snatch bids. When Mr. Moore was around, he could keep him in check, but now that Mr. Moore is gone, no one can restrain him. It's only natural that we lost the bid this time.”

“Moreover, there's a saying that a new official must make his mark. I remember clearly how resolute you were in your promise to secure that piece of land in Chimera Lake. You've been in office for nearly two months now, and not only have you failed to secure the land in Chimera Lake, but you've also lost quite a few of our major clients who were personally handled by Mr. Moore. Ms. Rumpley, you really are something! Also, you...”

Wisteria's words, filled with veiled praises and hidden criticisms, were like a prickly cactus, poking deep into Avery's heart. Each word was like a bloody wound, causing great discomfort.

“Ms. Summers!”

A stern look crossed Avery's gentle face. “You should be well aware of my current situation. I returned to work at the company right after my baby turned one month old. There are many works that I'm not familiar with, and I'm learning as much as I can. Although my current abilities may not be enough to win your full respect, there is a learning period for everyone. I believe that in the future, I will be fully capable of fulfilling the role of acting president. Please give me some time. Of course, the failure of this bid is largely due to my shortcomings, but whatever we've lost, I will make sure to regain from elsewhere. Also, I know you have a lot of complaints about me right now, but no matter how much you disdain me, and how much you don't want to admit it, I am still your superior. Please mind your work attitude!”

At that moment, Avery's aura became extraordinarily powerful. The woman's delicate features were accentuated by her fierce demeanor, making her even more intimidating.

The air around became tense, filled with imminent tension. Wisteria even felt as if she was about to be swallowed whole.

That kind of feeling even made her, a strong woman, feel a bit intimidated.

Aside from Cayden, Wisteria had never feared anyone.

But now, she actually felt a bit uneasy facing Avery, who used to be nothing in the past. It's really unbelievable!

Of course, Wisteria admitted that she didn't give her all in this bidding. If the president was still Cayden, she would find a way to win the bid no matter how difficult the situation was.

But now, the one in control of Trident Group was Avery, a woman she despised so much it made her grit her teeth in anger. Why should I win the bid and benefit this woman?

Wisteria still showed disdain, but her arrogant attitude had significantly subsided under Avery's pressure. “Let's wait and see. I'm curious to see what tricks you'll pull with Trident Group. The company is the fruit of Mr. Moore's hard work, so be careful not to get burned playing with fire!”

She was waiting to see this woman make a fool of herself!

After Wisteria left, Avery felt somewhat restless, slumping into the swivel chair like a deflated ball.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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