Chapter 674 Biological Mother

Jeffrey said to Avery, “Ery, you've met William and Claire before, so I don't need to introduce them to you, right? They've come to the Moore residence today specifically for you.”

“For me?” Avery's puzzled gaze fell on William and Claire. “Is there something you need from me?”

Claire's lips moved slightly as she stood up from the couch, nervously handing Avery a test report.

The housekeeper took the baby from Avery's arms.

Avery took the report and skimmed through it. The moment she saw the words DNA Test Report on the page, realization dawned upon her.

She glanced down at the bottom of the page, where the test results showed a near hundred percent similarity with William and Claire, the doubts that had been weighing on her heart seemed to dissipate all at once.

“Mrs. Lambert...” she called out, her gaze filled with complexity.

Claire looked at Avery, her eyes shimmering as she clutched the younger woman's hand, unable to conceal her excitement. “You won't mind that I took some of your hair for a DNA test without your knowledge, right? I've been suspecting your identity for a long time, but I didn't dare tell you. I'm actually... your biological mother.”

Avery's hand was trembling slightly.

The sight of Claire's tear-streaked face made her eyes well up with tears as well.

Avery then glanced at William, who had always appeared composed and dignified. At that moment, his eyes were similarly filled with anticipation and joy.

This couple turned out to be her biological parents.

In truth, Avery had known about this matter beforehand. However, when the moment came to openly acknowledge their kinship, she still felt a tight knot of anxiety in her heart.

“Do you still remember me? I'm Heather. When you visited the Lambert residence before this, Aunt Claire said that she found her biological daughter. I thought she was joking, but it turns out you really are my cousin. This is such great news!” Heather exclaimed, grabbing Avery's hand.


Avery looked up at Claire, who was sobbing. “Ery, can you please call me 'Mom'?”

Seeing the look of anticipation on Claire's face, Avery couldn't bring herself to say a word. Her rosy lips quivered ever so slightly.

Even though she knew this woman was indeed her biological mother, she found it hard to change the way she addressed her.

The woman's jet-black eyes resembled the dark night sky, with stars shining brightly within, pure yet filled with helplessness.

Claire felt a bit disheartened upon seeing Avery's hesitant expression. Embracing Avery, she said gently, “It's okay. I understand that it's hard for you to accept the truth right away. We still have a lot of time, and I can wait. I'm content enough to have found my daughter in my lifetime.”

Quietly, William watched the reunion of his wife and their daughter, his heart filled with joy and relief.

We finally found our daughter. Claire won't have to live each day in guilt and self-blame, and our daughter will never be alone again.

Meanwhile, Nicole, who had been restless ever since they arrived at the Moore residence, watched the scene of Avery and Claire embracing each other with palpable jealousy in her gaze. However, she was an actress after all, and she excelled at controlling her emotions.

She walked up to the two of them, handing Claire a tissue as she pretended to be happy for them. “Mom, congratulations to you and Dad for finally finding my sister. Our family is finally complete. You should be happy now that we've finally reunited. Please don't cry anymore. I believe Avery wouldn't want to see you in tears. Isn't that right, Avery?” Nicole's smile was filled with innocence as if she were really a sweet, unworldly young lady.

If Avery wasn't once a victim of Nicole's schemes and experienced how venomous she could be, Avery would've been deceived by her innocent demeanor. Others might not have noticed, but the chilliness in Nicole's eyes wasn't lost on Avery.

Nicole, linking arms with Claire, nestled her head affectionately against the latter's shoulder. It was as if she was asserting her dominance, implicitly telling Avery that an outsider like her could never ruin their mother-daughter relationship of nearly twenty years despite the fact that Avery was Claire's biological daughter.

Nicole's provocative gaze made Avery curve her lips into a smirk. She then hugged Claire's other arm and smiled tenderly. “Of course. She's my mom, too, so you're not the only one who cares about her. As her daughter, I too, don't want to see Mom in tears.”

Claire's eyes lit up when she heard Avery's words.

Gripping her daughter's hand tightly, she stared at the younger woman in utter disbelief. “W-What did you just call me?”

Avery blinked. “I called you 'Mom'.”

“Good girl! Good girl! Did you hear that, Will? Our daughter just called me 'Mom'!” Claire, who was usually elegant and reserved, behaved like a child who had just received candy, overjoyed and excited as she threw herself into her husband's arms.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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