Chapter 665 When Will Daddy Be Back

Tina introduced Patrick to Avery, and the two of them had a long conversation in the office. It was unclear what exactly they discussed, but Avery decided that the very next day, she would go and personally inspect the project that Patrick had taken a liking to.



Avery returned home, worn out from a day of work. But the moment she saw Cal in the cradle, all her fatigue vanished.

Cal bore a striking resemblance to Cayden, whether it was his black, round eyes, his high-bridged nose, or his tender pink lips, he seemed to have been carved from the same mold as his father.

And what the baby inherited from Avery were his long, dense eyelashes and his translucent, snow-white skin.

“My little darling, have you been a good boy today? Have you missed Mommy?” Avery took off her coat, gently lifted Cal from his cradle, and played with him. She casually asked the nanny, “Has Cal kicked up a fuss today?”

“Yiyaya...” The baby seemed to be responding to Avery's words, grinning at her and blowing a small string of milk bubbles.

“No, no, ma'am. Your baby is just so well-behaved. He didn't fuss at all the entire day. He loves to smile and doesn't cry, truly a joy to take care of. To be honest, I've been a nanny for many years, and I've looked after at least dozens if not hundreds of babies. But I've never seen an easy baby like Cal.”

The nanny, Mila, watched the loving interaction between mother and child, then she responded with a warm, contented smile.

What she said was the truth. The lady of the house was beautiful and gentle. She treated all the maids extremely well and did not treat them as outsiders at all. The little girl was pretty and adorable, inheriting the best genes from her parents. At first glance, she was incredibly likable.

However, this household lacked a capable man. Sometimes, seeing the lady of the house busy like a top every day, they all feel quite heartbroken.

Avery said to Mila, “I've been quite busy with work these days. Thank you for taking such good care of Cal.”

The other nanny, Fannie, chattered on, “It's our duty, ma'am, to ensure you don't overwork yourself. You need to take care of your health. A woman who has just finished her confinement period can still fall ill if she exhausts herself too much. If only your husband were still here, he was such a good man, he would never let you suffer no matter what.”

Mila sharply nudged Fannie with her elbow, only then did she suddenly realize she had said something she shouldn't have.

Before they arrived, they had a general understanding of the situation at home. Looking at Avery's sorrowful eyes, Fannie hurriedly covered her mouth. “I'm sorry, ma'am, I...”

“It's fine. You all start preparing dinner. I'll take Cal for a stroll in the garden,” said Avery, her back to them, suppressing the sorrow in her eyes as she carried Cal towards the garden.

The two nannies looked at their mistress's lonely yet strong figure, exchanged a glance, sighed, and then went about their own tasks.

Avery carried Cal to the back garden.

The faint fragrance of osmanthus flowers, refreshing and invigorating, pervaded the air. The garden was filled with a variety of green plants, which bloomed well even at this time of year.

As the evening sun's afterglow illuminated the sea of flowers, it reflected a dreamlike light, bringing a sense of tranquility to anyone who beheld it.

Avery settled herself in a wicker chair at the heart of the garden. In her arms, Cal, with his round, wide-open eyes, was giggling as he gazed at his mother.

He would occasionally babble a few baby words as if whispering secrets to his mother, “Yayayi... Oh...”

Avery looked at her son, his face a mini version of Cayden's. She couldn't help but kiss his tender cheeks, her nose tingling with emotion. She asked, “Baby, can you tell Mommy when Daddy will be back?”

Perhaps sensing his mother's sadness, the usually cheerful baby couldn't help but pout, looking as if he was about to burst into tears. Suddenly, he started to fuss and cry out in Avery's arms, “Wah...”

Avery quickly composed her sorrowful emotions and began to gently rock him, soothing Cal with tender words. “Good boy, don't cry. Mommy loves you...”

The little one suddenly broke into a joyful grin, his chubby little hands touching his mother's face. His giggles were so heartwarming, they could melt anyone's heart.

Although this child is only two months old, he truly is a little imp.

Just then, Avery's phone, which was on the table, began to ring.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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